Frage von Asparagus:
I have the following problem: I want movies of my MINI DVD into AVI or wmv on my computer. My camera (Samsung vp-dc 171w) stores the movies on the DVD as. Vob file from. And so I can not edit movies.
What opportunities are there for me, the films that I somehow So have avi or wmv? I've been around the converter, with "super" tried, but this has not really worked.
Would be nice if someone helps me.
Antwort von Markus73:
[...] My camcorder (Samsung vp-dc 171w) stores the movies on the DVD as. Vob file from. And so I can not edit movies. [...] Hm, so there are video software, with the VOB files can. What software are you working for?
Antwort von Asparagus:

Antwort von Meggs:

Have you tried the VOB's in *. mpg to nominate? Pinnacle Studio can as far as I know, synonymous MPEGs cut.