Frage von Gödeke_Michels:
a few questions: How does her with the MiniDV tapes? I
now have a "stack" of 190 bands, since the small
Carton confusing. * Is there good "systems such as
then the floppy drive or CD-boxes?
And how you read the tapes Ein? With the camera or with a
Desktop unit? What is currently the price range? My last search (by
Around 2003) for desktop devices showed a lower price range of 1300
Euro, as I prefer but then a 2 nd Camera purchased ...
Is there maybe already "bare" drives in the shaft at the Tower
purely fit?
MiniMAC C2D - Nice little box ...
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:

Gödeke Michels wrote:
> Hello,
> A few questions: How does her with the MiniDV tapes? I
> Now have a "stack" of 190 bands, since the small
> Carton confusing. * Is there good "systems such as
> Then the floppy drive or CD-boxes?
I only pick on MINI DV tapes (I use there is still a
MiniDV Camera) if these are really important. There are now approximately
20 pieces for this status of me and I got it in store
a really heavy, discarded cash box. This is a
Cassette from properly thick steel plate, not such a tin plate
;) Where they are dry (with a bag Trockengel), dark, before
magnetic influences largely protected and the only place s.einem
small temperature fluctuations through.
As a player serves the camcorder. For digital camcorders is
the influence of wear on interference when playing less than the
analog records of the case. The camera I use synonymous
BETA of the digitizer, Super Beta, VHS and S-VHS tape when it
should be.
> And as you read the tapes Ein? With the camera or with a
> Desktop machine? What is currently the price range? My last search (by
> 2003 down) for desktop devices revealed a lower price range of 1300
> Euro, as I prefer but then a 2 nd Camera purchased ...
I feel that this is a good idea. If I buy a new camcorder
, would I choose the hard drive to record and
Although possible, DV-AVI format, in any case as a MPG or something similar.
><(((°> ><(((*<><(((°> ><(((*<
If the environment is a bank, it would have saved it long ago
Antwort von Gödeke_Michels:

Bernd Nomi
> I only pick on MINI DV tapes (I use there is still a
> MiniDV Camera) if these are really important.
I synonymous. The concerts of a relative, with 3 cameras, 2
times per year, what do you mean how much in 5 years because of them alone
coming together. Only times as an example.
MiniMAC C2D - Nice little box ...
Antwort von Thomas Einzel:
Gödeke Michels wrote:
> Hello,
> A few questions: How does her with the MiniDV tapes? I
> Now have a "stack" of 190 bands, since the small
> Carton confusing. * Is there good "systems such as
> Then the floppy drive or CD-boxes?
MiniDV tape has a capacity of 13GB (60min) and 17GB
(80min), I am simply times with 15GB - about 2.8 TB.
So (after sighting whether everything is to be secured) would
I am on several external hard disks (or a housing with multiple
HDDs as JBOD), locate the cheapest prices (about 6 to 7Cent per GB
currently have 1TB and 1.5TB HDDs
Better would be min. 2 disks rates ...
The original tapes, I would only consider as a backup in
arbitrary board at conditions recommended by the manufacturer. Or
Delete and sell and a 2nd HDD record.
> And as you read the tapes Ein? With the camera or with a
> Desktop machine? What is currently the price range? My last search (by
> 2003 down) for desktop devices revealed a lower price range of 1300
> Euro, as I prefer but then a 2 nd Camera purchased ...
> Is there maybe already "bare" drives in the shaft at the Tower
> Fit inside?
AFAIK, there were the times - for multiple price cheaper MiniDV camcorder.
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"" Gödeke Michels' " wrote in news post
MiniDV cassettes: Reading (without camera) and storing? # # #
> Hello,
> A few questions: How does her with the MiniDV tapes? I
> Now have a "stack" of 190 bands, since the small
> Carton confusing. * Is there good "systems such as
> Then the floppy drive or CD-boxes?
Hmmm ... I play the tapes back most, if the "end product" of the
Band (eg DVD) has been created. Until the initial dropouts us
distinguish ...
A few tapes are in the cabinet around. The move soon into a
sturdy cardboard box, if possible to save space, because I do not have access drauf
In your situation, I would inLagerung visible of Page
Cassette shell with the recording date and a fitting title label.
Strangely, I found the specification of a packaging manufacturer, the cassette
should be stored below.
> And as you read the tapes Ein? With the camera or with a
> Desktop machine? What is currently the price range? My last search (by
> 2003 down) for desktop devices revealed a lower price range of 1300
> Euro, as I prefer but then a 2 nd Camera purchased ...
Perhaps it is a relic from the analog days, but I play cassettes
possible with the device, with which I have recorded synonymous (in the making
Digital format really does not make sense).
A pure desktop device, I have a few months ago on a website
seen. But that was all professional equipment, and the price I
not noticed, too expensive. A second camera as a "backup system" as making
really more sense.
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:
Individual Thomas wrote:
> So (after sighting whether everything is to be secured) would
> I am on several external hard disks (or a housing with multiple
> HDDs as JBOD), locate the cheapest prices (about 6 to 7Cent per GB
> Currently have 1TB and 1.5TB HDDs
> Better would be min. 2 disks rates ...
> The original tapes, I would only consider as a backup in
> Arbitrary box with conditions recommended by the manufacturer. Or
> Delete and sell and a 2nd HDD record.
... just as I make it. The tapes are only a further backup, the
However, do not have been processed. The finished
Movies I save on 2 hard several times a year compared
and reviewed. This time I double save synonymous with the
Music files so it took me almost a year's work lost, all
CDs, LPs and DATs to capture, tag, etc. Since then I am not
frivolous and trust in just one medium.
The tapes do I particularly so in the above-mentioned Stahlkassete
on it because I had s.bereits b) I magnetic influences possible
to exclude.
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> Perhaps it is a relic from the analog days, but I play cassettes
> Possible with the device, with which I have recorded synonymous (in the making
Digital format really does not make sense).
Jaiiin, drives use off the track situation is changing ium run
time etc. In the case of analog systems, we notice the rather early
Picture-or / and Tonfehlern. Digital systems are more tolerant because what
However, as a fallacious case may prove. If there is indeed
this tolerance is exceeded, is often "of now on the same" garnicht
more. Then the player as synonymous with analog devices on the
existing tape set. Especially common are these
Wear when using a camera for a very long
Period was used. At the end can be very old tapes
(first used) is no longer easy to play and if you
the Camera for maintenance and there is the drive to restore
was, the last recorded not play. Thus
rumschrauben or a cheap second device at ebay buy. That I had
times with a Hi8 camcorder so have to do.
><(((°> ><(((*<><(((°> ><(((*<
If the environment is a bank, it would have saved it long ago
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Bernd Nomi" wrote in news post
Re: MiniDV cassettes: Reading (without camera) and storing? # # #
> Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
>> Perhaps it is a relic from the analog days, but I play
>> Cassettes possible with the unit, with whom I recorded it synonymous
>> Have (in digital format makes no sense really).
> Jaiiin, drives use off the track situation is changing over ium
> Time, etc. In the case of analog systems, we notice the rather early-s.Picture
> Or / and Tonfehlern. Digital systems are more tolerant because what
> However, as a fallacious case may prove.
- Snip --
Yes, good old "tracking" of the tape drives ;-)
So as soon as possible to bring manufacturing medium, preferably by
Original recording device.
From the influence of magnetic fields on the tape, I wanted only
garnicht start here but it makes sense:
I had a DV camera recording at times because of the prospect of a
Beverage refrigerator laid, which was totally wrong. The tape was new, the
Camera functional, but the tape was from the E-magnetic
Radiation "angelöscht". - And was no longer useful.
Thanks for the confirmation, I'm still not alterssenil ;-)
Antwort von Gödeke_Michels:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
> Strangely, I found the specification of a packaging manufacturer, the cassette
> Should be stored below.
Is not strange:
Prone to the tapes over time, synonymous in the winding,
slip and wrinkle. Or the tape is not exactly the correct position
with other tracks on top of each other. Knick power or Rusch tracks.
When standing storage such effects can hardly arise.
MiniMAC C2D - Nice little box ...
Antwort von Bernd Nomi:
Gödeke Michels wrote:
> Prone to the tapes over time, synonymous in the winding,
> Slip and wrinkle. Or the tape is not exactly the correct position
> With other tracks on top of each other. Knick power or Rusch tracks.
> When standing storage such effects can hardly arise.
while not in the pictures all persons acting by Color
Head start in the legs seeps. ;)
><(((°> ><(((*<><(((°> ><(((*<
If the environment is a bank, it would have saved it long ago
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Bernd Nomi" wrote in news post
Re: MiniDV cassettes: Reading (without camera) and storing? # # #
> Gödeke Michels wrote:
- Snip --
> While not in the pictures all persons acting head of Color
> Beginning in the legs seeps. ;)
LOL - that is! How can I get the old VHS tapes to save: A few days
"upside down" basket. Some tapes make "pale feet" and "colored people",
this is not a tracking problem ;-)
Antwort von Volker Schauff:
Gödeke Michels wrote:
> And as you read the tapes Ein? With the camera or with a
> Desktop machine? What is currently the price range? My last search (by
> 2003 down) for desktop devices revealed a lower price range of 1300
> Euro, as I prefer but then a 2 nd Camera purchased ...
The cheapest method is still camcorder. There are actually
only three categories of devices:
- Camcorders (with a used defective Optics as a mere player
should do it, if you want to save the other, the only problem is
MiniDV that long play often depends heavily s.Aufnahmegerät and with
Cams and other standalone garnicht is playable, SP is not an issue)
- SVHS MiniDV combos (only used of JVC, whose MiniDV
Drives have been pretty bad to be what the processing is concerned,
Camcorders were probably drives on frontloading converted).
Used prices if I remember to 500 euros.
- DV and DVCAM, the standalone synonymous large DV tape record
can. So s.2000 Used euro price you're here. These are
However, synonymous Heavy Duty Equipment thy dead animals and almost 200
Cassettes for breakfast.
> Is there maybe already "bare" drives in the shaft at the Tower
> Fit inside?
Already? Would be nice if they "still" exist. FAST and Como had
(identical) sowas mal end of the 90s. So every two years appears sowas times
Ebay goes on and on utopian Used prices in the 4-digit
Area (Neupreis / - a bit) away. It is the only one synonymous
modified drive camcorder.
Gruß ... Volker Schauff (thunderbird.elite @, ICQ 22823502) - About Saber Rider and other 80s series - Forum for Spät70er - early-90s TV nostalgists - For fantasy / medieval times and all sorts of creative
Antwort von Volker Schauff:
Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
>> Jaiiin, drives use off the track situation is changing ium run
>> The time, etc. In the case of analog systems, we notice the rather early
>> S.Picture or / and Tonfehlern. Digital systems are more tolerant because of what
>> However, as a fallacious case may prove.
> - Snip --
> Yes, good old "tracking" of the tape drives ;-)
Only that the tracking is not understood can imagine, unless it is
Maintenance of a "vexatious" adjusted.
The Umlenkpfosten the synonymous for mechanical belt tracking and hence
for its location along the video heads are responsible, are
usually there like a one and are not moving. That
it is unfortunate, poorly constructed individual cases in which there is
adjusting the pole, may well be, but that is the exception rather than
the rule.
By tracking it Bewandnis following: Since all current
Video systems with Schrätspuraufzeichnung work with rotating heads,
they need information, where the oblique tracks begin. VCR, VHS and
Betamax were in favor on a linear track (with the help of a second
Track on the following linear audio head) written stimuli. Straight
to the early days of home videos, there were sometimes problems that
Audio heads are not always uniformly close s.Videokopf were assembled,
Thus, the tracking pulses in a foreign host are sometimes
early or too late and missed the head of the rotating input or output
of the track. Tracking is nothing more than a variable delay of the
Control pulse of the Capstan servo head-and ourselves. Therefore tend
tapes with very badly set up tracking situation sometimes synonymous to
while tracking the car quite a drone to the recorder during the
Auto-tracking einmisst because the speed of the Capstan Servos
nachgeregelt is constantly and the sound of the car while tracking (because yes
synonymous, the hi-fi tracks are oblique traces) of the linear track comes.
Video2000 and Video8/Hi8 have already tracking garkein more, because without it
Control head to work but their track position and dynamic auto
the basis of other criteria referred lead. With the internals of MiniDV and how
his footsteps, I will still not employed.
But how was the synonymous, tracking each of the tracking device s.VHS
blocks are not familiar with the time (because of how thick head
just sits and what the control pulses on the tape is no longer synonymous
move) and can always settling, if not some
Amateur rumgeschraubt has previously s.Aufnahmerekorder.
Against Umlenkpfosten adjusted auto-tracking is powerless, but the
adjust itself (with a few exceptions with dramaitschem
Construction error) is not synonymous so readily.
Gruß ... Volker Schauff (thunderbird.elite @, ICQ 22823502) - About Saber Rider and other 80s series - Forum for Spät70er - early-90s TV nostalgists - For fantasy / medieval times and all sorts of creative
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
"Volker Schauff" wrote in news post
news: h0rmi5 $ o1n $ 00 $ ...
> Ralf Grobe, D. wrote:
>>> Jaiiin, drives use off the track situation is changing ium run
>>> The time, etc. In the case of analog systems, we notice the rather early
>>> Picture-or / and Tonfehlern. Digital systems are more tolerant because what
>>> However, as a fallacious case may prove.
>> - Snip --
>> Yes, good old "tracking" of the tape drives ;-)
> Only that the tracking is not understood can imagine, unless it is a
> Maintenance "willfully" adjusted.
- Snip --
Thanks for the detailed technical description. Tracking is then
of course, an inaccurate term.
Perhaps it was s.ungleich adjusted band tours (uprights) or
Contamination of the drum, but to me more frequently met problem
was that the lower edge of the image Videroaufzeichnung flickered and the sound
was not clean, if the VHS tape is no longer on the recorder
has finished on which it was recorded.
A similar effect was so synonymous with music cassettes, based on
Cheap devices were - if I may Azimuth nachjustiert
had, there was cleaner sound.
Antwort von Martin D. Bartsch:
On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 23:36:280200, Ralf Grobe, D. "
> Strangely, I found the specification of a packaging manufacturer, the cassette
> should be stored below.
Thus the band edges will not be charged. If the Control Track
Macken, is the tape over.
Antwort von Ralf- D. Grobe:
Martin D. Bartsch " wrote in news post
Re: MiniDV cassettes: Reading (without camera) and storing? # # #
> On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 23:36:280200, Ralf Grobe, D. "
> wrote:
>> Strangely, I found the specification of a packaging manufacturer, the cassette
>> should be stored below.
> In order for the band edges will not be charged. If the Control Track
> Quirks, is the tape over.
Thanks, that was understandable German.
(Well, as I have them for reasons of space always kept)
Antwort von Dennis Reinhardt:
Martin D. Bartsch wrote:
> In order for the band edges will not be charged. If the Control Track
> Quirks, is the tape over.
I assume much s.das it makes no difference whether they
on the narrow or wide Page, or? With me are several
hochkannt on the shelf (label side down in front), others are in the
Drawer with the label or Page Up ...
Gruß, Dennis
Antwort von Dennis Reinhardt:
Volker Schauff wrote:
> Already? Would be nice if they "still" exist. FAST and Como had
> (Identical) sowas mal end of the 90s. So every two years appears sowas times
> On Ebay and go to utopian Used prices in the 4-digit
> Area (Neupreis / - a bit) away. It is the only one synonymous
> Modified drive camcorder.
Quiz: the drives appear all over Firewire to angeklemmt
will. Can the non-drivers (similar to a MiniDV-Cam) s.einen
Firewire port and then connecting via video playback software,
Coils and recordings? Or because it needs something more, such as the
related video card?
Gruß, Dennis
Antwort von Martin D. Bartsch:
On Sat, 13 Jun 2009 03:05:470200, Dennis Reinhardt
> I guess at times strongly
I synonymous
Antwort von Birger Jesch:
"Dennis Reinhardt" wrote in news post
> Quiz: the drives appear all over Firewire angeklemmt =
> Are. Can the non-drivers (similar to a MiniDV-Cam) on =
> Firewire port and then connecting via video playback software,
> Coils and recordings? Or because it needs something more, such as the
> Corresponding video card?
No, "simple" firewire port power (Molex as =
Hard disks)
last. In principle, such drives are nothing more than a DV-Cam =
Optics and at 5.1 / 4 "trimmed. Also" Play Back "(ie tape =
works perfectly. We have a part for years in operation.
> Gruß, Dennis
Antwort von Dennis Reinhardt:
Birger Jesch wrote:
> No, "simple" firewire port power (Molex like hard disks)
> Last. In principle, such drives are nothing more than a DV-Cam without
> Optics and at 5.1 / 4 "trimmed. Also" Play Back "(also on tape recording)
> Works perfectly. We have a part for years in operation.
> Birger
Ah, thanks for the info:)
When broken Powermac G3 is sort of fellow with a DV Octopos
Studio card inside. Can the card synonymous in a Windows computer
use? I got to the net just found the info that is probably the DV
Master the same hardware should have, but whether the driver (the
probably only for Win95 and NT?) were synonymous with the Mac Card
work was not.
Random ne Ahnung? I've still many DV tapes, as it would be a
NEN drive so good to have and not always with the Camera
rumzufummeln, primarily because of the HeavyDuty application for the masses. :)
Gruß, Dennis
Antwort von Birger Jesch:
"Dennis Reinhardt" wrote in news contribution =
news: h19clk $ r1v $ 00 $ ...
> When broken Powermac G3 is sort of fellow with a Octopos =
> Map studio there. Can the card synonymous in a Windows computer
> Use? I got to the net just found the info that is probably the DV =
> Master the same hardware should have, but whether the driver (the
> Probably only for Win95 and NT?) Were synonymous with the =
Mac Card
> Function was not.
> Random ne idea? I've still many DV tapes, as it would be =
> NEN drive so good to have and not always with the Camera
> Rumzufummeln, primarily because of the HeavyDuty application for the masses. =
> Gruß, Dennis
For the DP-Master's since Win NT Drivers no longer. At your =
Body would
I 10 euros in a firewire card and invest the s.dieser =
Drive connected.
This is the way, as SonyDVCam recognized. The DV Master, we have =
to digitize analog connected sources and is required =
For years (wg.
missing drivers) is no longer in use.