Frage von chrisberlin:
'm new here in this forum and I would be very happy about your help, because I found nothing on the net and have Apple employees exactly synonymous nothing concrete could say.
I turn on the Camera Sony PMW-EX1 XDCAM format in a documentary in HD.
Which MINI MALE, configuration of the cheapest I can with Apple Final Cut Pro Studio 2, to the material without interference and to cut crashes? If a Powerbook G4 with 1 GB of RAM? Or there must be an entirely new model be?
If the Imac 2Ghz Core Duo?
Unfortunately, I have very very little money to have to buy what is s.billigsten, if needed.
Please help me next. Thank you! Chris
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

I have only one of Apple Macbook with 2GHz and 1 GB of RAM and this is purely for the cut with Final Cut from. Sure are you waiting for the rendering of HDV material occasionally a bit, but if you are not under extreme time pressure, enough already. Runs stable and never crashes from eig.
Other Studio Tools can sometimes cause problems, but FC is good.
Antwort von Axel:

The MacBook has a rather small cut Resolutionfür HD (headaches and too small for reasonable view control). The iMac is already better, at least 20 ", s.besten 2 GB Ram.
Powerbook G4 is still G4. This may be redundant, at least not play HDV. Of your belongings but do not know format.
Antwort von zufaelliger gast.:

iMac core 2duo goes well. Mine has 2.16 GHz, is synonymous Motion gut. Take 24 inches, then you can actually live with a screen. An additional TV monitor (although SD) you can easily with a small adapter of Apple (20 EUR) to join. But just do not think that you monitor s.SD ne HDV sharpness judge could ...
Antwort von Axel:
An additional TV monitor (although SD) you can easily with a small adapter of Apple (20 EUR) to join. But just do not think that you monitor s.SD ne HDV sharpness judge could ... You can easily full-HD panel displays dranhängen, synonymous s.den 20 ". There are different cable adapter.
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

@ Axel: For an average picture of 1280x800 really from.
Regarding another monitor is in my view, the best solution, a good CRT for one euro on ebay to fetch. Can often be more than full HD and are in comparison to many TFTs ideal for the color.
Ultimately, all donors tip in mind that Chris after a minimum configuration asked.
Antwort von wolfgang:
@ Axel: For an average picture of 1280x800 really from.
Not really - the EX1 produces yes 1920x1080er material. Sure you can take as a monitor, if not the money being made - but really reliable assessment of the sharpness of such a reduced Resolutioneigentlich not.
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

And while turning the focus to be able to judge correctly, yes, you do not usually synonymous Full HD preview monitor. And if you're the Wolfgang, of whom I think my wonderful presets get to have, did you not synonymous.
Antwort von Badd:

And now please (almost) all again the question of our post's to read.
HDV comes not only from time to time. I strongly s.dass Mr at least occasionally in the HQ mode with 35MBits will rotate. The first is to be considered.
Secondly, that the EX-MXF-files only s.einer some version of Final Cut are supported, and synonymous to a corresponding power is required.
So if you're not with 35MBits XDCAM-EX. MXF - Mac files on his cuts, and experience to do so, may please be silent.
XDCAM EX has little in common with HDV. Already a matter because it is in mpeg4 mode 35MBits and not like HDV is mpeg2.
I am not cut out with Mac, so I can not say these devices. Our host had
this And countless relating to cutting s.Mac.
Antwort von Badd:

So if you're not with 35MBits XDCAM-EX. MXF - Mac files on his cuts, and experience to do so, may please be silent.
XDCAM EX has little in common with HDV. Already a matter because it is in mpeg4 mode 35MBits and not like HDV is mpeg2.
I do not cut with Mac A) why you will not remain silent even if you have no experience.
B) and why you are telling the wrong things? The EX1 is material in a container before mpe4, extracted it (with the Sonygelieferten of tools), it is obviously mpeg2.
The difference with HDV is much larger than many people want to admit - there are always long GOPs, the data normalized on the number of pixels is very similar to the vulnerability towards blurring when panning or rapid movements virtually identical, despite 1920x1080 25p.
And the sharpness control: just because you do not when turning full-HD monitor available, is the sharpness control präzisse - somewhere in the processing chain. This applies both for HDV, AVCHD as synonymous for EX1 material.
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

@ Guest: Thanks.
Resolution: From my experience, the resolution in the difficult self-control sharpness when using a DOF adapter. Certainly this may be one or the other perfectionists are not professional enough, but since the questioner after the minimum configuration and this is synonymous nor its importance according to pretty big has written, I think this method is quite impractical.
Antwort von chrisberlin:

Thank you for your reply. The XDCAM format of the EX1 is actually something other than HDV. I have an HDV project with little problems s.Powerbook G4 can intersect.
As for the minimum configuration I have no really clear answer. I am especially around the processor or the computer, not the monitor.
Is it now possible, with a MacBook or not to cut? Which version should it be minimal?
Sorry, I just barely Money, therefore, urge me so much on a specific information.
For your help many many thanks!
Antwort von Axel:

Hey, if Uli Plank from the Final Cut Pro forum tells you that a MacBook or a MacMini Intel range, then this is the Amen. This man knows what he's talking about.
Antwort von chrisberlin:

absolute nonsense, on a MacMini, you'll be difficult for an HD project can Wupper .... Sorry, but I know so much more synonymous.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Nonsense. A Mac mini is perfectly.
Antwort von chrisberlin:

Aha, did not know that the Intel GMA 950 GPU HD-capable and that an 5400er hard drive fast enough for the XDCAM format. Where do you put your information?
Antwort von chrisberlin:

.... and that one with Firewire 400 can work without problems, I knew not synonymous ....
Antwort von PowerMac:

Since I can only say you are pretty ignorant and searched for it in return, no idea.
Theme Data: XDCAM EX has just 4.6 MB / s. Each laptop hard drive creates loose four to five lanes - both when reading and writing. Thee is the internal memory too little? Plug any USB 2.0 or Firewire disks turn. The data rate of Firewire 400 is enough for about ten (!) XDCAM EX tracks. Well, still a stupid comment left?
Theme speed system: The built-in Intel processor is fast enough. It is the same in the iMac or the Macbook works. Also, the bus is the same. Ergo, you can loose HD with a Mac mini cut. DVC PRO HD, HDV, XDCAM HD or XDCAM EX - loose everything possible. Apple has just officially the small devices do not want to support because they are too cheap. I myself have such devices on (Macbook) on the HD already cut. Absolutely no problem. In finalcutpro forum in which thou hast asked synonymous, there are various people who are synonymous normal TV productions already underway on the small pre-Macs. Even Uli Plank, a professor of media technology has confirmed it to you. What do you want more? An academic justification, experience reports and an authority to confirm it to you.
Theme graphics card: HD-capable? Nonsense, so something does not exist. Each graphics card of the current device is "HD-capable." The only drawback is that Motion and Color is not particularly on the GMA900 of Mac mini and Macbook running. For cutting with Final Cut with no trouble at all. If you want more power in Motion? Take the smallest iMac, which has a better card.
To do this you will find lots of field reports and documents synonymous of Apple, which to speak. How precisely: not officially supported, but it will. And it is here only compositing, not cutting.
And now show me your big face!
Antwort von chrisberlin:

Oh, as but one feels attacked. Was not really my intention. It's just that some people I know, the MacBook with the major problems regarding HD had cut. Due to the graphics card, continuing Jerkiness makes pleasant work impossible. I've seen with my own eyes. I was of the cut on a MacBook aberaten significantly.
How you justify your opinion with any more professors, etc.?
It goes with my question is not "pre", but to professional HD-cut and not to TV productions. There are m. E. little experience with the new SonyEX1.
Can we use the forum in a friendly sound control?
Antwort von WoWu:

Actually, he had asked for a PowerBook and not a MacMini? Or have I misunderstood something.
So Chris, I did on the MacBook G4 2GB Ram just over two years a documentary in HDV 720p must be cut, because we in South America, no other equipment suburb had.
Sure it is, but it is a single generve. And in 1920, I believe it is simply impossible, unless you have really good wahnsinning lot of nerves and patience.
My recommendation: .... do you not to.
Antwort von chrisberlin:

Thank you very much! Synonymous've just heard that Final Cut Studio on a MacMini without tricks do not install it, because no graphics card available ....
Antwort von WoWu:

As far as I know is not synonymous Motion on the G4 ... I remind myself to be times that we wanted to install on G4 and a G5 condition was ... long ago.
Antwort von Axel:
It's just that some people I know, the MacBook with the major problems regarding HD had cut. Due to the graphics card, continuing Jerkiness makes pleasant work impossible. I've seen with my own eyes. I was of the cut on a MacBook aberaten significantly. I too have a MacBook as a second computer in order to be mobile. I advised due to the resolution of which I personally s.and because this brilliant display of dung think, it is synonymous of the size of ergonomically unsound work longer, but the rest of your stories is not true.
The XDCAM format of the EX1 is actually something other than HDV. I have an HDV project with little problems s.Powerbook G4 can intersect. I, probably like many here, tried synonymous.
I would tell you, it's not at all.
It goes with my question is not "pre", but to professional HD-cut and not to TV productions. There are m. E. little experience with the new SonyEX1. That contradicts a little bit your "Low", or I see this wrong? Uli Plank works even with the EX 1, there is no question that he as a specialist writer have the last word, but that he has practical experience
and academic background knowledge. If you know it better ...
Thank you very much! Synonymous've just heard that Final Cut Studio on a MacMini without tricks do not install it, because no graphics card available .... Pfff, from whatever source as
this wisdom? Applies, as above, for Motion and Color, and install it still.
@ WoWu: From G4 or G5 with the MacMinis was not the speech, it must of course be Intel. Since one should draw the line.
Really useful is a new iMac for the simple claim for the
"pro professional HD editing" - uh - how is it still the same? - Mac
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Axel
geb'ich because you are absolutely right, only in the first post office was still g4 of the speech:
If a Powerbook G4 with 1 GB of RAM? But I'm with you as an opinion ... actually it is not really ...