Newsmeldung von slashCAM: With mixed impressions of the Panasonic HVX200 of rob - 27 Mar 2006 13:52:00 Interesting review that describes the workflow of DVCPRO HD material of P2 cards of Pansonic HVX200. Despite some start-up difficulties, the P2 system seems to work. So if the next generation of film with storage in the form of P2
Maps flirting, should read this report closely.
Antwort von Schewardnadse:

Mixed impressions?
Sony's Vegas is certainly not the first choice for the editing of DVCPro HD - Sonyist certainly not necessarily willing to implement a competing format (they will have, but whether and how this works is) on another sheet.
So on meantime, there are quite a few reviews and sample movies, both synonymous with the cam itself, that is synonymous to the workflow and the consensus is actually quite clear: the camera just seems to be the Überhammer (slow motion @ 60p look simply amazing Comparison to the manufacture of what one with "normal" DV cams can). P2 is universally praised, only the price factor is just one problem, but what would qualify in the coming months.
The point that keeps me at the moment is one of purchase rather the fact that so far there is no way the 720 50p Pal-edited version. Neither Final Cut (which would not come into question for me anyway) or Avid to support the date and therefore probably remains the hope NAB. Avid has announced it is so, the only question is when.
Synonymous pity that it has stayed with the PAL version at 50p - 60p in my view would have been better and 24p should have been synonymous implement - have times on first pictures with 50p tense.
Antwort von rob:

Hello Jan,
we are trying still to a test position of the HVX200.
More once we have carried out their own tests ... :-)
Antwort von camworks:

Edius and not forget, eh :-)
Antwort von Apprentice:

On your report, I am very excited synonymous.
There are by now synonymous, the first images of 50p Pal version appeared, but in Comparison to the U.S. version of images of the 60p was a bit disappointed that (yet again looks a lot better off).
Therefore, it would be very nice if it synonymous would address the question of whether we should consider here the consideration of the NTSC version of that page or disadvantages resulting from (24p may be yes if I read that convert very well to 25p - disadvantages, there are also concerns yet)?
Antwort von Axel:
There are by now synonymous, the first images of 50p Pal version appeared, but in Comparison to the U.S. version of images of the 60p was a bit disappointed that (yet again looks a lot better off).
Therefore, it would be very nice if it synonymous would address the question of whether we should consider here the consideration of the NTSC version of that page or disadvantages resulting from (24p may be yes if I read that convert very well to 25p - disadvantages, there are also concerns yet)? I would like to associate myself this question, they may still indicate:
1. HDTV is still valid in that the pixels in PAL and NTSC have different aspect ratios?
2. Should I convert 24 to 25, if I spend on a plasma or LCD, or relates to this issue only a PAL or NTSC - DVD, the same 25 fps or 30 fps processed? Put another way: Are 24p - except for a planned sale s.einen stations - a problem?
I hope someone knows this may I make a separate thread.
Antwort von PowerMac:
There are by now synonymous, the first images of 50p Pal version appeared, but in Comparison to the U.S. version of images of the 60p was a bit disappointed that (yet again looks a lot better off).
Therefore, it would be very nice if it synonymous would address the question of whether we should consider here the consideration of the NTSC version of that page or disadvantages resulting from (24p may be yes if I read that convert very well to 25p - disadvantages, there are also concerns yet)?
I would like to associate myself this question, they may still indicate:
1. HDTV is still valid in that the pixels in PAL and NTSC have different aspect ratios?
2. Should I convert 24 to 25, if I spend on a plasma or LCD, or relates to this issue only a PAL or NTSC - DVD, the same 25 fps or 30 fps processed? Put another way: Are 24p - except for a planned sale s.einen stations - a problem?
I hope someone knows this may I make a separate thread. Difficult question. In the U.S. model is just everything to 60 Hz, the 24 can be with some 3:2 Pulldownn relatively well in the 60 fields packed (with SD). Problems has been on computer screens schonmal not, as most LCDs have even their 60 Hz. Similarly, plasma and LCD Television. The only problem is the right player. Your US-HVX200 you can instantly connect s.einen plasma and 24p, 30p or even 60p to play. Everything else requires the increase of 4% to 25p. So, for TV sales. But so is every movie on TV. For a 35mm Filmausbelichtung are native 24p but brilliant.
Well, not really a problem. Advantage: 60 instead of 50 frames, real 24p. Disadvantage: 60 Hz-integrated sequence.
I appreciate against the U.S. import speaks the better image quality of the PAL / EU version. They've even left synonymous four months time.
Antwort von synthflut:

Hi Powermac,
what do you mean with better image quality in the PAL version?
It went first time around the rumor that the noise behavior in the PAL version will be better than (in the U.S. version of one of the biggest criticisms) at the Camera. Now that some of the Pal version of the action appear to have tests and pictures are there, but that was as far as I could read the relative: the rushes just like the NTSC version. Does the PAL version has the better picture quality alone, therefore, just because a higher PAL Resolutionhat? But this process would only DVCPro50 and SD one argument, the 720p will actually play no role.
Also arises for me is still the big question is whether NTSC with us at all is a problem. I certainly believe that if one makes a documentary to be broadcast synonymous, then PAL would have been advantageous in Europe, on the other I can not take anything but synonymous convert to 24p and then stop?
For the private sector, I really synonymous furthermore see no big problem, because as you have described above, is in NTSC LCD's and Plasmas anyway no problem and even tube devices (except the very old) cope with both formats.
If I do not have a major flaw in my thinking, it does appear to me so that you are either for the better slowmo and 24p in the NTSC model or DVCPro50 and higher SD Resolutionbei the PAL version has to decide. Just when one would have to produce for both markets (USA and Europe), would be the NTSC version (due to 24p), the more flexible camera, or not?
Warranty provisions could possibly speak against a U.S. model, but that would not be for me THE argument.
Antwort von PowerMac:
If I do not have a major flaw in my thinking, it does appear to me so that you are either for the better slowmo and 24p in the NTSC model or DVCPro50 and higher SD Resolutionbei the PAL version has to decide. Just when one would have to produce for both markets (USA and Europe), would be the NTSC version (due to 24p), the more flexible camera, or not?
Just that
Synonymous, I think that the CCD chips fairly equal. At the firmware, they have perhaps done something much better. But surely not serious.
If you want to produce with the NTSC version for Europe, would have been a problem. 60 -> 50 is stupid.
Antwort von entertainer:

See synonymous
Antwort von wolfgang:

Vegas currently only allows the editing of DVC PRO HD and resources. However, one must not overlook synonymous to synonymous Edius in the pure basic version (even with the NX), a DVD PRO HD codec is not onboard - you have to buy the halt.
I also think Edius for the tool, which is currently in HD (V) cut the nose rather forward. But Vegas is synonymous DVC PRO HD can cut, if a proper codec is installed in the system. Stupid thing is that here the vendors are not yet available ...
It is clear that the current HDV1 DVC PRO HD and HDV2 must be superior. But: will be interesting to synonymous DVX200 - the P2 chips are already halt the capacity of her very very tight. Hard disks are one solution, but costs. Stop is a question of how the development will be here next walk.
Antwort von Markus:
See synonymous Forum Statistics:
Our members have made 0 Posts within 0 Topics.
We have 3 registered members. On closer examination, it is probably just an advertising link the Shuto Entertainment Ltd., which appears every time (and without further assistance), if anyone here postet a question about the HVX200 ... ;-)
Antwort von PowerMac:

Incidentally, according to VAD will be the 1080PsF25 mode for the European model better than the American model. Sharper.
Antwort von closeup25:

The following is a well-made comparison between the HD100 and HVX200. Compared with many images of identical motifs, color charts, Neutral Density charts greenscreen keying, motion blur and low light examples. or original in the web:
Antwort von PowerMac:

After the shit test, I am again undecided ...
In part, the truly equal.
Although both Kenne, but not in direct Comparison.
I think the HVX200's, however. Because they are inconspicuous and small documentary ...
The picture of the impression HVX seems to me a little more pleasant, the cinema before. The soft supports Picture impression das impression Very nice picture, smooth transitions, very high dynamic range. The HD100 seems to me somewhat artificial hard + high color saturation.
Other opinions?
Antwort von closeup25:

For documentary, I would NOT buy the camera, unless you want to rotate only in SD (which is due to the future security of documentary material is not at all recommended). The P2 technology is at the moment because of the poor price-to-recording time ratio are not sufficient.
Cinematic is not the picture of the HVX with certainty. The higher Black and White Stretch says that with security for the HD-100. Where has the Panni guaranteed to be ahead, the contrast behavior at low light. Since weakens the HD-100 first, and also produce unsightly artifacts.
If you like di ergonomics of a smaller camera and the handling of a lens exclusively motor control of Aperture and zoom ring more, which is an argument. In addition, the optical lens of the HVX makes an overall better impression.