Frage von HandyFilmWettbewerb:
Folks, it's done! We are launching our first mobile phone film contest!
For you this means that if you have filmed something with the phone, or perhaps are planning to do it, then send us ruckzuck ne mail.
With any luck, then you can take part s.Finale our competition.
Who knows, maybe there is indeed a thing or two talents of you, that should be encouraged.
The film crew of 46 Movies
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Sorry, but to find talent, what if someone mim phone records? With jerky images? in poor quality? Where can detect nothing?
Okay -.-
It's me hopefully net
Antwort von GhostDog:

Oh YES! It is possible!
We've already tested extensively on the canvas of our cinema.
Other competitions that are already running for a few years to find great acclaim. It turned out that it makes this very technical finiteness, in essence, an ambitious one Fim put on its feet. There is certainly scope given to unfold your creativity.
Have a look at the examples on
Your film team
Antwort von Markus:

First it was the
Tamagotchi, nun ist es das Fotohandy with Daumenkinofunktion. Die technische Eingeschränktheit kann man synonymous in guter Picture- and Tonqualität haben (siehe z.B. Dogma-Filme). Ist es etwa ein Fortschritt, dass es solche Filme jetzt synonymous in mieser Qualität gibt? Das könnte man doch synonymous beim Exportieren des Films noch "schlechtrechnen"... da würde sich so mancher Videofilmer wundern, was plötzlich alles in Echtzeit geht!
Well, that is what turned into art. Who would have issued 30 years ago public bodies?
Antwort von Uwe:

Mobile Videos can certainly be included in the experimental film. Schaut euch mal the clips of the nominees at the annual "Micro Movie Award for":
=> Europe => Berlin / Germany
Antwort von GhostDog:

We just want to try and test out in the emerging development of film-making mobile phones, so to speak, in pioneering fashion, whether it is Pontential among filmmakers, the "astonishing" - put in what respects synonymous always - on film with their cell phones on their feet. Once the phones have advanced in their development so far that they can record a relatively professional films, we use the current "technical degeneracy" of the phones.
At present, the feedback, unfortunately, seems somewhat mau.
We'll see how it develops ......
The film crew
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Booyah! I take my big camera, make a great movie with all sorts Wide Angleund. And then I render it in total and low-quality frames from leave. Zack, won:)
Love Greetings
Antwort von rtzbild:
[Mobile Film Contest]
Mobile Lomography?
Antwort von Jörg:

Olli least brings in the right direction. Lomography is so widespread, it has provided excellent results (and nen trash heap, I know) this is quite astonishing. As much junk is, however, with the Hitechcams rotated.
This is art, it's a moot point, and since we are already in the middle ...
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von jens:

Has the right Joerg!
This phone thing is probably just as contentious as the Lomography. Moreover, it even has a reference to each other that one has a cell phone with you at all and it can losfilmen universally synonymous wild on it, which may mean synonymous always ;-)
I think the examples from the above link but really succeeded!
At first I was more than skeptical synonymous with respect to the mobile movie thingy - but this is, I think, more functional video s.dem prejudice about the typical user of the mobile phone. (Usually one believes) are the people who do not have the blue haze of the video material and think they can make appealing "party films" (in low light) with so 'nem thing. Is this question so often synonymous ala "How can I get my party mobile theater quality video on DVD? Is' s plugins for raising the image quality?"
But nee - I think some of the sample movies really good - at least when put ideas and much, much creativity in it, now I am in so many pseudo-indie-XL2, etc. miss film.
ciao, Jens
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
Has the right Joerg!
This phone thing is probably just as contentious as the Lomography. Moreover, it even has a reference to each other that one has a cell phone with you at all and it can losfilmen universally synonymous wild on it, which may mean synonymous always ;-)
I think the examples from the above link but really succeeded!
At first I was more than skeptical synonymous with respect to the mobile movie thingy - but this is, I think, more functional video s.dem prejudice about the typical user of the mobile phone. (Usually one believes) are the people who do not have the blue haze of the video material and think they can make appealing "party films" (in low light) with so 'nem thing. Is this question so often synonymous ala "How can I get my party mobile theater quality video on DVD? Is' s plugins for raising the image quality?"
But nee - I think some of the sample movies really good - at least when put ideas and much, much creativity in it, now I am in so many pseudo-indie-XL2, etc. miss film.
ciao, Jens Hello!
So I give consent to more than just, Jens! But who knows if it really was filmed with a mobile phone? I mean, you can not shoot around with the XL2 and can render totally bad? :) The only times s.Rande! * g *
But the sample movies are really great!!
Love Greetings
Antwort von LuFaHa:

Turn the film / make for me is simple and touching art.
And is known to all (if anyone really) hurts allowed.
This does not mean that anything new is gold.
Antwort von jens:

I mean, you can not shoot around with the XL2 and can render totally bad? And what did you think? Certainly with you, the camera quality of the content of your movies?
Hmmm ....
Antwort von LuFaHa:
And what did you think? Then you could participate in such a Competition without you keep s.The "technical finiteness" to ...
PS: No idea what is supposed to bring ...
Antwort von jens:

Well, just in terms of intensity, of me from wide-angle, etc., there would be clear benefits.
Nevertheless, it stands in relation to the ninth shown creativity. The examples (which I've seen) are completely believable for me ;-) (as a mobile phone movies
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Yes, that's true, those were the very credible. But (playing with effects such as the depth of field, to create appropriate lighting conditions to White Balance and other functions) and manual focusing, you can not do with a little handy! Alone smooth movements, by Steadycam with mobile phone are not possible. Of course, one can speak of creativity, synonymous when you have so few options. 'But I think it's more creative, make a good camera with a film on its feet, then that is working with all the effects.
But that's me out of synonymous matter of opinion!
I stay with my shooting;)
Love Greetings
Antwort von jens:

What else indeed None required ;-)
Apparently, you can then shoot the dogma abgewinnen synonymous nothing (the concept is so synonymous controversial).
I like the Dogma series.
ciao, Jens
Antwort von Uwe:
But (playing with effects such as the depth of field, to create appropriate lighting conditions to White Balance and other functions) and manual focusing, you can not do with a little handy! Alone smooth movements, by Steadycam with mobile phone are not possible. Of course, one can speak of creativity, synonymous when you have so few options. 'But I think it's more creative, make a good camera with a film on its feet, then that is working with all the effects.
It belongs to the creative + experimental film with a cell phone to create a video. Each medium has its own character + appropriate design options. The mobile phone is fast + spontaneous ...
Andy Warhol was not free to experiment with the Polaroid camera + achieved amazing results, which are now worth a fortune. To him had said then that but a Nikon much better sharpness, resolution ... offers, etc., he probably would have smiled, just tired ...
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Well, I think the Comparison lagging a bit ...
Spontaneous pictures must not be as bad! While there are small Digicams, make great pictures ... And depth, etc. are adjustable! (Or at least Macromedia's or similar!)
I think that if the films are available on the Internet, with a good camera would have been made in better quality, which again would be twice as good ...
It may be quite out of me okay for people who have only cell phone s ... But I, who has a good digital camcorder going to be creative, do not access to a mobile phone (by the limited opportunities!)
Love Greetings
Antwort von jens:

It may be quite out of me okay for people who have only cell phone s ... But I, who has a good digital camcorder going to be creative, do not access to a mobile phone (by the limited opportunities!)
Well yes there is just the stimulus, with limited resources but bad make a good film. Some do it for artistic reasons (see dogma) from other financial (eg Muxmäuschenstill).
The cell phone thing radicalized nunmal an umpteen times.
On the sense and nonsense, you can be sure the two views.