Frage von Wechiii:
Hello Dear friends, Hello Love Slashcam.
A1 have now been almost 2 weeks, XH, thank you for the great s.bluestargfx handling:)
Now I have the following question: I would like a preview monitor. Accessory shoe on either plane or with a tripod mounted just below or attached to the dolly.
I'm with the monitor connections not quite fit. What connection do I need there to just the HDV or the sharpness fairly assessed. More important are the picture, or the possibility that other people can see the synonymous Picture ..
Budget is about 150 ¬
Best wishes,
Antwort von Werner Küster:

I use a ZELO M8 8 "LCD monitor. The mounting foot is a little shaky, but for example, live recording, as well as for camera crane for assessing image section useful. Has AV / VGA, S-video input, 16:9, stereo and power supply 12/230 . For 12V power supply with 12V sealed lead acid cell, I use 2x7, 2Ah Resolution800 x480 Bildbunkte disadvantage... When light falls on the side or directly poorly visible Picture've made sure of 0.8 mm full grained aluminum plate with a cover Schnellbefetigung.
For video output signal is s.der XH-A1, the BNC connector (switch) or the 4-pole 3.5 mm jack with video and stereo output signal. Prices in the Internet. but is normal in the specified price range.
For more INFO you!
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

You enough of an SD monitor so you can only see the Picture, if you put the camera in frog perspective or the very top have on a dolly?
Or would you be able to assess the pungency and therefore need an HD monitor?
Antwort von Werner Küster:

You should read the text, live recording and camera crane, by the way fixed so that the monitor with pivots and vertical always has the same direction for handling. To assess the sharpness extends from the picture anyway. Moreover, the XH-A1 ('ve been 3 1 / 2 years) have an excellent AF. The use of Dolly, I'm of the same conditions. to the übigen I would like to see topics related (XH-A1 users) are to discuss the issue sufficiently.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

then you a SD monitor will be sufficient in all cases (eg the above). Because you can view the XH-A1 is a Picture synonymous then output in SD, when you capture HDV. Most monitors have a 1 / 4 or 3 / 8 inch thread, so you can fix you with the appropriate mounting hardware s.der rod from the crane.
Antwort von Wechiii:

Hello you two,
I've even read the comments. Thanks in advance for that.
Zelo monitor the sounds at all in order, you would have - Werner - a link to that?
Which connection should I connect the camera then s.der? Sorry for these stupid questions, the camera is not quite my best friend, I must deal more with it. ;)
When I connect a monitor, then this happens on some Camera (for example, at the 550D, etc.) that the normal display is off. Thus, I would have to see again the only option for 2 monitors something. (Read ext. Monitor and View Finder) is the heir synonymous the case?
How long is because of the enclosed Battery Monitor?
Best wishes,
Antwort von Axel:

It is true that the AF, especially the IAF, the A1 is good. But only in good light. It also agrees that the Ausklappdisplay is crap, but it has to be synonymous Good: The Wizard of field "peaking" (with a simple button-and off) is the most reliable method at all to judge manual focus. For this reason, people want an expensive VDSLR Marshall monitor rather than an Ikan, or even as an even better resolution (and also much cheaper) smallHD: Only the peaking allows secure control. To only external follow the picture can do them in the act of Conrad article "X4TECH ZELO T7", currently for 127 ¬ including Battery (Note: Many of these mini-TVs have no battery compartment, but one for the car cigarette lighter, because is the handiwork of going forward). Connection via AV-out yellow (kl.Klinke on yellow RCA), you decide whether to display ads with transferred or whether only the pure picture is seen (Manual).
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
Which connection should I connect the camera then s.der? The camera provides a jack plug (4 pins), sound (stereo) + video. Included is a cable of 4-pin jack to 3x RCA. You can connect RCA s.Monitor, if not directly, then at least BNC. BNC to RCA adapter, but you can buy anywhere. And even if the monitor has only one input jack, then you can connect it synonymous with the corresponding adapter for max. 15 ¬. So you you do not need to worry about compatibility, any input is already fit. (If it goes to SD!)
When I connect a monitor, then this happens on some Camera (for example, at the 550D, etc.) that the normal display is off. In the XH-A1 you can connect an external monitor and see on the expanded display or in the view finder is also a Picture. We see the Picture synonymous on the external monitor when the monitor is small s.der XH-A1 closed. If you look at the small monitor or viewfinder but battery indicator, etc., then you see the synonymous to the external monitor. Do not know if you can turn off somewhere, so that the external monitor only sees a picture, regardless of what one sees through the viewfinder. This is only interesting if we both want to look through the viewfinder, as synonymous to the external monitor.
Zelo monitor the sounds at all in order, you would have - Werner - a link to that? I am not Werner, but are concerned but once Google, for example, the monitor is cheap here:
- 1 AV Input
- Headphone Jack
- 1 S-Video Input
- 1 VGA input
About the battery life I can tell you now, but really sorry to say nothing.
Best regards,
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

It is synonymous comparable models. It is important just as a PAL Picture shows how the Picture "interpolation" is and whether the picture is still sharp and bright then, beautiful contrasts and colors added.
I would like to see such a monitor in any case before or as carefully unpack that you can send it back again in an emergency.
These tiny external monitors, namely, more suitable for being able to see the move as the car (with no great claim) ne DVD.
Antwort von Wechiii:
It is true that the AF, especially the IAF, the A1 is good. But only in good light. It also agrees that the Ausklappdisplay is crap, but it has to be synonymous Good: The Wizard of field "peaking" (with a simple button-and off) is the most reliable method at all to judge manual focus. For this reason, people want an expensive VDSLR Marshall monitor rather than an Ikan, or even as an even better resolution (and also much cheaper) smallHD: Only the peaking allows secure control. To only external follow the picture can do them in the act of Conrad article "X4TECH ZELO T7", currently for 127 ¬ including Battery (Note: Many of these mini-TVs have no battery compartment, but one for the car cigarette lighter, because is the handiwork of going forward). Connection via AV-out yellow (kl.Klinke on yellow RCA), you decide whether to display ads with transferred or whether only the pure picture is seen (Manual). Thank you for your reply.
In fact, the auto focus of the A1 is not really bad, but the less light since it is far worse. ;)
Zelo T7 had the "I already times, but since I have sold my Steadicam, I have had lying around. Haußer look to me, maybe I have the coupon for even more!
Best wishes,
PS: the first rotation with the XH is already done, a little noise I make in a few .. Is it better to take out the Aperture turn, reduce the shutter time to make darker around the Picture? (Was on a ride where the main part was (lit up) ..
Thanks for any answers synonymous here ..
Antwort von Axel:
PS: the first rotation with the XH is already done, a little noise I make in a few .. Is it better to take out the Aperture turn, reduce the shutter time to make darker around the Picture? (Was on a ride where the main part was (lit up) ..
Thanks for any answers synonymous here .. Best Mode: Manual.
Shutter: 1/50tel, always (with very very dark sets and may then be synonymous 1/25tel in 25F mode)
Aperture: tend to prefer open before you close next than 4: switch ND filter!
AGC (auto gain control, switch): Off, gain stages to-3dB, 3dB and 9dB (the last two a matter of taste, no dispute that). In reasonable situations, when light is there, always take-3dB!
AWB - normally off (several possibilities for White Balance-determination, Manual)
Preset: trunk "-3dB" (search Slashcam) or "true color" (ditto).
More non brauchense.
Setting the Aperture manual and a timeframe so that the main subject is properly exposed: the case of strong contrasts, with no further possibility of using Lighting or ND graduated filter (eg Cokin filter attachment) to compensate.
If it is clear to low light: Full Auto (green) (no possibility of intervention more) and hope that it is not
strong rushing
Antwort von nicecam:

Well, as
Werner Kuster [Look even know if he free interpretation I can go through this ;-)] I quassel synonymous times in between.
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
I call trunk 's former monitor my own. He was then modified. Here
For the displayed image through any male, due to the sharpness can be judged. Magnification is the external monitor output on not peaking.
Do not know if you can turn off the somewhere, so that the external monitor only sees a picture, regardless of what one sees through the viewfinder.
No problem: Camera Menu> Display Setup> (Second Page)> TV-screen on / off.
For optimal settings Aperture / Shutter Axel said grad has all the essentials, here are a very interesting thread about this: Aperture - Shutter limits and optimal settings? @ Wechiii: The presets of Wolfgang
(trunk) do you know? Here are the presets listed yet. The manual then you had to enter into the camera, because they want to download there is no longer available.
See in my post below. The additional software console for XH-A1 you will not have (want) because expensive. This lets you set the camera comfortably.
As freeware, available for free for tuning of slashCAM this:
XHTuner .
Lots of presets for Camera Gibts synonymous there: Dort ganz nach unten scrollen and " presets .xls" auf deinem PC abspeichern.
If you completely stress-free at ruessel 's want to come presets, then write me an email. This is in profile. I'll send it to you then.
Antwort von Wechiii:
Well, as Werner Kuster decreed that kindly-A1-Anweder to report should only XH [Let's see if he go through this free interpretation leaves me ;-)] I quassel synonymous times in between.
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
I call trunk 's former monitor my own. He was then modified. Here to visit once more. Would have to research to monitor what (basic) model is accurate. But as has been written, these simple models are probably all pretty much built the same.
For the displayed image through any male, due to the sharpness can be judged. The magnification is displayed on the external display Peaking not.
Do not know if you can turn off somewhere, so that the external monitor only sees a picture, regardless of what one sees through the viewfinder.
No problem: Camera Menu> Display Setup> (Second Page)> TV-screen on / off.
For optimal settings Aperture / Shutter Axel said grad has all the essentials, here are a very interesting thread about this: Aperture - Shutter limits and optimal settings?
@ Wechiii: The presets of Wolfgang (trunk) do you know?
Here are the presets listed yet. The manual then you had to enter into the camera, because they want to download there is no longer available. See in my post below.
The additional software console for XH-A1 you will not have (want) because expensive. This lets you set the camera comfortably.
As freeware, available for free for tuning of slashCAM this: XHTuner .
Lots of presets for Camera Gibts synonymous there: . Dort ganz nach unten scrollen and " presets .xls" auf deinem PC abspeichern.
If you completely stress-free at ruessel 's want to come presets, then write me an email. This is in profile. I'll send it to you then.
Did you get my mail for, John?
Best wishes,
Antwort von Werner Küster:
Well then yes, we once everyone is happy. For my part, nor info ZELO M8. Current consumption 0.8 A at 12 V with external DC plug connector. Edition of the video signal of BNC RG-cable connection to RCA s.Zelo. The battery capacity of 14.4 Ah, enough for an operating time of 6.5 to 7 hours, with simultaneous use of Glidecamcrane 200 with Remote Head of Vista. So synonymous with the frog's eye view camera crane is clarified, 20cm above the ground! For the picture framing entirely sufficient for the assessment of field of course is not sufficient because of the Zelo M8 Resolutionvon 800 x 480 pixels.
Note: To me it was just about to address those dealing XH-A1 practical, not to discredit anyone!
Have unfortunately often experienced in Slashcam forum, add the synonymous people their say, which is not even with the XH-A1 have filmed, let alone a saw!
So it was only a request to provide adequate assistance.
Antwort von nicecam:
Hi Werner,
Surely you have "small print" read me? :-)
You know, here in the forum so many times verbally beat themselves in their heads. And I have to go in between then always with funny remarks and so and "have not seen." Yes, and then I produce ever clownish formulations in advance - that life is serious enough.
So everything is fine :-)
Antwort von Werner Küster:
Hello John, did absolutely right. I went, as you certainly synonymous only to the matter. We all like to shoot, tips and tricks we need all times. I just have frequently synonymous in the forum looked to the best possible (from each according to his means and View) to get solution. Times have regarding a solution to the XH-A1 rain shelter. I have to look later to the theme and test error for a solution.
So no offense, makes movies!