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Monate lang Probleme mit Postp. HD Footage

Months of problems with Postp. HD Footage

Frage von scum:
März 2010

Hey Guys,
I hope you can help me here next,
gabs other forum has either no response or only ne me you stupid weitergeholfen Nich.
So I work beeen at a macbook pro newest version of it here, etc. with 4GB of memory. usb external disk, and have adobe creative suite cs4 it.
I've got a canon 7d'll take sometimes and sometimes in 1080 to 720 in
I then encode first the material into either pro res HQ or LT
no preference but what do I use THE PROBLEM: I can premiere pro Nich work with and certainly not with un AE. I would like to cut in premiere un un so do color correction in AE. both jerky as clean even when the material in the pro res 720 codec LT.
after effects is no clear Nich de rbrauch minutes for 10 seconds to render alsp ram preview almost 5th have now made a test basis on it 3 times s.cs un running a lot better. but unfortunately synonymous Nich optimal.

can you bye I can do? or can I just totally forgot to edit my video with adobe vehicle!?

many thanks for the help Schonmal


Antwort von r.p.television:

Since I am in connection with CS3/CS4 Windows users, but Apple synonymous to work there, but only with Final Cut Pro, cut out of ignorance, I must first counter-questions:
Can you see the footage in Quicktime Pro convert your 7D?
Or use Premiere to Mac-based Pro Res synonymous a codec (for Windows not so)?
If the former is true I'm not surprised it jerky, because usually harmonizes with CS3/CS4 not an Apple-based Quicktime Pro codec.
In this case, I would be within walking after quality-of CS4 DVC PRO HD. This can be cut very well and you do not have full control over the colors.
Workflow: Create DVC PRO HD 1920x1080p25 Project, 7D Footage clap on the timeline and export to P2. With these files, then cut. Do I synonymous, so if I want more straight.

Second suspect because of the Ruckelei: Matches the framerate of the footage is not with the Project. 30 fps seen in a 25fps project is not good. When sound unimportant to interpret the footage frame rate convert to 25fps. Then you have motion but a little slow, but this is sometimes quite nice.

Antwort von scum:

So I download the files of the camera to the plate and then convert the files with mpegstreamclip after pro res to be yes, then still mov files. I Lad then after premiere. frame rate is always correct on one. will indicate the same everywhere as synonymous workflow for the canon 5d and 7d. I even experimenting around for almost 2 months with the tool. in final cut you can cut it all fine without problems. but I like a final cut fold Nich. but what the effects un regard Sun synonymous of the art of cutting. And I always think my crate ey is doch soo lame synonymous Nich. can indeed be Nich I need umbedingt 8gb ram.

thank you for answering Schonmal serve

Antwort von Axel:

"Scum" wrote:
THE PROBLEM: I can premiere pro Nich work with and certainly not with un AE. I would like to cut in premiere un un so do color correction in AE. both as jerky sau ...

"Scum" wrote:
... in final cut you can cut it all fine without problems. but I like a final cut fold Nich. but what the effects un regard Sun synonymous of the art of cutting.

Effects? Do you have to make in the NLE? Kind of cutting? Is somehow to 95% the same, since both are AVID Programs clones. Or I see this wrong?

Antwort von scum:

Very briefly, there are a lot of differences. I want to go again now Nich details. that would take too long synonymous. I also want to instigate yes no discussion whether Final Cut Pro or PP is better now. I would just like to use PP.

Antwort von r.p.television:

I am not a Mac expert, but all the Pro Res-box is an Intermediate Codec for Final Cut Pro.
From CS3 you can import it, but good will not run.
Ahead, have some really DVC PRO HD. This is similar to Pro Res by Gradingspielraum 422nd It runs fine in Premiere CS3.

Antwort von Axel:

"Rptelevision" wrote:
I am not a Mac expert, but all the Pro Res-box is an Intermediate Codec for Final Cut Pro.
From CS3 you can import it, but good will not run.
Ahead, have some really DVC PRO HD. This is similar to Pro Res by Gradingspielraum 422nd It runs fine in Premiere CS3.

Had just a little pity for the 1920 footage, which is yes, then in 1440 :-(

Antwort von r.p.television:

"Axel" wrote:
"Rptelevision" wrote:
I am not a Mac expert, but all the Pro Res-box is an Intermediate Codec for Final Cut Pro.
From CS3 you can import it, but good will not run.
Ahead, have some really DVC PRO HD. This is similar to Pro Res by Gradingspielraum 422nd It runs fine in Premiere CS3.

Had just a little pity for the 1920 footage, which is yes, then in 1440 :-(

Oops! Sorry!
I really meant AVC-Intra 100th In my head everything is what comes of Panasonic DVC PRO HD still ;-)

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