Frage von sneaky_jones:
Hello Together ...
I am a long time avid reader of the forum and it has helped me many times ... but now I have been hanging animation test days s.einem firmly.
I've filmed a person with a flat screen made of cardboard, which I have the animated motion tracking facial fix wishes. I voted for tracking the precaution Klebepunte upset on the carton and try now that the face of the box is clean. The problem arises in the moment, by the mask for Page turns or leans and the level is not in accordance with scales and turns, although I use the options in the tracker have been selected.
At this point I am stumped as holding such a tutorial or post I have for this specific case has not yet been found.
Maybe one of you as a hot tip, or can help me the sticking point to be found.
Thank you in advance.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Hello Together ...
...... I've filmed a person with a flat screen made of cardboard, which I have the animated motion tracking facial fix wishes. I voted for tracking the precaution Klebepunte upset on the carton and try now that the face of the box clean follows ......... Hi
So I suppose green yellow or red color and paint silicone directly into the face ..... disturb the hair with a piece of a ladies stocking knotted above involve what is hidden (sort bathing cap)
The box itself does not fit the face so to rotate the profile view just cardboard edges sehn ..... Let the cardboard away .... if you do not make Silicon Color (of Eulenspiegel) searched lipstick you can take paint and points so ...... then turn the tracking points are.
Otherwise, since you're already on the right track
Good luck and enjoy
B. DeKid
Antwort von Debonnaire:

The problem for sneaky_jones is not that the board not particularly good, but that the terms level aufzukopierende not three dimensional with the box / green mitdreht face, except it would be filmed several times (but apparently not the case, if I Question read). The aufzukopierende face would not be more synonymous with the original face follow if it were a green color, as DeKid.
That is always the basic problem with the motion tracking when the object to track not only in the film plane (up-down, right-left) moves, but still synonymous in Depth revolves. You must, in addition to tracking the XY directions, the face aufzukopierende using keyframes still in the depth (eg, with a pseudo-3D filter) "rotate" and these movements are manual with the original footage synchronized. Not easy, but with some patience and diligence feasible!
Gaaanz Even more important is the rotation of Special Effects in ADVANCE to know how the effect will be realized, so that you know what you look out at the shoot! For this reason it big so the film Special effects supervisor on set and not only in the post-production!