Frage von dani:
My background video for a menu can not be rendered. The error message says that with incomplete asset a motion menu can be rendered. What does that mean? Where's my mistake could be? Can someone help me?
Antwort von Trurl:

Too little infos on your part to answer directly to you.
Do you have a video taken on a menu?
What footage do you have available in the assets?
What Format.Welches authoring program.
greetz Trurl
Antwort von dani:

I create my DVD with Adobe Encore 1.5. A file created in Adobe Premiere video file menu.avi should appear in the background of my menu. The video file was, of course transcoded. Video and Audio synonymous, I have drawn on the menu. It seems like this one Stillimage synonymous, but before I want to look at the menu in the preview, I should still render first. And exactly here is my problem. The rendering does not work and the already mentioned error message is displayed.
Antwort von Trurl:

With Encore, I have unfortunately no Efrahrungen.
The way you describe to the problem it could have practically only 2 reasons.
Either you make a wrong or assets are not ok.
I assume that the available assets in the proper DVD format.
If that's the case I would try with other programs
To demux vob - eg with ProjectX or PVAStrumento.
For me, this has already helped more often.
Attempt to serve time on a trial basis the video as the background to convert to another format -. Mpv or m2v.
greetz - Trurl