Frage von dietzemichi:
hello together,
I have the following problem and hope that you can help me.
I have a flat in photoshop after effects animation, ie simplified s.einem example:
- A cube of moving right to left between two keyframes
- Through changes (add, delete and move) of the keyframes, I wanted to change bewgungsrichtungen
- But will now be completely absurd to proböem between two keyframes, where the cube really only one direction to move, he makes without having any other keyframes have been set, a movement in the completely wrong direction (of position 300/200 he is after 500/200 actually should be the x-value increases linearly, but varies the x value in between without fundamental between 300 and 500)
where is the hook? what have I done wrong?
I hope I've expressed myself understandable.
mfg michi
Antwort von serkan86:

both KF dial - right mouse button-interpolationseinstellungen-time on a linear interpolation shall .....
Antwort von serkan86:
where is the hook? what have I done wrong?
I hope I've expressed myself understandable. Well, damn math! Bezier keyframe and its tangents .... Either switch to linear tangents together or push / to zero, so that the segments in between are linear.
Antwort von dietzemichi:

thank you for your reply mylenium, this problem only exists when I the two keyframes in the diagram editor and highlight the button in a linear Convert click nothing happens. how do I now the tangents to zero? thank you ever ;-)
mfg michi
Antwort von dietzemichi:
both KF dial - right mouse button-interpolationseinstellungen-time on a linear interpolation shall ..... oh super grateful:) I've read about iwi