Frage von Hephaistos:
Do you like movies?
"That depends on" you say? What for? What it is what a really
constitutes good movie? The story? Effects? The atmosphere?
Would not it be really cool if you could define yourself as your
Favorite movie is made? Did you not always been a different
Not looked like the end, or you liked the way the costumes?
Do you want a romance that plays in the future, or a
Medieval horror movie where aliens with light swords on Romeo and
Julia go?? :-)
There is a place where everything is possible and much more! Only
Your imagination sets the limits! _ * * _
I created this Page to a community on its feet
to make a film that is ready to plan, shoot, edit and
to publish then or burn to DVD! Everything is
collectively decided! Anyone can bring its strengths with
And together we create something great, which we never managed alone
* If you have desire and you want to help, then go to and sign up now! (of course, free)
We welcome any increase!
I am pleased to welcome you to be allowed to!
Antwort von SammyGray:

wow very seriously ...
how about with "I have no idea and looking stupid people who give me their topidee 4free"
Antwort von Hephaistos:

solls never meant to be so serious ... is a hobby-employment for people, which makes it fun.
If you do not know what to do S.tun the meaning is something of joy ... then tuts I'm sorry for you, but your contribution is not very constructive, right?
Antwort von SammyGray:

Oops, sry had me up there, read the text.
You thought then darauß doing a movie.
Sry again.
Antwort von Hephaistos:

s film should already be. But of course, non-commercial for sale or something.
But simply a movie to have fun while turning.