Frage von DoBBy:
Howdy people,
I (rather we) want a movie practically new Verton. Before now a los barks again, because of legal Pi Pa Po, saying: It's all in the context of a private birthday party. If that is a birthday surprise, since nothing is on the Internet and does not leave our house (and if so, then yes wärs eh OUR problem), so unfortunately you will not see them:-P
But now seriously:
Is there any way to the voices of a film completely vanish, so that only Atmo, sounds, music etc are left? So everything should stop because until the votes. I thought since s.gewisse karaoke or similar filter, just as does the karaoke filter of Audition or Soundbooth the whole thing so that the votes just quieter and are synonymous with some other elements, such as music, etc. Atmo disappear. How will the whole thing because, if the German film industry as a film from the U.S. buys (my Lord of the Rings) and then syncing? There are still synonymous with all the noise, only the votes of not holding more ... If the synchronous Studios Karaoke extremely good filters and what do we do?
We have to thank in advance for the support :-)
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... How will the whole thing because, if the German film industry as a film from the U.S. to buy ... and then synchronized ?!... It is not exactly my specialty, but this much I know, of the evaluation provided to the international projects of the first so called "IT-version" is created:
# IT version
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von DoBBy:

Hmm, that is, consequently, it looks bad from our movie parody ... I doubt now that normal mortals an IT-only version in the slightest rankommen could, right? How could we still our movie parody (edit), so that these voices to get away?
Antwort von PowerMac:

I do not. Try just hours with filters rum. If yes synonymous great if it was easy. Then do the same in a film the World Trade Center out. Be sure only one filter! ;)
An American movie is of course no dialogue delivered to Germany. Only with Athmo and Music, with some noise.
Antwort von Natevi:

With filters you do not get a lot come next, as Music and Language in the frequencies overlap and thus no longer are entmischbar.
At your place I would try a similar sound and image to produce instead of the O-Tones to be used. So somewhere like atmosphere absorb noise and ready to use, anything music, and text to complete. This is probably more effective than experimenting with filters of all kinds
Antwort von DoBBy:

An American movie is of course no dialogue delivered to Germany. Only with Athmo and Music, with some noise. So the principle is clear to me now, I now synonymous if perhaps a little stupid question: But when the film without dialogue is delivered to Germany, where it is known in Germany which dialogs ever be as pure? They can not just stop what invent what fits well with the picture ... * gg * Vezeiht, but I understand this synchronization system is not quite so good ^ ^
Antwort von Natevi:

But of course "since the invent something new"
Finally, the text and the picture but, in some fit together. This can, for example the difference between cheap and sophisticated productions synchronous versions clearly. Ultimately, it just depends on the content to be transported, partly synonymous only moderately successful. There are yet partial halt quite strong deviations from the original.
Are stop-overs.
But this whole Synchronisiererei is a field for specialists with real experience gaaaanz much. That makes it not just times .....
in any case usually not ;-) and if you notice it immediately
Antwort von PowerMac:

Something stupid is the question indeed. In the current issue of photography is a great article on translation and synchronization.
Antwort von DoBBy:

Oh so is this really done? :-O That I would not mind. I was always thought to take the original and simply convert the text into German, but I've always wondered that synonymous with the sentence length is always so nice lip sync hinhaut ^ ^
Antwort von Natevi:

The reference to the current magazine issue but would have actually served, right?
Antwort von DoBBy:

In the current issue of photography is a great article on translation and synchronization. Where can I get this issue?
Antwort von Natevi:

If your language skills are sufficient, there can be a real enrichment to make a movie once in the Originalfasssung to see. It starts with the sound of the voice and melody of the original s.and hears the voice of Sinn Articles certainly not on.
Sometimes you feel that you are in another film sits ;-)
All it is exciting times.
Antwort von PowerMac:

In the current issue of photography is a great article on translation and synchronization.
Where can I get this issue? Kiosk, shop s.Bahnhof magazine.
Antwort von Natevi:

There are now already parodistic, the use of this artificial way of speaking of some synchronous Amiserien and can easily fill an evening,
zb this shrill, "Oh my God !!!!!" That says in the ordinary English language usage but actually nobody.
Antwort von DoBBy:
If your language skills are sufficient, there can be a real enrichment to make a movie once in the Originalfasssung to see. It starts with the sound of the voice and melody of the original s.and hears the voice of Sinn Articles certainly not on.
Sometimes you feel that you are in another film sits ;-)
All it is exciting times. Yes, I have just read with current DVDs, often times simply the original set. Direct communication problems now, I had not really so bad, except it was real regional dialect-English or something. Much more interesting, I found (as you've already said) that it is sometimes very strong but can vary and the whole thing, I always (until now) could not explain. But if you're saying that it is normal, OK ...
PowerPC @: (* gg *) How do I do now get this issue?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Umm Yes - Well they are probably with the script or send?!
geh times as you can find all the scripts for most shooting. So looks like and what will probably be translated into German.
And even in the show with the mouse, so what was already shown with corrugated iron and aluminum foil as thunderstorms do with coconut shells hooves of horses after it probably should be synonymous to know ;-)
Antwort von Natevi:

Look at Casablanca times in the original version. I think that's really cool.
Antwort von Natevi:

Very simple example, imagine someone widerfährt before disaster strikes. At least in the region where I live, would be a "Shit!" a perfectly normal verbal reaction.
Even in English-language film would be a "Shit!" normal.
Had synonymous roughly the same meaning, but fits as different numbers of syllables not to lip movement. So you would in the transfer from English into German rather the word "dung" is selected, because it wonderfully fits the lip movements.
If you now but the meaning of "Sch ...." with the comparing of dung, they are no longer the same, especially with regard to the context.
That is the price of synchronization.
Antwort von DoBBy:

And even in the show with the mouse, so what was already shown with corrugated iron and aluminum foil as thunderstorms do with coconut shells hooves of horses after it probably should be synonymous to know ;-) Should you? The item with the mouse, I have earlier in protest never compatriots:-D
Antwort von Natevi:

The haste but missed what better to get the world but did not explain ;-)
Antwort von DoBBy:
The haste but missed what better to get the world but did not explain ;-) Yes, because you are probably right, but I would say, I am actually pretty well synonymous alternatively trained ... It is indeed still some families that are still so conservative and live where a television is an absolute taboo and which are formed so synonymous quite well next. So for us it was the television of course, no taboo, on the contrary, gabs with us (and there) is always controversy, who is now what looks, but the consignment with the mouse, I had somehow just never interested in what does not mean that I am not one or two programs have seen more but it was not ... I have often totally happy and "Dandelion" compatriots, is actually similar to the program with the mouse. And yes there was presented to a total synonymous taught much about the world ... ;-)
But I soft from the origin issue:
So it might not seem so ready to go to a movie to synchronize ... Since I will probably need to keep s.deinen advice and somewhere suitable Atmos herholen etc, but if you still sounds good! Let's see ...
Antwort von Natevi:

Please understand my reference to the missed not a criticism, it was a "wink" meant.
I greatly appreciate it if children in their media consumption be restricted. But the issue here, I will not discuss next.
To Nachvertonen:
That will work if you are already a few sensible noises searched. And you'll probably even have a lot of fun, which is synonymous very creative, so what right to tinker.
Then it will be at the screening so synonymous fun and be around when it is coherent, which falls on anyone.
There is nothing good, unless you do it.
Antwort von robbie:

Return relating to ... If the film is not a big blockbuster and the language itself, in contrast to the background noise and the music like a mono on both channels behave, then they are in fact at least significantly weaken!
One of the two channels Invert join - same, so in this case the Language - clears away. However, it is only under certain conditions ...
Antwort von DoBBy:
Please understand my reference to the missed not a criticism, it was a "wink" meant. No, not at all. For God's sake ... I've gone and not understood as a criticism. As you can see once again how much you like emotions or misinterpret, if you only in writing with each other has. I think this is a major drawback s.Foren or synonymous chat programs. Had I confessed to you now, then you would have immediately noticed s.meinem facial expression, as I have understood it. :-D (note that now smiley ^ ^)
I greatly appreciate it if children in their media consumption be restricted. But the issue here, I will not discuss next. Yes, I appreciate synonymous, although it is now for me personally was that I really was not so restricted, as I understand it, for example, or from other family friendly environment. Clearly, care was taken that there are no films that s.16 or 18 only released are compatriots, but the parents are then someday asleep in front of television, which follow, I am synonymous since been somewhat hardy:-D But why do you want to The next issue was not discussed? Is quite interesting, or not? ^ ^
To Nachvertonen:
That will work if you are already a few sensible noises searched. And you'll probably even have a lot of fun, which is synonymous very creative, so what right to tinker.
Then it will be at the screening so synonymous fun and be around when it is coherent, which falls on anyone. Hm yes, that sounds, in fact, not boring, it wonders just where it sounds herbekommt ... Do you by chance because what?
There is nothing good, unless you do it. I agree with you fully and completely to ;-)
Antwort von DoBBy:

If the film is not a big blockbuster and the language itself, in contrast to the background noise and the music like a mono on both channels behave, then they are in fact at least significantly weaken!
One of the two channels Invert join - same, so in this case the Language - clears away. However, it is only under certain conditions ... Thanks for your tip, synonymous of course I will try!
In this sense, MOST BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY Thank you, you obviously synonymous! :-)
Antwort von Natevi:

To s.die noise to come, there are many ways:
You can get places without language, for example, from the film copy of Soundtrack Pro (which Audioprog of Final Cut), there are sounds without end,
synonymous CDs there is, then the path remains on the recorder, I have time because I had foolishly forgotten the voltage on, from a few snippets later recorded the sound of a production hall zusammengebastelt. Noticed only when it was pointed out.
What Robbie suggested, does not sound bad, that I have never tried. Will I be but times do.
Reports times, as it was.
Antwort von beiti:

Also s.Hollywoodfilmen is much rumgebastelt, a clever IT to get established. Basically, the sound engineer has value to the Dialogton possible without noise separately and incorporated by them with the directional microphone close enough s.den approaching the mouth, with 90% of the noise levels will be added later (in the case of studio recordings under controlled conditions, 100%). Then it is easy to create ITs later. Is synonymous funny if you eg outtakes or deleted scenes looks that have not yet gone through the sound are some party scenes in the finished film of loud music dominates, lay without this music from pretty stupid. (Even the extras have to be stupid happen to dance without music.) But there are so synonymous live sounds, together with the inevitable results are the dialogues and therefore part of the O-sound are - on the otherwise it is not IT. Depending on the environment, the O-Tones directional microphones, etc., despite a certain amount of background noise, which then for IT artificially generated or recorded with extra Atmo need to be replaced. In all these cases, the handymen and Tonleute to put the soundtrack of many set pieces together.
It is customary for filming s.jedem Set for Final Atmo a few minutes without dialogue, all technical noise (Kamerasurren, whirring of HMI lights, etc.) must be given with it, so that it fits the other recordings. This can then later dialogue or individual noise "hide".
From a ready-mixed film is the dialogues barely usable mix out, because the set pieces just do not have available. Atmo einflicken can only do that if the noise is uniform. Once synchronous noise or even music in the game, you can no longer work.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

The only promising approach is filtering of the mE-called Robbie. In the hope that the dialogues in the acoustic center are the two stereo tracks lay on top of each other phase. Maybe you can with a steep spectrum equalizer voice still somewhat hidden.
The more I've followed this thread, the more matured in me, however, the approach Neuvertonung ". That will be but certainly not synonymous just s.einem afternoon to do his. However, I hope that you will not really an entire film, but only a few scenes nachvertonen want. Even the mere After speaking will require some practice and you will spend hours trying to lip-sync the language looks like - especially in dialogues (I assume that your speakers are not synchronous).
Maybe you can help a good Tonprogramm. Given that one can now often synonymous with a video track output to allow the sound to match the picture it can (Prima Multi-track audio software demo with uneingeschränketer example Reaper). Synonymous But there are other editing programs, in which a voice-over (actually intended for comments) can do.
You will certainly have more ups and really should repeal all. Vielleixcht was the penultimate recording but better than the last ...
Please write in any case, as you've done it and with what experience.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
The reference to the current magazine issue but would have actually served, right? ... especially now that reading is not really committed to the Beginners immediately under the pillow packs. Perhaps still appears and yells at someone, "are you stupid himmelnochmal that stands in the" indy films, heft 9, eighth edition, the local part of munich, vintage 1972, page 28 ";-)
Dobby @: ums Nachvertonen seems no way herumzuführen. Since it will be a parody, I would like to have a "lip sync" is not synonymous sooo big worry. Sure, the obvious afterwards, but in the studio, take professional dubbing the need to train for years (and still does sometimes mans).
Difficult is it anyway, just courage.
Antwort von Axel:

Actually, for all 5.1 mixed shooting no problem, since the language of 99% only in the center channel is located. You need therefore only a tool, which separates the channels. Were days of years ago and ever a thread about this:
Antwort von Natevi:

Hi, Axel, thanks for your advice, on Star Wars Kölsch!
If the whole morning, I smile on the face can be.
That is probably not viable solution.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... On Star Wars Kölsch! If the whole morning, I smile on the face can ... Harry Potter Cologne street sweepers as synonymous is not bad ;-)
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Natevi:

ja da haste ja Dobby a few templates ....
let us s.Ergebnis participate ..
Antwort von DoBBy:
ja da haste ja Dobby a few templates ....
let us s.Ergebnis participate .. :-D Yes, we will in any case, now some of these things to try :-) Let's see whether and how it works ... This idea with the 5.1 Sourround sound still seems to be the best. Otherwise we would have to halt Atmo noises collect. So, then the artists get to work fresh times:-D
Antwort von darklord77:

Hm. Eigendlich in such actions is always up with an unusable sound miserable result on arithmetic.
Sure, you can mitigate certain Freuquencen, but you schwacht thereby aucg while the rest of the Geräuche from.
Imagine it as a ready-made pie before - And if someone asks you the sugar from the cake can be extracted without destroying :-)
Antwort von Natevi:

@ darklord
Look at the times of what is hidden behind Axels link. If you are of your Lachanfall recovered, you will have to admit that apparently works well ;-)
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
we should stop collecting Atmo-noise. Then parodies the same but synonymous with a car that sneaks around the corner, with a wrong tire squeal ... Doors slam as atomic bombs, a falling sheet of paper proposes with a bang on the carpet on ...
Antwort von Debonnaire:
... If you now but the meaning of "shit" (English: "Shit") with the of "dung" compare, they are no longer the same, especially with regard to the context. Smile ... however, ARE the same! "Mist" is simply the processing of "shit", but on the same basic material based! ;-)
Antwort von Natevi:

The last contribution, although it is no longer quite so relating to, but I have to contradict:
They are not! Make thee times the effort and time to look at articles on the two words in Wikipedia to. In addition to that, in relevant dictionaries as a word is vulgar title.
It lives Language s.den fine differences.
Antwort von DoBBy:

Please write in any case, as you've done it and with what experience. Aber gerne doch!
Even if the whole thing now since more than half a year ago, now we have finally found the time to try the whole thing. Target object was James Cameron's "Titanic." The film, we have (among the highest keyframe Fummelei and precision) to get as follows:
Please make sure to watch in HD, or else hears and sees it (typical of Youtube) pretty stupid now!
The sigh at 1:25 / 26, we have left it with intention, because None of us is so nice for people, like Ulrike Stürzbecher (German voice of sync Kate Winslet):)
Titanic - Flying Scene (Karaoke Version) - IT-mix I am curious what you think about this ^ ^
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Congratulations! The dialogues are spoken rausretuchiert been almost perfect! Only the good Céline has shown a bit stubborn, I think! ;-)
Times can you describe in detail how ihrs hingekriegt so good, you ask?
Antwort von DoBBy:
Congratulations! The dialogues are spoken rausretuchiert been almost perfect! Thank you for your praise.
Times can you describe in detail how ihrs hingekriegt so good, you ask? So ... We have (on Axel's tip out) the movie of the DVD into your editing program (Magix VDL 2007/2008 +) are imported. Magix supports the extraction and processing of 5.1 Sourround sound. So was the sound track of the movie soundtracks into 3 split. A soundtrack was only Atmogeräusche, the other included only soundtrack and sound effects and the last third soundtrack included only the pure dialogues. By muting the Dialogtonspur were then virtually the entire vote. Unfortunately, the s.manchen bodies still belongs stupid, so here came the keyframe solution is used. We have the volume of the Dialogtonspur "gekeyframed" and always just before the dialogue, the volume per keyframe and disappears immediately after the dialog is shown again. So, we got a really almost perfect blend IT or karaoke version. We were quite impressed with how well we have achieved this and found it funny, some synonymous positions of the film without dialogue and with Atmos and only sounds to be ...
We think, for purposes of parody is so much a mix of professional over, as the numerous parodies fanmade who cavort on Youtube, where the complete sound and has been cleared by annoying songs were replaced, which ultimately did not add to the atmosphere of the film fit.
In any case, thank you very much for the numerous tips and support to us in preparing the final version of this helped!
Antwort von Axel:

Shows what surround means Asynchronous Atmo on L, R, LS and RS, dialogues
and action-important individual noise (shot, bang doors) never in stereo. The time a localization, synchronous sonic left behind needs, varies too much of the forward, center, the center is even, depending on room size, s.Processor to an average lead time in milliseconds is set to halfway to synchronicity guarantee. Unfortunately, one synonymous Music for asynchronous sound, so when you delete the Center synonymous holes in the music emerge.