Frage von Dogs:
we've got a small problem but we want to book now and still make a music video
but the problem is that we, the films which are now on the cassette are not brought to the pc ... bekommn drivers installed (ausm network) and pure usb dan ... dan is doing nothing .. I have somehow discovered it so nen
memory stick needs ... download digital movies on the pc to be able to
Tag s.näxten kupelz immediately into the city ... "the sellers jedcoh such a card he did not .. just needs a program (I think he was in the area leie)
nunja I ask the professionals and book now .. I've googled a lot and almost nothing found
My QUESTION: Does the video on the memory stick to be (which is synonymous quality loss means) to be to load it on the pc to
or gibts ne possible speed of the normal dv cassette dub the movies on the pc to ...???
it is the Sonypc110e and has connections such as USB, S-video and other .. .. but I think over the usb connection it must work
what should I do??
Antwort von jens:

Ever seen the term "Firewire" or "" belongs (Btw: ever seen in the user manual of your camera?)
No, no, no? Then try once the Forum search ( "Firewire")!
Antwort von Dogs:

naja thank you for your answer synonymous whom she was not nice
It is not my camera and we know each other out ... but not so technically we are begabpt: D
anyway I'm just looking for the burning point ... now white ichs .. naja
woll then I have googled till I fall over ..
I really need a firewall .. ne have extra ticket? So my hardware?
bock of not spending money ...
naja ich such mal next
Antwort von jens:

You will not avoid the Firewire card. But is not so tragic. I think with 10-20 ¬ you get out there. Can indeed synonymous take a look towards eBay.
Important: it should be OHCI-compatible!
Antwort von Markus:

My Bestsellers:
FireWire FAQ">S.PC Connect your camcorder and capture images