Frage von Invincible:
I want from a book (photo album is a kind of) a kind of digital book draw on the cover of the book itself and open the pages are browsed.
The book is on some pages are left open and the camera in some photos on these pages, zoom in, then move the video and full run.
I've seen something even more frequently (eg with newspapers). Unfortunately, I do not know how to implement it.
Have tried the book to film (with twine and Föhn what synonymous has worked quite well).
Now I would like to continue to make After Effects and since my problem is that I am somehow the images or videos on the book pages and they must move and so the perspective is changed. Geht sowas with motion tracking?
How would you implement such a thing? or is there a better approach though the entire book digitally animated, with AE or Cinema4D?
Thank you for your answers!
Antwort von Jogi:

There are already some pre-effects with which you can realize something. The result, however, is never as often as you would expect. Because it means only ... ourselves. For AE, I can say nothing. With Liquid as it can very well realize. Shooting, like a book is opened does not bring much. Best Cover of the outside and inside scanning, Still Image was possibly synonymous. For these elements via a Keyframesteuerung leaves animating effect. The hook of the clip is the easiest of all matter. In Liquid exist for such things us3D filter or editors. But synonymous with Vegas and Premiere or Final Cut Pro, this is, in my opinion even more complicated. AE you have to other users in the forum here to help!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The Flash plug-in called the "Page Flip" costs about $ 50. This makes it possible to turn over Web Books with effect etc and realize.
Contents of the sites can then of course synonymous videos.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Invincible:

Thank you in advance for the answers.
Liquid, I is not synonymous and I've never worked.
A leaf effect gibts synonymous with After Effects, then to animate the book is less a problem to me synonymous with my "Föhnergebnis" quite like it:)
Only I do not know how I will embed the videos, without that it just looks draufgelegt and that they are the leaves of the perspective of the leaf to adjust.
Thanks synonymous for the Flash tip, but unfortunately it is a low budget project for someone from my family that I do not wish to spend $ 50.
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

how would it be with the reality. Grab a regular photo album, and illuminated it cool to browse through it. The "real" pictures you will later with AE On.
Go easy and looks good.
Many greetings
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Unfortunately this is not what you suggested because Lutz.
Invincible If I understand correctly, the video was shown on the Page is synonymous with the handle of the same matching "Scales" and "Transforms" are presented.
This goes with a "Real Book" only when tracking areas / points would have to adjust later. (High frame rates are here for a redundant edge of leaves)
In the flash is quite simple, the plug or the scripts and functions, keyframe samples synonymous get into Open Source Flash Databases - PageFlip below.
For Web pages, or so-ok-for example. a new "Endless Story" Intro to cheap, there needs to be built in 3D, the book ;-)
Search again I know you'll find.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Invincible:

@ Lutz
yes with the reality was that I had already tried what I as synonymous result would suffice.
is only just that my problem, what Dekid B. said that I am the video or photo just "lay out" and that it can not be adjusted with the turn over is.
would be necessary for the realization with the right book with the tracking point swing when I arrived at the Real Book s.die place where later the film hinsoll, a frame and draw these mitfilme?
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Nope, no tracking points, Corner Pin no, no Motion Tracking and certainly not a Cinema 4D! Simple and modular in "levels" thinking and with compositions and sub-working compositions, which, phased manner, just as do precisely what they can and should! ;-)
In AE:
1. Bau dir ne blank page from his book scanned parchment (or generate inside of AE in a shallow supervision.
2. Pack this Page to a composition and attach the / pointing to / n Still Image / s and / or video / s on it. Still flat.
3. Create a blank composition and pull leere-Buchseite-with-Stillimage/s-and/oder- your video / s-it from Comp Item 2 into it. There is a Comp with embedded sub-Comp.
4. Turning to the Comp from point 2 (the present sub-Comp) in the Comp from Item 3 a Seitenumblätterneffekt to. Now, the background scrolls with the page that applied Still Image / s and / or video / s simultaneously as an object.
5. Steps 2-4 lead you once again for each displayed by Page until you like many combinations Komps with the album leaves you, as sites which show you want.
6. Now you build, in a further Komp, from this album leaves-Komps the finished album.
7. A little detail work for book spines and the background and so ev ... done!
Alles klar?
Antwort von Invincible:

@ Debonnaire: Thanks for the detailed answer.
Be it a try in any case. Unfortunately I have with the Page-Turn Effect no experience and therefore he gave me perhaps synonymous Optics of the not so well liked. Werd just a little bit herumexperimentiern, you will of me höern;)