Hi! So far I have 300 videos and hundreds of photos of a processed external disk, but now wants to go on an internal, move all materials of ext. int on plate. But bleats premiere because he is no-longer the files from the projects. Must umverlinken individually, which of course is nonsense in the dimensions. How can we move premiere say that it is various folders with video and photo files have?
Antwort von ksr:
When asked about the lack of Premiere file, you must generally specify only 1x the new site (by clicking on the file when the window opens, searched for for the file is). All other files in the same directory are automatically found. Thus, therefore, only 1 click each folder (and not per file!), Which would be feasible.
Antwort von DezorianGuy:
Here I must, however, link to link each file within a folder /. how can you do this like you mean it? so I would save me hours of tedious link ...
Antwort von ksr:
Hmm, I know, unfortunately, not synonymous next ... Premiere 6 and Premiere Elements 2's way of working alone (not next question after the first click in the correct folder) - and is actually a chimera, if the more modern versions can not?
Antwort von nico:
I'm not quite sure, but it could be possibly that this is a point of distinguishing where the big premiere versions of the abgespekten (Pr element.
With the large versions it has been since the premiere analog 4 (not Pro) as it describes Ksr: You have to click only one file.
Antwort von DezorianGuy:
Well, then I click my way through the jungle ...-_-... files thanks anyway.