Frage von Nitram:
I have the following problem.
I have had with my 6 ulead video output in mpeg2 to it can not with nero express svcd to express but to burn.nero downloaded in mpeg2 svcd burn.habe tmpegnc, but can not convert the mpeg2 file ... even though I am here in the I read some forum that it should work. what can I do to burn to svcd to mpeg2 formats?
ps: if I allow myself to spend in the videos of svcd ulead I have a terribly bad quality ... so wanted to with a higher resolution, so mpeg2 to work.
I hope it can help me jemadn.
thanks in advance
Antwort von beiti:
ps: if I allow myself to spend in the videos of svcd ulead I have a terribly bad quality ... so wanted to with a higher resolution, so mpeg2 to work. SVCD MPEG2 format only allowed in 480 x 576 pixels at a maximum of 2.6 Mbit / sec. The highest quality will fit 35 minutes Picture and sound on a 700-MB blank CD. Other key data will not be accepted Nero as long as you choose the SVCD format.
These key data one needs to have a good encoder with an optimal setting to get good quality; Ulead is there may not be the best choice. As good as the original in original Resolutionkann it does not look the same.
While there are a few more höherauflösendes format for video on CD-R (eg, Mini-DVD), but only a few DVD players can play back reliably.
Maybe you go in meditation on a DVD-Burners?
Antwort von mkrawietz:

Hello Martin,
the MPEG2 encoder in TMPGEnc is actually very good for the
Creation of MPG2 files for S-VCDs. It has to be licensed but is charged. Since then it seems the purchase of a DVD burner ultimately be the better alternative. At the higher bit rates of the MPG files for DVD is then synonymous example of Ulead Encoder (Manufacturer of the newer versions, the company MainConcept) again very useful.
Antwort von nitram:

schonmal thank you for your help!
So to mini dv: yes with my digital camera takes mini dv auf.wie I can achieve such a quality of the final product? only with dvd burner?
the funny thing is that I'm schonmal can convert videos to svcd, which have different quality across different scenes, although they are of the same camera and into the same "encoded" (were?) ... there are some qualities while the s . get close dvd format ...
thanks in advance
Antwort von beiti:

The full quality of DV with DVD itself is not attainable, but with high-speed encoder is good and we ran so close that the differences we should look with a magnifying glass.
The SVCD format s.drei however, suffers from limitations: First, the horizontal Resolutionvon reduced 720 to 480, second data rates up to 2.6 Mbps are only admissible, and thirdly, to fit into just over 30 minutes of maximum quality at the target.
There are DVB television stations with similar data (480x576 pixels, sending 2 to 3 Mbps) and therefore are not useless (which proves that one can with a good encoder rausholen something else), but of the original quality of a DV recording you still a bit away. The biggest disadvantage of the lower data rates will always be available when something moves quickly in the picture or if the camera wobbles, static shots from the tripod can be synonymous with low data rate still play well. Perhaps that explains why you have made under apparently identical conditions, very different results.
I would s.Deiner body - in addition to a DVD Burners - a good encoder or editing program with buying good encoder.
My tip would be in the affordable segment of Cinema Craft Encoder Basic, which delivers very good quality and is extremely fast. Free as a download version just $ 60. Synonymous, it is a trial version to try out.
KlickMein Budget-Tip wäre die Schnittsoftware Pinnacle Studio 9 SE, die es bei eBay für weniger als 10 ¬ gibt, and die ebenfalls einen guten Encoder integriert hat (der aber nicht so flott rendert wie CinemaCraft).
Click In any case, you should get a high data rate and quality settings, and 2-pass VBR choose. Then nothing can go wrong.
Antwort von Nitram:

which means that I get to ne maximum quality when I have a finished film in pinnacle and then encode with dvd burner burn?
Antwort von beiti:

Yes, you could say that. Pinnacle Studio synonymous, incidentally, a focal feature in theory you can spend finished DVDs that.
Antwort von mkrawietz:

Many thanks beiti, but a question I would have.
currently using ulead studio 6 video ... meinste the synonymous sufficient to encode? pinnacle, or is there a lot better? it is worth it if I at the ulead schneidearbveit active, etc., the cut encode to mpeg, which let to run again by a better encoder and then burn to dvd? or it goes acuh I wnen with ulead encode and then burn with dvd burner?
^ ^ Were now asking more, but on a komtm antowrt out ... thanks in advance, perhaps ^ ^
Antwort von beiti:
it is worth it if I at the ulead schneidearbveit active, etc., the cut encode to mpeg, which let to run again by a better encoder and then burn to dvd? or it goes acuh I wnen with ulead encode and then burn with dvd burner? Dual encoding is of course nonsense. What s.Qualität once lost, is not through a second pass back again.
Purchase First s.besten from a DVD Burners and try out how the quality comes out of Ulead encoder with the best quality setting. If you're satisfied, no further consideration.
If not, you should Ulead with the finished movie as a DV-AVI lossless (not as MPEG!) Output, load it into a better encoder, and then perform the MPEG2 encoding.
Antwort von nitram:
