Frage von Moritzk:
Hy moin moin,
ne short quick question.
I want my mts. Question of the SonySr11 before the cut, with the Windows Media player and thus Preview.
Unfortunately, I can always just a Videofile put in the playlist. Why can not I like. Mp3's for more titles in the Windows Media Player and insert them one after another look?
Thank you for coming to help.
Many greetings to Moritzk
Antwort von RickyMartini:

What Windows and WMP version do you use? With "PowerDVD 8 Ultra" you will get exactly what you are looking for. :)
Antwort von Moritzk:
What Windows and WMP version do you use? With "PowerDVD 8 Ultra" you will get exactly what you are looking for. :) First, Thanks for your answer.
So as far as I know, I have the 11 version of it.
Antwort von heimax:

I also with the movies of Sony SR11. To preview the clips do I use the Picture Motion Browser mitglieferten. Since I s.linken screen each clip as a thumbnail and can be very easy to access the clips. Qualitest is also better than with WMP.
Greetings from Schneeschippen mags