Frage von Bijan:
Hello everyone!
I hope so much that it is just a human error and you can tell me where the error is.
I want to cut a Cip with the help of multi-camera function, and thereby going against the way I did on the UebungsDVD s of Gallileo Design buw. video2brain've learned.
For this I create a sequence with two video clips in the Source Monitor sety numbered markers with the same number next available sznchronisiere and the whole thing. In a new sequence I sety the first sequence in the Timeline, activate the multi-camera function and the multi-camera monitor. All is well so far ... Just .. I have in the new sequence NO SOUND !!!!!!!
Why not where the error is __
Sorrz, spinning the keyboard ...
Antwort von Bijan:

I've found that - as soon as I enabled the multi-function chamber - the sound in the timeline is no longer available as soon as I disable the Multikamerafunktiuon the sound comes back. So I must make sure that I mark the Multicammastersequenz only the video track before I activate the camera function and multi synonymous s.besten while cutting the soundtrack with the padlock to protect against all cutting operations, as the sound would otherwise be lost again.
Is it that the point of it??
I do not think that this is so thought of that! Does anyone know where the error is?
Greeting Bijan