Frage von chris_d:
I am pleased to show you our newest music video:

Requests, suggestions, criticism -> Hotline known:)
Making Of:
LG Chris
Antwort von FabeX:

Can you maybe give some information about technology? Camera and so on.
Would be super
Antwort von chris_d:
Can you maybe give some information about technology? Camera and so on.
Some information about the technology:
It was shot with the camera as the main 5DMII (; 7D for slow motion): In most cases, with 85 and 50mm. Dolly and Jib of GFM.
Kinoflos 4ft 4Bank, 300W, 3200K
Strong highlight: Dedolight 400W HMI, 5600K
Weak highlight: Dedolight 150W, 3200K
Followspot: Pani 1200W, HMI
(; Div Par - Light for the choreography as Disco Light)
Here are a few production stills: I hope your technique could - hunger.
LG Chris
Antwort von chris_d:

Wen's interested, here's the Making Of:
Antwort von schlaflos011:

Very cool!
I envy you s.meisten because of the headlights. Can I rent something in Linz?
Beautiful pictures, great scenery, voices cut and I think the guys with the result of AGTrio were very satisfied.
Antwort von glider_pilot:

Interesting. The music video I really like it.