Frage von B.DeKid: or here
in the FAZ Just I have read this report and must say the Americans have once again shown that their legal system has ne Macke.
So I can go the Debate about illegal copies, and understood. I also befü words, the pirates - so people make, such as currently in India, Money with self-burned DVD shoot must be punished more severely.
But einn single mother land with 1.4 million euros fine .... I do not know.
You throw your yes, several thousand music pieces before you in their P2P Progi offered to exchange, but how many people already have all your music in the download folder in your P2P Progis? Many are even not at clear that this "database" then synonymous of other users can be viewed.
In the TV comb finally, the report was loaded when a 63 year olds have Mahnungsbescheid of Bushido was awarded as under the leadership of its non-secure wireless songs by the artist, he knew himself not at Bushido. But he lost the litigation because it would have to ensure as the owner of the WLAN is to be secured. He also had to pay several thousands Euro
What I want out. If one must act so hard, then you should be synonymous with the entire corporate managers into bankruptcy synonymous economies act harshly and not follow up on millions of euros. Their accounts in tax havens freeze and confiscate.
Sorry that I had time to address the issue, but somehow I think it's here a little too far with the prosecution / persecution is CopyRight of injuries.
B. DeKid
Antwort von pilskopf:

Since we are synonymous no need to talk about it, that's just sick. No idea whether there is Personal Bankruptcy. Otherwise, one will pay only not easy. Comparison of the court she has not accepted, then ® for 3500 and everything would have been over. I would so bite me in the ass.
Antwort von klaas:

Ignorance is not an excuse ...
Copyright violations are nen sensitive issue, surely the penalty is excessive given that they will pay this sum in their present lives are no more likely, but it will certainly not miss its effect ...
Incidentally Work for yourself with a group of illegal downloads ... has to fight the evil is to destroy themselves for the most part, people employed by their own work in the media industry violate various copyright, if synonymous private;) ...
Among the managers, I agree with you, but that is another issue;)
Antwort von pilskopf:

I Maloche synonymous in movies but the punishment is just ridiculous. The problem must be tackled differently. It brings nothing but.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The music industry at that time would have had time to Napster because otherwise turn to go, as it did the Po rn industry.
I think the issue / problem has been building and will result in even years so synonymous next point.
I have known and synonymous eingige musicians whose albums appear in the network, bothers you the perso. low since you are of your labels anyway verslkavt been ".
Nevertheless, this is a sensitive issue which has already blazed up in the politics his / her way.
I'm curious as addressed in the next few years.
B. DeKid
PS: Found it, however, important to talk about this / these case see at times here in the forum of my choice.
Antwort von pilskopf:

In any case, I wanted to say do not synonymous. The Americans have since a very sick system.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
The Americans have since a very sick system. Oh yes you have, you should tell your EX President and his henchmen once sued for human rights violations, and then let him pay several billion and this stuck in your GM or ;-) The U.S. economy is not just Miami NY or LA.
B. DeKid
PS: Who is intressant the servers belong or so shareholders who have P2P Progis ;-)) The merit s.den some cases even double and triple.
Antwort von actaion:

The ruling with the Bushido Grandpa I find totally harebrained!
Grandpa can not for crimes of another (; of which he knew nothing be done) and full responsibility.
If someone steals it from his closet a gun, and someone flips it, so why is dere Grandpa not the murderer.
And an Internet connection is so synonymous not a weapon per se, or something dangerous / Criminal.
But that's just as if I forget to finish my car, someone steals it and overcomes snächsten day by a bank. Come, I will go to jail for robbery and must also replace the 1 million damage?
Antwort von Fenek:

There is an Arab proverb:
You would not have come there if nothing had happened ...
Well the Yanks ....
I say only one thing:
Get out of Europe with the AMI-nation .... : D
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Umm ... Ok .... And what do you want us now to say when your statement on the ongoing Talkshow, Fenek?
Well, here I am anyway the Meihnung that a U.S. withdrawal is the gene pool of Europeans, and the Global represents special interests, is to me the warmest no preference where a "Yankee" is in Europe. ;-)
Mir gehts halt more about why sollche imposed sanctions, rather than sollche User sue "to such social services ..... times such as learning and training courses for people who only know s.PC On and Off button, organizes / attaches .. So what, that would lead to something, perhaps such a woman discovers the ability to feel good is your nen to help other people ... such as how a woman should ... except in Ami country through TV interviews salaries ... muster so much money?? Even if you now bears his backside s.den station you would never get the money together.
What synonymous my Meihnung is fully addressed by exaggerated.
There would be no MP3Stick Without the dissemination of music over the net.
And each user is clearly the sound of the CD is even better than of the "Sharing MP3" ..... and the CONCERT - yes he will attend as synonymous, and the way he ripped MP3 listen ...... But now is now paid up to 70 + euros for a ticket
the "music lovers" that should not be forgotten synonymous.
My thesis
The message of the EU elections and the Pirate Party are now 1 week later by shocking mob justice from the neighboring "Ami" trying to land ". What kind of world we live ner ;-)
I'd like to know about 1.4 million ... the producers get the company to the state, the artists themselves? At such times nem artists gone, and asked
'And you will have of the single mother or pensioner, the money last? "
I hardly think that this then "YES" .... I have `em on flea never seen pensioners and single mothers, to bring the" pirated "s.den man - where's the police or the inch? Was not s.Start EB Team of RTL or what, this is not worth it?
Sorry but this issue is homemade and there, the industry must come up with anything themselves.
Prohibit someone being let unsecured wireless, because it may allow such crimes??
I'll tell for years, usually one should make his free WiFi in a building directly to / ne coffee and divide by the I Net cash costs for virtually everyone, and always free access to the network. At 20 euros a month of 10nen you still earn enough corporations to finance their existing networks anyway .... if there is anyway no one is calling time, so costs are not s.Personal kanns yes.
And I am sure that if we clearly synonymous scored recommended ne new tape, the music loaded on youtube or on the network itself, one has to drive in the next shop and the ne disk / CD picks ..... what one else has invested hundreds of even thousands of dollars into his hi Equitment? To listen to MP3? Certainly not ;-)
And anyway, music must be worth at Purchase erstmal was worthy to be among the whole scrap ;-) this day
Music is nich play football, here you have to be good money to get something to .... And you make good music because you want so that coal is a no preference. Therefore, it should go to the musician and the consumer. Then you buy the albums, the synonymous and synonymous buys a goer times one of the worse albums, and it stops to "his tape".
Well he said yes as the subject of MP3s and network bothered me even years ... But we must not do.
B. Dekid
Oh yes, and CHILDREN Po rnos have to be removed from the network, - Pentition or not - but by private ne State unit, which then has to block certain content that ..... because both sides have to speak not with the State because it has a mere review, our INet is anyway beschni
Antwort von Country_Rocker:

What are the two issues because really to do with each? So firstly, excessive executive pay at a low liability, and secondly, excessive penalties for minor infringements of copyright.
Or are you just wanted to get rid of a little frustrating if you reads these messages? I could understand synonymous: o)
Antwort von WoWu:

The 1.4 million will be sure to get anyone, it is now by the verdict of the "value" of a down geloadeten title with 80,000 U.S. and other courts established ® may rely on it.
It is certainly not going to the hostess here ... This is a "Collateralschaden.
But another "interesting" U.S. ruling now states that ringtones constitute a public performance.
..... The absurdity, it is still not done enough ....
Also hereby do not ....
It's still a step next, as you can imagine ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Or are you just wanted to get rid of a little frustrating, if you reads such reports ?........ o) Of course, synonymous. But basically I am talking about
- My Meihnung discuss with others here too
- To draw attention to abuses sollche
- List the Idiologie of the new jurisdictions concerning whether the Internet as
That was me. Eg I still remember that we must make synonymous say this here /, synonymous finally comes every 2 weeks the question "Where do I Gema Free music for my video," right?
Then you may comment on reports sollche probably synonymous.
Although I must admit that I own blood, and often much more perso. Meihnung with leave to flow into it.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Axel:

In the days of vinyl record was awarded to them (and sometimes reluctantly, as susceptible), what we would today call "sharing" because you obviously got in exchange for another album. Which was then transferred to tape (; "copied"), an apparatus, whose Stone Age living today is hard to imagine.
With this action put to the texture of any awareness of injustice, and that, although a proof of intent would have been readily available because of the hardware configuration, hardly inconspicuous than a snap-distillery. Far away of one link with Google and found a single click. The indication that the record company synonymous one the music
could have sold had a contemptuous "Pfff" provoked. But the notice was initially not at all. The industry did well.
That changed with the transistor radio, respectively. Tuner-amplifier and the evolution of the tape recorder to audio cassette. You could make direct radio music (; "radio cassette deck), and An-Abmoderation with the" Rec-Pause waylay "button - quasi-linear first exercises in Assemble cut. There's five cartridges in the pack s.der supermarket, there were shelves for up to 500 cassettes, which could be pushed under the bed. So we really did not believe that was just his own recordings on these tapes: Most commercially available recorders lacked a built-in microphone!
The film enjoyed the ridiculous luxury that only films with (;) at least 5 years of delay have been shown on television. Videos were first a 2 -, later a 1-year time window, and there were only S.da (pirated, parodied in
on the moon. Today it would be a two-year old movie just to see if one with swine flu in bed and lay down to the DVB receiver of the environment would be completely sealed off. That the effort has been to copy it to a time-and qualitätsraubenden procedure, shows that films - like music - previously had a different value.
Intellectual property is worth protecting, which is a categorical imperative. Why? Because creative performance should be rewarded. But of course this position is untenable. For great is the army of orcs who can punch in their spackigen consumer savings greed attitude everything you suck. The appropriate punishment for them is that for them nothing has value. The fate of millions of punishment with the lagged short film, although I find no worth, I still vote with "No". The individual is not directed to such damage (; compensation argument). Criminally, he is not synonymous, otherwise we would have a crime rate nearly 100%. Theft of
intellectual property may not be
material to punish. Caesar the things that are Caesar's.
Antwort von canovision:

@ Axel:
Must again express my thanks for your always paired in any way readable contributions, depth of knowledge with common sense ... respect!
Antwort von WoWu:

I can not understand the continuing criminalization of the consumers, of the industry was in fact so declared an enemy, rather than that he is being courted as usual in any * normal * business.
But equally, of course, the music industry is (, I mean, the majors still) ignorant as ever and ever.
My goodness, the blatant technical, artistic and even synonymous managerial incompetence of the rivets in the upper floors, glaring.
Instead of rejoicing over the advertising effect, which was your everlasting ignorance she herself can be missed, they are trying with all means the self-inflicted loss of revenue with ever more ridiculous attempts to master.
Sometimes I catch myself now, even here, the remarks are a gentleman racer or Gorni some refreshing, although I still really just at a moment's thought is in mind what the masters of their journalists from time to time and musical Weltrettertum today as Wall s.The have gone.
I'm waiting for the day, s.dem the first Major of America in Germany is closed down and are simply out of visionaries in the executive suite sent to the agency for work, because then they would with their behavior, perhaps just a job in
McDrive withstand.
But only if someone behind them and REALLY GOOD stands watching.
Artist construction. The actual domain of the majors, is happening today
somewhere else - we want our "superstars" and the musical of the waste producers behind it, which is moving over with the A & R's, the coal-and out, so please do not refer to an artist development.
The problem is mainly that an organization such as the fossil GEMA unfortunately can not keep pace with the development and therefore - rightly - always ends up in the criticism, although extremely precisely in times of declining sales for more than was necessary, and finally with fresh thought to represent the interests of the authors.
My views on the declining sales, not incidentally, that the evil downloaders are to blame s.den sales slumps,
but the lack of supply.
And mp3 as a medium that sounds worse than some old cassette recording is certainly not the death of the music!
On the contrary, who is really interested s.Music who gets pleasure here, certainly in the original, just like before, when we found that instead of the cassette but eventually drove to the plate.
Today I'll buy much more than before, when I do get close as a teaser s.The mp3's much easier than getting three plastic bags of borrowed plates come with a friend back home.
No, here the record companies are the ones who have dug its own grave.
For who a musical ex Hoppklima and creates, who should not be surprised if the consumer is refraining from buying a product, whose half-life shorter than the need to download over a modem connection.
I want to know how many of the submitted recordings, even heard until the first chorus of the demos.
Much more important was that one of the suite at the Hyatt Regency to the next Popkomm still get it.
Oh yes, and the new Armani suit for the photo shoot for the gold award from the "Crazy Frog" will be synonymous selected yet.
But now Gorni Popkomm has indeed canceled for the punishment of consumers this year ....
For the PRS is the way out of the dilemma, for example, would be the abzukassieren, if someone copyrighted content * * used for the acquisition.
This would, first, finally decriminalized the lone housewife and secondly, the YouTubes of the world to ban s.Zug clear: Either the user or remunerate the artist who makes the ultimate portal to exist. Similar to the pub owner, operator or disco concert promoter, who indeed synonymous GEMA dissipates.
But at last the Entkrimina
Antwort von Axel:
Theft of intellectual property may not be material to punish. Ääähm, sorry, of course, applies only to the consumers, not for further commercial distributors or plagiarists.
But finally contribute to decriminalize the consumer. So it was meant.