Frage von Lupus.fx:
I read about 1.5 years have been busy with me and grateful for the many details. Synonymous, I would now like to pass on my experience: There is much in demand as ever, what camera you buy, what editing program to fit s.Besten which output format is s.Sinnvollsten. I wish you my solution of A to Z notice. Sure, it's not for everyone the right, and that is why I hope that you are not about me herfallt.
1. Claim I film, for example at weddings, on holiday, at parties, concerts, or if I as a mini-documentary about our steppe lemmings would like to rotate. So only for private use, as a hobby.
What must my camera so you can? Practical battery life (my old Sanyo Xacti HD1 was always empty at the wrong time), preferably portable, Picture synonymous worth seeing in poorly lit rooms / dusk, good photo function (with photo flash), "hard in taking" (ie s.Besten storage on SD Card), catchy handling video in progressive mode (not with me would like deinterlacing, strips, etc. for rendering herumärgern)
2. Camera model Since I already had the Xacti HD1, though in good light made beautiful exterior shots (which in no case Resolutionwar HD-under, but at 720x400 pixels Herunterrechnen very nice), and the HD2 and HD1A apparently regular infusions with old technology were stood I am skeptical about the HD1000. I gave it a chance anyway and was not disappointed (all ratings are my subjective impression amateur):
Battery life: Battery has served on New Year's Eve party for 140 flash photos, approx 40 min 720p-30B/s-Recording, Camera all evening and into the night stand, viewing all the photos and videos s.nächsten day on the display, and then still a little reserve.
Excellent sound: on the runway antenna Bavaria Party Open-air clearer sound, presenters and music very well understood, does not override
Weak light properties: for example, in dark pub atmosphere ordinary videos, videos will be recorded as it looks in real synonymous (even without being in the Lowlight mode with 15 fps is). Fireworks shots of New Year's Eve to see bombastically from and are sharp (with autofocus, NOT with manual focus).
Videos have a first-class quality: very natural color, no more frayed edges as with the HD1, 720p mode with 60 fps for schnellbewegende excellent motives, very good sharpness and low noise (see and compare with HD1A or Panasonic SD5 The stability of the auto focus is to daylight in rooms excellent, pub atmosphere to be usable, and which should be the focus lock or manual using the distance determined.
Photo gut function (synonymous wg. Manual control of aperture, Bel.zeit, etc.), but the Resolutionvon "only" 4 MP remembers one already. Certainly, the MP-10-and-more-synonymous monsters have nothing to do with quality, but 5 or 6 MP would be a bit better. Nevertheless, the images formatfüllend on my Samsung 206BW 20 "LCD very good (the 1:1 view reveals the weaknesses). The flash is ok, it goes good with WW 5 meters wide ( "rich" means that the picture is even more beautifully lit).
Useful image stabilizer to 5x zoom (unfortunately only electronical). From 5x zoom synonymous although he does as long as you focus the camera keeps quiet, but acknowledged he pans or "trembling hands" with strong Rucklern.
Grandiose standby mode if you just close the screen instead of the power button to press: causes virtually no power, but after not even Camera 0.5 sec to use (because you only need to open the screen).
Who has more specific questions, always out of order.
3. Postpress With Pinnacle Studio 10 Pros, I edited the files of the HD1. The H264 files HD1000 can not import into Pinnacle (even in 720p mode). Moreover, it often crashes from. Lack of alternatives I bought Pinnacle Studio 11 Ultimate. The program runs very stable, the new alpha blending transitions are unaufdrin
Antwort von weitwinkel:

missing actually only a movie like ...
To verify your experience.
gruß cj
Antwort von spyro:

Oh well -;)
Antwort von robbie:

Sorry, but this is a "HD-worry-proposal" for filmmakers without quality?
Then you are really worried its all happening because you either s.Dachboden hangs or lies under the earth, if you are at least somewhat seriously busy with videos ..
Antwort von Martin Dienert:
Sorry, but this is a "HD-worry-proposal" for filmmakers without quality? ... Quote from the first post:
I wish you my solution of A to Z notice. Sure, it's not for everyone the right, and that is why I hope that you are not about me herfallt. So please ...
Antwort von Helene:

If I have the camera will look at me really bad ...!
With something you should really not in the category of HD show up.
Antwort von Helene:

lupus hello, let you of what the above hack s.Schwachsinn not write in your thoughts influence.
The good must be just as far as to write a report, it is mostly little fertile chatter, more typing on forage envy. I give you to the Cam 100% right, and in great part Lowlight better than the queens of the night as an example SD1. Studio11 Ultimate is for most users enough if not more than sufficient.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

We write the year 2010
After intensive data storage of all Net users, I WebPolizei again following the attack on Ebay Beschummler success.
L.. F. (Names of the editors modified) on the bay was his camera on a XY z, and described it as new and in good condition. There were little with your tapes were recorded, resulting in a ca capita number of hours of X would.
What Lf was not conscious that he s.Montag the 11.2.2008 at 19:48 in a eischlägig popular forum following comments made ....
about 40 min 720p-30B/s-Recording, Camera all evening and into the night stand, viewing all the photos and videos s.nächsten day on the display
This is called the Webpolizei in Berreitschaft alarm, which immediately stopped the auction for further research and noted that any unauthorized use of this camera in relation to the film to the public exists. See the following statement of Lf .....
... on the antenna Bavaria Party runway open-air sound clearer, presenters and music very well ... Further investigations were s.den B INet-ND forwarded for Lf and the loss of his authorization Web Since being Ausweiss result, Lf out what the next few years, then must write postcards and won his impressions with pen and paper will hold . His book must have been times he consequently to flea markets sell.
-The Editors -
Otherwise nice experience but why Divx Xvid instead stayed un me explain ... but it is synonymous ok ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Helene:

For the Lupus top boys but the experience is not bad ...
Antwort von robbie:

The good must be just as far as to write a report, it is mostly little fertile chatter, more typing on forage envy. necessarily ^^... I will have something synonymous: P
I give you to the Cam 100% right, and in great part Lowlight better than the queens of the night as an example SD1. nanana ... no lie spread stories ...
Studio11 Ultimate is for most users enough if not more than sufficient. if only on a 1:1! DVD will surely.
I agree with you yes to that for the quality and variety of purses and a variety of solutions exist, there should be synonymous. Perhaps the thread title somewhat infelicitous. We will surely agree that this package never indicated such a high quality and feature such a high extent as more expensive stuff. You can see that yes synonymous already s.Export after XVid or Divx or what always synonymous. But if you rename this package in "entry-level HD to a small price, then this would certainly fit everything;)
Antwort von Helene:

Sanyo Xacti, the Samsung devices in the IR, p
Antwort von Helene:

robbie @
the contribution
My HD-worry-proposal (Camera, Editing, Hardware, edition) is fully in order because the emphasis is on MY.
lie? how are you on such a statement? have you ever compared the two cams? I did and about my statement.
Whether its the starter now for DivX formatted videos should report a positive experience rather not afford demolition.
and the statement
if only on a 1:1! DVD will surely.
is not more serious especially when a few lines below, the next it always arrives on the price of the quality of mind.
That's them in the skin when Avid A ***** together not because the users of the company stock change.
Antwort von robbie:

Yes at least we both know that Avid is not the hit it is: P. ..
So would you all of the Beginners Setup recommend you advertised?
30 images so beautiful and good, it needs synonymous. 720p is unfortunately just one of those sickly intermediate formats from the U.S., certainly better than NTSC.
Personally I have the two cameras is not compromised, but I've viewed me your links. From Low-Light Queen in this context to talk about is probably something wrong;).
Most films can be interpreted in the room, unfortunately, often synonymous with a very bad light. (Birthday parties, concerts, weddings, even as you write) ... And since this camera is pretty fast when small.
But as I said, if you are satisfied, then that's fine.
The MY s.einer incidentally, does not alter the target of such a proposal, it only reinforces once again that he is of you;)
Antwort von Helene:

Robby Sorry but I have no links you have sent and with the writer of this workflow nothing to do.
But to find its specific workflow for ITS seekers very well.
What has 720p with the U.S. to do?
Nothing is the definition 720p or 1080i for example HD1 or HD2 Full Hd synonymous affectionately called.
The frame rate is the defacto difference, over the pond with 29.97 or 59.94 for the television medium. We just with 25/50. On the other technical characteristics, we need not enter.
The disadvantage of the devices on the pond is at the moment only the Flimmerei with neon lights, television of the old guard, just anything with our 50Hz mains dahinflimmert.
The advantage but again, at its own closed circuit of the recordings until the play is the all new components for the image viewer is tuned to 60Hz. BR, HDDVD, LCD, plasma is far easier to do with 60p material as 50i with material.
Mir is absolutely no matter what the label is now whether as Sony or Sanyo or Avid or Pinnacle draufsteht is already written to me as totally no preference. I have a lamp with screen iMac with iMovie cut from a Docus XM2 seen as the universe would seamlessly follow through, but with CS3 Omas 90er cut after 10 minutes, people get bored of the banks also fall.
Cut the circle must be closed to those of this solution is chosen and then fit it synonymous. The contributions of some mind lots of other people testify to the wind is blowing here.
On the subject of Sanyo CAM, again only antesten themselves and then judge. I know of a report on the net with example, has a new HG10 traded against the HD100o
some other examples
The origClips this server are synonymous
a little material on the test itself.
Antwort von Lupus.fx:

Servus each other!
Oha, there is already a lively discussion arose. Let us maintain a friendly tone (as he has now revealed yet).
@ weitwinkel: Under you find a video I've created with 720x400. Unfortunately, the video for a review towards the end of more and more asynchronously (up to 1 s) - I must change again :-(. Vimeo Since a 500-GB limit per week, I will be until next Sunday nothing can upload . The video, incidentally, I have with 4 x 0.5 liters of beer filmed, please do so lenient (you can see in some scenes, how much of the stage we were away - the zoomed scenes are a bit shaky). Incidentally, I have it in automatic mode over the head with outstretched arms filmed.
That, dear robbie, underlines the hobby synonymous wish, because what serious filmmakers would actively participate s.Geschehen (because you missed a good settings), when shooting of the crowd can jog, and almost everything a position of record (in the bill remain to be loved). Nobody, I think. For me and other laymen, it is rather important, the device quickly in the pocket to be able (to join), and then just as quickly back up to have. Finally, I want to after viewing the pictures do not say: This must have been a beautiful evening. It is only the memory.
Unfortunately, with the Sanyo HD1 / HD1A / HD2 no favors done. They were in fact rather high-quality toys. The HD1000 but that has nothing more to do.
PS: Sorry my somewhat lengthy answers, but on work, I would not write.
Lg Sebastian
Antwort von stevenk:

Zick Zacke ... this is nice ...
Antwort von stevenk:
Zick Zacke ... this is nice ... @ Sebastian, I mean the brain with contrast, a egg has IQ of 190th
Sorry to the forum for this expression.
Antwort von wolfgang:

What has 720p with the U.S. to do?
Nothing is the definition 720p or 1080i for example HD1 or HD2 Full Hd synonymous affectionately called.
The frame rate is the defacto difference, over the pond with 29.97 or 59.94 for the television medium. We just with 25/50. On the other technical characteristics, we need not enter.
The disadvantage of the devices on the pond is at the moment only the Flimmerei with neon lights, television of the old guard, just anything with our 50Hz mains dahinflimmert.
The advantage but again, at its own closed circuit of the recordings until the play is the all new components for the image viewer is tuned to 60Hz. BR, HDDVD, LCD, plasma is far easier to do with 60p material as 50i with material.
And the flicker in artificial light will be in a 50 Hz mains wegbekommen not synonymous, if one device with a 60i/60p films. Already Page of the demands of her workflow times shown the courage to say something that one must have no preference. And that strikes me as daring.
Today we have enough LCDs or plasma, with the 50i material brilliantly cope. So I think it's more likely eaten.
No, you can modify the workflow presented here rotate and turn as much as you want - which is so "special" that he was hardly comforted next friend should be.
Antwort von robbie:

Right. Once just a part of your workflow host is not true, as the europ. 50Hz and 60i/30p, you have just one problem.
What 720p with the United States has to do:
As you know is visibly worse than NTSC Pal, and has approximately only a Resolutionvon 640x480. This means that for the Americans already have a 720p extreme leap means. For us Europeans, with a non-PAL really bad picture, but 720p is not really something special. A little sharper halt. If it would not play totkomprimieren. (Eg, Divx ...)
It is the only way in Europe really a milestone in terms of image quality forward, 1080th
Nowadays, unfortunately, no one sees a proper PAL signal. From verblocktem DVB-T or S to stop Youtube often comes only when the eye of garbage produced by any LCD or plasma set. Since then 720p is obviously something special, synonymous when it really only looks like a really nice, Pal signal measured on a super tube.
Antwort von exit:maria:

@ Wolfgang and Robby,
First, will the circle of players around, carefree and view devices in the next generation have been made because people are not part of this exorbitant sums for full HD devices view, or want to spend. Say that part of the Device View 100/50Hz offer at the moment are in circulation or in the circulation are vanishingly small in percentage, the same applies to devices 24p, although this is still nothing about the quality of the output states.
So the quantity of 60HZ devices in the new household must be first again go over Jordan and even then it is for most home users to price performance.
Once again, Robby, NTSC has nothing to do with the HD1 or HD2 format to do so.!
720p is synonymous with America, nothing to do. The HD specs are International, the difference lies in the repetition of the material.
And, once again, for which with their cams were already on tour have certainly had no problems on holiday night filming.
I do not know anyone who provocatively in front of a television in America and hinstellt or better in countries with a 60Hz television filming. The same will be here with you and synonymous with a computer monitor or LCD / Plasma TV re-ride.
Antwort von robbie:

My name is robbie, not Y;)
I've written somewhere that NTSC HD1 with what to do? No..
And the difference between formats, you need not explain to me safely.
Once again slow to note-taking and thinking:
This whole 720er Resolutionist nothing more than a minor for us Europeans toys. She has sogesehen something to do with NTSC, NTSC visible than that is worse than PAL 720 and therefore an already extremely progress in terms of image quality compared to NTSC offers. With NTSC s.sich it has nothing to do.
We have in Europe but generally not bad PAL system. The leap of PAL is to HD720, however, not the world, and thanks to the whole fun synonymous compression does not really make sense.
Did you get the picture link in my views? Since the Unteschied in resolution between NTSC, PAL, HD1 and HD2 clear. From NTSC to 720, nearly double, to 720 of PAL naja, one can renounce.
That's why it pays not really, in Europe on the 720er default setting.
On the subject of 60Hz with 60Hz TVs just do not run. Even fluorescent lights, power supplies, ... THERE synonymous then you see an unpleasant flicker. Overall. Show me any synonymous only place in town where you can not with a fluorescent lamp or energy saving lamp to do. It is 60i/30p for the European area unsuitable, and the modest advantage in the image on your optimized at 60Hz LCD TV do you have with anything else again broken. If you have such a Qualitätsfetischist are, then please Full HD with its proper frame.
Antwort von exit:maria:

Dear Robbyie
30 images so beautiful and good, it needs synonymous. 720p is unfortunately just one of those sickly intermediate formats from the U.S., certainly better than NTSC.
You remember you have to have written?
and then everything you've written above, I have you ever answered including the 50Hz problem through the power grid, etc..
If you have such a Qualitätsfetischist are, then please Full HD with its proper frame which is the 1080i? * ggg
Slowly, the whole amusing, did you playback via HD DVD or BR have been the basis of the source material?
Jack, I am here, I think it is no longer enough.
Antwort von wolfgang:
@ Wolfgang and Robby,
First, will the circle of players around, carefree and view devices in the next generation have been made because people are not part of this exorbitant sums for full HD devices view, or want to spend. Say that part of the Device View 100/50Hz offer at the moment are in circulation or in the circulation are vanishingly small in percentage, the same applies to devices 24p, although this is still nothing about the quality of the output states.
So the quantity of 60HZ devices in the new household must be first again go over Jordan and even then it is for most home users to price performance.
Currently, we are talking here of an HD-round carefree proposal ", and has nothing to with any market penetration numbers as of full-HD players to do. Apart from the fact that the best selling LCD panels in the area with approximately 48% of the 32-inch HD-ready panels at around 600 euros and no full-HD equipment is if you're of the market side wants to argue.
But not to go. The point is that we very well have 1080 50i camcorder, both in HDV and AVCHD synonymous in the area. These camcorders are consistent with the PAL countries in the use of the frequency Stromnetztes - and both are HD Ready, Full HD HDTV, but synonymous to SD TVs perfectly playable.
And the material is quite synonymous to 50 Hz authorbar - such distillery with Ulead Movie 6 + HD package including AVCHD to DVD, or BD-R. Or with Pinnacle Studio 11 +. Or with Vegas 8th Or, with Encore CS3 ....
And that is with appropriate players, easily playable, and at precisely this vision devices. And it need not even have BD players, such as a synonymous if the PS3 can be used in applications. If authors do not, then you will stop players like the TViX HD, or the 8500th Xoro HSD Very few people are the only things s.PC view, the medium is the output s.Wohnzimmergerät very well prevail. Here the market is still lagging behind s.stärksten because the BD player is still holding relatively expensive.
And you want from 1080 50i material to an SD-DVD that does it perfectly synonymous, if you want to downscaling of the issues in many tools aside.
So, in sum, there is a fairly clear workflow for HD-filmer in the consumer sector - but holding it normally looks like something other than described here. I can hold out, unfortunately, do not change ...
720p is the way a vollkarätiges HD format, and in a sickly manner None identified. For our latitudes, however, would be 720 24p, 720 25p or 720 50p better to use - and not a 720 60p. And of course, has 720p NTSC times with nothing to do ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Host
We will miss you not synonymous.
And who can read is the clear advantage.
Our robbie has hiier probably aptly explains what is at stake, or?
And by the way he s called robbie :-(
Antwort von robbie:

Jo mei ... A pity that today not even an interesting discussion that may lead if everyone is equally offended.
Yes, who can read is a clear advantage.
720p is unfortunately just one of those sickly intermediate formats from the U.S., certainly better than NTSC. .. I've written, yes. And what I mean?
The fact that I do not 720p for the yellow from the egg think, and therefore more likely 1080i or p prefer. Like probably most people in Europe. And I mean synonymous that although 720p is not the yellow from the egg, it certainly still is better than NTSC.
That is so like when I say: A golf is not such a good car, because I prefer driving a Porsche. Although the Golf is still better than a moped. Sure?
Although, he has unfortunately been adopted, the nameless guest. Schade.
Antwort von theorizee:

whether 720p is the yellow one is on or not and anyone who hd norm is preferred but ultimately no preference. The decision has long since fallen but eh. synonymous if I am also pleased about 1080 would have, but the European Broadcasting Union, saw the different and apparently has decided.
you can find content as you want
Antwort von theorizee:
This whole 720er Resolutionist nothing more than a minor for us Europeans toys. She has seen so little to do with NTSC, NTSC visible than that is worse than PAL 720 and therefore an already extremely progress in terms of image quality compared to NTSC offers. With NTSC s.sich it has nothing to do.
We have in Europe but generally not bad PAL system. The leap of PAL is to HD720, however, not the world, and thanks to the whole fun synonymous compression does not really make sense. Exactly Robbyie and BdeKind
ne and only question s.den Camman which the cam provides you with real 1080p50 or 60 material? No. But is synonymous no preference.
On the subject of particularly HD Full HD at the moment it looks like as if the story especially in the broadcasting sector especially for us Europeans moment dying branch but as a young shoot is stunted. The Pro Sieben has MediaAG of this experiment in 2010 and abandoned off. Full HD and I am particularly during playback of content especially now allegedly deceased HD DVD group can 50Framebande not suffer until yesterday on this material could not be used.
And a still, unfortunately, it is the case s.Broadcastmarkt is the PAL or 50Fp / S, 25Fp / S in comparison to the rest of the world in some way with the religion, say rather the bottom.
Antwort von robbie:

Yes, the EBU ... which says a lot when the day is long. Require TV stations and radiate it from synonymous:
"The signals must be of the standard 4:2:2 HD 1080i @ 50Hz according to the EBU - Tech
3299 "system 2" document with the title of High Definition (HD) Image Formats for
Television Production, correspond. "
Antwort von theorizee:
Yes, the EBU ... which says a lot when the day is long. Require TV stations and radiate it from synonymous: some are not more.
But to reiterate the themes starters back, the cam is so synonymous to your beloved 1080i just 60fps in the widespread fashion.
Antwort von wolfgang:

The fact that I do not 720p for the yellow from the egg think, and therefore more likely 1080i or p prefer. Like probably most people in Europe. And I mean synonymous that although 720p is not the yellow from the egg, it certainly still is better than NTSC.
I do not understand - 720p (according to EBU prefers 720 50p) is better in tests came out as 1080 50i. It is an absolutely valid HD format, which I would prefer as 1080 50i (in HDV2 resolution). Still I would prefer to only 1080 50p (in full HD).
But as an SD NTSC format? What does this so that all have to do?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Exactly Robbyie and BdeKind
Ne, probably from where the mouth is not it? ..!..
Antwort von tobesdop:

Exactly Robbyie and BdeKind
Ne, probably from where the mouth is not it? ..!.. And again a substantial contribution. It is precisely as described above.
Antwort von immanuelkant:

[quote = "Anonymous"]
.... which is now allegedly deceased HD DVD group can 50Framebande not suffer until yesterday on this material could not be used.
...... Have I missed? Is now on the last few days but still the 50Hz update for Toshiba's HD-DVD player released?
Antwort von tobesdop:

Yes but the production of HD-DVD devices will be set ...
Antwort von tobesdop:
I do not understand - 720p (according to EBU prefers 720 50p) is better in tests came out as 1080 50i. It is an absolutely valid HD format, which I would prefer as 1080 50i (in HDV2 resolution). Eins Plus HD broadcasts over Easter in 720p, great shows are back!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Is now on the last few days but still the 50Hz update for Toshiba's HD-DVD player released?
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von immanuelkant:
... Is now on the last few days but still the 50Hz update for Toshiba's HD-DVD player released?
Gruß Bernd E. Yes, thank you: Here is the link to the update (ISO image) for the Toshiba.
Did the update to 2.8 immediately performed and immediately synonymous with Pinnacle Studio 11 ultimate material of HDV (1080i @ 50Hz) a (mini-) HD-DVD on a normal DVD-R. The reproduction with the Toshiba HD-E1 is now working. Pictures are normally liquid, such as right of the camera :-))
Antwort von robbie:

Now yes, this is probably a kind of think to ask, regarding 720 and 1080th I truly believe that if we're on a completely new system to change, at least in the production should go with 1080. down to 720 is normally expected no trouble, and the compatibility to 1080/50p, which is around 2015 as a standard in Europe is to be used, it is probably better given archivmäßig seen.
As for the user looks pure hobby, of course, is surely a different matter.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Well then I would but after 1920x1080 cameras scout, the synonymous same record in 50p. Would that be sensible - but certainly not cheap ...