Frage von Meike:
So I had this problem for quite some time that my Cam (described above) for the transfer with the USB cable to the PC, no sound with more pulls over.
I've given an extra program have included the purchase. (Image Mixer Ver. 1.5)
With Pinnacle, I just tried it. The strange is that when CIH films in the Movie Maker transfer, he with the sound. (?) Is everything s.Einstellungen s.meiner Cam, or perhaps any line-in or line-out broken?
Is it because Cam s.der perhaps all settings to default (initial settings) set back? If so how does it work? Unfortunately, in Habe Tutorials, etc. found nothing. I would be very pleased about an answer.
LG Meike
Antwort von Markus:

Hallo Meike,
when a USB highspeedfähig camcorder (which is rather at Sony is not the case), then no other data management more needed to be able to picture and sound on the computer to transfer.
How it looks when you look at the standard connection (DV cable) use?
See here:
FireWire FAQ">Camcorder / recorder s.PC connect, capture and edit images