Frage von UlmsSkyliner:
I want you to imagine this music video that I've created our own.
Had very little time and no action could dewegen installed on details and ensured.
I would be happy about constructive criticism:
MfG Chris
Antwort von motzkopf:

Had very little time and no action could dewegen installed on details and ensured.
MfG Chris why you'll only catch on?
Antwort von FabeX:

So somehow I can not think to submit the clip ..
Music to anyway .. is not the synonymous component of this discussion.
I am somehow not at the clip can concentrate .. this constant Herumgefuchtel with the hands has made me almost a seizure caused Epilleptischen:)
And, the 2 approval Effects with blood, fire in the background würd ich rausnehmen.
Sorry if I was not more mustard to give .. my eyes still twitch of the hand movements :-)
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

So please do not assess the Music!
But only the video.
Antwort von Axel:
So please do not assess the Music!
But only the video. That is precisely the problem. In a music video is always the slave of music, even if it is bursting ideas and effects. It may be technically no more than 1A or
before louder Macken
Eiskalt abkacken,
Therefore only a small comment: When keying one must adjust the background color!
Antwort von Klaus Zimmer:

So I slowly ask me why the innovations of this music is only superfluous rap stuff is advertised. I'm sorry, because I have always the same off würg * *
Antwort von PowerMac:
So please do not assess the Music!
But only the video.
That is precisely the problem. In a music video is always the slave of music, even if it is bursting ideas and effects. He will never learn. It is not a video s.sich evaluated. A music video is more than the sum of Audio and Video.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) Had very little time and no action could dewegen installed on details and ensured. (...) If I read again ...
I have little time to build a car, had no engine and have it set up sloppy. And do you want to critique? Do it right and himself, and not always under any constraints that you as a justification mitschickst. There is no justification for a bad video. Learning the finite. You are responsible. Nobody else. Make something in your own life.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So ok ....
The bluescreen stuff quite make out
The exterior shots synonymous
The "Bogner" snow shovel s.Schluss .... the trick is done only when snowboarding videos / photos will be needed because here it looks rather as if "He Six Feet Down and you scoop it now"
Sorry, but the crew in the background is totally immobile comes no mood to
Tip kuck times of old Home Invasion Ice T videos and / or Onyx eg Down With The King>
reminded me of the dark corridor with you.
I would only "remain in the background - not draus gone.
As I have said time and stands to your Mukke even if your only other film is somehow the Popo turns or just what you synonymous fun.
Alla what I wish
B. DeKid
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:
So please do not assess the Music!
But only the video.
That is precisely the problem. In a music video is always the slave of music, even if it is bursting ideas and effects.
He will never learn. It is not a video s.sich evaluated. A music video is more than the sum of Audio and Video. Have already legal.
Have I said this because I know anyway that is not your music.
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

Since I've already heard worse (me away hats synonymous but not after the criticism I had expected worse).
Visual critique here is not as down on it, but as a valuable aid.
The underground location was already there but her. With the tips the whole thing again reworked / nachgedreht and then you could at least be satisfied himself. Or did you know?
Antwort von Gast99:

So eine Scheiße - Music and video - I
long time not seen / heard.
Let your mind something more solid.
Antwort von DWUA:

Guest 99
That surprised now ...
Where's but only as swarms of them ...
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

Just come of the final journey back, so I could not previously find an answer to write.
@ Gast99
tzzz ... ridiculous
machs but better!
give me constructive criticism, and not simply say scheisse
what brings me?
So would be glad if you give me some tips to what I could do better next time will be
Antwort von Axel:

give me constructive criticism ...
So would be glad if you give me some tips to what I could do better next time will be Almost every recording reveals how it is made and is meant, but not reached the standard of performance that one is accustomed to see (on a variety of clip-channels), and of which one at all superficial perfection is so bored.
As a music video for the only substantive criterion is (Please do not "creativity" to mention), just next to it is almost completely wrong.
So why verpulverst your energy with something like that. But others have more experience and more specialists s.Start.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Throw out the exterior scenes and the bluescreen synonymous matters and the boys will be times NEN bissel move or in the walls of the ruin rumhuepfen it reminds s.Party etc..
Otherwise leave it as is but ok ..... with the given resources already fits
Viva or MTV Like it is not the course but should für nen demo tape enough. Point
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

That was my first music video, and it was clear to me that for the television too bad.
Well, what can you do at 0 ¬ budget for the video?
Next time edit the recordings, good use of light. Light is everything.
But with Baustrahler can not synonymous grad miracles.
MfG Chris
Antwort von Axel:
But with Baustrahler can not synonymous grad miracles. With light suitcase not synonymous. With Arri Fresnel not synonymous. With a complete film studio is not (unless all employees include experienced, and you go out like George Lucas and
I will say
that even Jabba rear of lit) How the "values" thread shows, you're on the way . Do something scenic, these videos just to seduce effect gimmick. The advantage of Scenic is that the images speak for themselves. From them comes the what, the how and the why.
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

Sorry for my silly questions, but in terms of lighting, I am still a Noob.
It is already in the first few seconds clear whether the clip is professional or not, so go at least to me, surely you all synonymous.
Look here:
(I would not think such a gangsta type, which only says alta, etc. I listen to hiphop, dancehall reggae, pop, etc.)
thinks it provides and because of my music that I am here again NEN Rapvideos link for a post.
zum Bild zum Bild zum Bild zum Bild zum Bild The video I like, but I do not know how I do it, that my pictures look so professional synonymous, as in the video.
Known to create mood lighting, ambiance, etc.
zum Bild zum Bild zum Bild zum Bild Yes!
Light Set!
But how?
3 point lighting. and that with 2 Baustrahler (hard light), is probably not.
How should I put the light s.besten such (similar), professional-looking shots to get me without light suitcases, etc. to buy?
I realize that I endorse with my spotlight, not s.eine such light come off, but how can I get my shots that I have that certain something with the lighting design gives?
MfG Chris
Antwort von ef.multimedia:

I have not synonymous own Lichtset, because for me it would not be profitable. Baustrahler ever distinguished, because they produce light disgusting. What you need is Fokusierbare headlamps with Torblenden. If you want to purchase 3 of which you are determined at 500 ¬ for the cheap and in good s.1000 ¬ upwards. My tip: Get a loan in light suitcase The cost really is not the world. Elleine But that does not suffice synonymous you must learn to deal with it.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:

With light grazing (90 ° of the Page) is already done. No Lichtset? Macht nix, you such a location, where the evening sun beautifully deep inside can shine. With Aperture you get it all dark (blue hour). Then you have only 20-30 minutes for the rotation, otherwise it is really too dark.
Brightening is still with the usual cardboard.
Baustrahler are synonymous. When we still had no coal, had to work synonymous. Sometimes the defect can be synonymous to a cult collect :-) but we have rather then a huge white tarp with the things illuminated and a reasonable white balance done.
Then you can still see occasional accents.
Last tip: do not be too dark! That you can not post in the rescue, rather reversed already.
Antwort von kiteschlampe:

Exactly. Baustrahler 500W comes with Tripod for 29, - Euro for us.
I have bought 4 of two left, two of the right. One high, one low. This radiant you on a white pappholzplatte (baumarkt, 5, - Euro per sqm), thus indirectly illuminate.
Now, NEN 2000-watt spotlights, as the main light source, also indirectly.
Sensible white balance - and the crate.
Works and is cheap.
Of course, synonymous with the Profiequipement, but not so good ;-)
Antwort von ef.multimedia:

So he can Baustrahler sowas bend. He needs to Torblenden only certain areas aufzuhellen, shadows to create, etc.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:

Baustrahler no misjudgment, s.kannst you these things in the next Remodeling good use and b) so that you learn very quickly the limits of what is without a lot of money is possible. If you are not just two left hands and thumbs s.jeder only has there been what gets hingebastelt.
I'm talking here not Baustrahler the word ... that the so misunderstands None: but the Kinoflos & Co. are responsible for most of you - say that times - too expensive to be synonymous in the rent.
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:
So he can Baustrahler sowas bend. He needs to Torblenden only certain areas aufzuhellen, shadows to create, etc. Yes, I think synonymous!
Rent for dv camera rental would be a possibility.
And when I look at a single focusable headlamp with Torblenden would buy?
With the Baustrahler I can work so synonymous and synonymous thus produce soft light (Styrofoam plates, diffusers, softbox, etc.)
Antwort von Eugen von ...:

And when I look at a single focusable headlamp with Torblenden would buy? as already said, with professional equipment is of course better off. To know, posted times without it, would be synonymous not bad ...?
Antwort von Eugen von ...:

Another addendum, the author himself wrote about this:
Lichtmäßig were synonymous's only ne 150W and 500W bulbs, or from Baustrahler Hornbach and the related film "Skrypt" is
Antwort von PowerMac:

It is synonymous with Baustrahlern work and then 25 years after the equal right to edit or shine. Nobody speaks like this to light to buy. You can borrow it. And so it is not expensive. 50-75% discount you get loose in the distributors, if you look hard there. Just borrow and this is not because people have a good pre-production to do so. Or there are dozens s.Freien channels, video workshops, media centers, video clubs where you can borrow for free. Already there is good light. One must of course make it a little clever ...
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

I would however like one, fokusierbare headlights with Torblenden growth.
Is there effective at 150?
MfG Chris
Antwort von Eugen von ...:

Thread The brand I do not know. But as in the ebay are traded, the price seems rather to be attractive. Whether for professional purposes or upscale enough, it
could quite an Slashcam test show :-)
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Ianiro ... ... The brand I do not know ... Whether for professional purposes or elevated enough, it could quite an Slashcam test show ... Tests of such equipment, I would very much welcome synonymous, although in this case the result does not bring big surprise: Ianiro from Italy for several decades is one of the most famous Manufacturer of lighting for film and video in the professional field. With Baustrahlern whose products are no longer to compare.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Axel:

Ianiros are the best Baustrahler out there. They are very light and unbreakable. They fit on standard tripod cone. Filter insertion and gates are in the process. In a very limited extent, they can focus.
They cost 30 times as much as a Baustrahler. With the usual three (trunk) you can not expect a set dramaturgically auszuleuchten consistent as it could, if you have a strong arsenal s.verschieden Fresnel - ( 60 times as much as a Baustrahler) would have been available.
Without any experience synonymous availed it to a little light for such a day or so to borrow. Experience supplemented by the basics of lighting techniques (literature) makes a light, brightening agents, and artificial s.Set pre Baustrahler to combine good result (tip: PAR lamps, so such a stage light that is synonymous not very expensive, and it can be a spot or Flood and synonymous with filters, the light is in any case the construction of radiation-superior). Light continues to be the will first require the effect of light to understand. It begins by
immediately begins. Now no more pictures without the magical light. And this dish with brown bananas and the fruit fly against it - now! - The beginning. Light is all around you!
As soon as the man with modest resources can handle, you will want to expand the arsenal. Then you realize that there are significantly better tool than it has previously used. However surpass transportation, construction, laying of connections (electrician required) and the careful lighting of a scene the effort that a No/Low- budget filmmakers can operate normally, a lot.
Antwort von ef.multimedia:

Hello Chris,
ich hab dir mal ein Lichtset now consisting of 3 lights with tripods and Torblenden zusammengestellt. The headlights are not fokusierbar, but if you Butterbrotpaier with clothespins s.die Torblendne do you achieve the geleichen Effect. Since the light is even softer. The set costs 249 ¬. A pig launcher alone with Tripod Torblende and about 80 ¬.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... have ... a / en / basket_change.html ... That would have interested me synonymous, but unfortunately the link leads only to: "There are currently no items in your shopping cart."
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von ef.multimedia:

I have the components listed times:
Tripod -
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:
I have the components listed times:
- Scheinwerfer
- Tripod
- Farbfolien
- Torblenden A big thank you =)
Thank you!
Has anyone experience with the headlights?
Antwort von PowerMac:

You know already that this is a PAR is not it?
Antwort von Markus:

Antwort von PowerMac:

It has been synonymous of Ianiro Redhead mentioned. They are in fact very well known, EB vsals light suitcase. A great light, they did not. The ARRI are of much better. My last OB used only for the light to make light trucks.
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

I have not synonymous with the headlights, large areas auszuleuchten but only certain areas aufzuhellen and make it so the Torblenden possible, so the limits Lichtkegel On.
Would not be wrong to buy the headlight?
But not a bad buy, right?
Is it clear that he does not s.ein Arri lichset comes off, but at least for Tevez as Baustrahler.
MfG Chris
Antwort von Axel:
I have not synonymous with the headlights, large areas auszuleuchten but only certain areas aufzuhellen and make it so the Torblenden possible, so the limits Lichtkegel On.
Would not be wrong to buy the headlight?
But not a bad buy, right?
Is it clear that he does not s.ein Arri lichset comes off, but at least for Tevez as Baustrahler.
MfG Chris Hello Chris, PAR-Lights are certainly better than Baustrahler. My advice of next above is not only well intentioned, but really good. Attempts first, to arrange existing light. Until the ordered bulbs arrive, you have a few days to practice. Get two large styrofoam plates and another with black molton skin. Pick a theme, and create with anything that makes light, reflected or swallows, a picture that accurately represents your ideas. Frontal lighting, side lighting, backlighting, soft or hard light of all that you need to know how it is achieved. Take an hour for a recording, play synonymous with the exposure.
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

Thank you for the many tips for the good advice =)
And I wanted me to buy black cloth.
Molton there is the best? (DEKO) Molton Greetings Chris
Edit from Mod: Link shortened.
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

just wanted to say that the spotlight prior to 2 days has come.
Had almost 1 1 / 2 weeks to wait!
Are the fastest net grad.