Frage von aight8:
So I have an XH A1 since yesterday! 'm Still going to read the manuals and learn about the action.
What would like to do next, the presets which is the optimum from the cam to get out! And while there are indeed quite a few on the web.
'm So synonymous with this Excel all presets, but what should I plant in the cam? Just try it all or have you Raatschläge?
So the first thing I would need an all-round preset is not really balanced on something but the best out of the picture brings out (; vs. the factory settings).
Do you have other tips for me and the XH A1? :) I was looking so forward to the cam!
PS: A bit of a pity that in the EU version of the 30p signal reception is not integrated. That would solve my problem SlowMo low.
Antwort von Kino:

Not just for a start I think trunk (Wolfgang Winne) "-3db" indispensable. Probably rightly one of the "bestseller".
Just make sure when the first steps AWB ON. Works surprisingly well. I can remember s.kaum an everyday setting, where the auto was completely wrong, what I always if necessary in the post-check. correct.
Have fun
Antwort von rush:

Just make sure when the first steps AWB ON. Works surprisingly well. I can remember s.kaum an everyday setting, where the auto was completely wrong, what I always if necessary in the post-check. correct.
Have fun Moin,
I know the XH-A1 does not personally and not AWB UACh their qualities ... :) But I would still avoid the AWB to use if you have not ever quite strongly changing lights.
In the post-it saves a lot s.Arbeit if the WB is not constantly in motion - it was just about synonymous nuances.
... And what the recording already mates need not be corrected later:)
Antwort von nicecam:
I was looking so forward to the cam! And Cam is for you ;-)
Canon is pleased, of course, synonymous ...
... Synonymous fact that there are ruessel. Without the would be bankrupt long ago. If you read some threads, one gains the impression so that people dare s.die XH-A1 ran only because Wolfgang has done all the work. I have therefore synonymous s.die Camera ventured only.
Whether in Japan in the headquarters in addition to the photographs of corporate executives synonymous hang a Picture of ruessel have as well?
Perhaps synonymous what ruessel video used in the meeting. :-)))
Enough OffTopic! @
Aight8, I read in your input post between the lines and note, the blog of
ruessel know you and the recommendations that he is there!!
For starters, synonymous and beyond, keep up s.den Council, the
movies have been synonymous.
The presets that are otherwise available for the Camera on the net I would use only if I really know what I'm doing and if I have excellent preview options.
Next 2 interesting threads that dealt with the subject:
White balance preset Colors for 2 cameras Adjust But in part this is already a high school.
Antwort von aight8:

Yes indeed, I have read much good about the XH A1, and when I read rave reviews about this cam, there was basically garkeine alternative.
I have all day today with proboscis-3db preset in the city rotated. The pictures are really very erfreuchlich. Because I was in a lot of movement, I noticed that the pictures shook quickly. As a little practice and soon create a good tripod remedy - in the worst case containing a Deshaker if I need the pictures really.
Incidentally, I have the metallic objects and the overcast sky and white often noticed in the Zebra range was. ND helped the other hand, however, the rest of the picture too dark. (Snout-3db - although full auto because it had to go really fast)
A pole filter because it could help some?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

POL filter is never the wrong but
- For example, chromium metal's things may still grumble synonymous times the zebra
- By heaven, help rather run of Cokin filters, such as
Zebra is not at all for a start times as wrong, especially indoor studio but we can and should be synonymous aggies in certain subjects and the good sense not having trouble too with the zebra.
Below us a shiny chrome rims was supposed to stand out already.
B. DeKid
POL filters are probably something that is reflective coatings for glass, water, mist, etc.
Antwort von nicecam:

ZEBRA: For persons who have learned, highlight goes to the front right, eat it not so, Björn?
Antwort von deti:

A burnt-out end is never pretty! You have to distinguish synonymous, whether you think a 80% or a 100% Zebra Zebra (which assumes, of course, that set the camera these zebra species and can display). A 100% zebra would actually be achieved only in an emergency, if there is no other way (example: Lens Hilfiger hazy sky). On top of that helps me to view a histogram related to better the best exposure, if the camera can.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

I had ever said to me ZEBRA appeals not really, I've only s.Anfang gewnutzt but quickly stopped it and now use it sporadically when I'm not sure.
In the VDSLR there this've no first.
I'm definitely of the opinion that those who have committed his light and bright with good Zebra nix s.Hut must.
Basically all a matter of Perso. Understanding regarding light reduction
PS I use s.der Still Image Cam did not even have the Histogram or the review before to 98% OFF.
When you edit images of happy and although I work often with Curves or the histogram, but that record during the photo distracts me from the rather.
Now means in plain text for the TO
Clearly use the first function but do not affect them too much - see note regarding chrome top - because what shimmer / shine light, or should be synonymous to use as "containing" critical area "in the Zebra mode gemarked, which of course is somewhat less than ideal.
@ Nicecam
So regarding top light on the forehead of a person must hold one estimate.
So powder / makeup must be really always s.Start and an external light meter / meter wonders.
Say - if the light or the reflecting body is not so outshines the details are lost as the quite ok.
I always say, my dear little darker and brighter afterwards via masks to be too bright and included dirty details.
But as I said matter of taste and experience.
The measure based on a function of a mode I get helpful but not necessary even sometimes wrong.
Photos and film should still have to do with what creativity and are not so much dictated.
Conclusion So
ND filters are only limited by the sample described advantage of because I would rather run with filter masks and work in hindsight with s.PC raise the relevant areas.
POL filters can cause properly miracles but are not all-purpose remedy.
B. DeKid
Antwort von B.DeKid:

What Deti meanwhile wrote the first I can accept ... and the rest is experience dependent value.
B. DeKid