Newsmeldung von slashCAM:NAB: New video editing program SpeedEDIT of heidi - 25 Apr 2006 16:42:00 NewTec, Manufacturer usof Lightwave 3D, announced at NAB, a new video editing program. We are suggesting the name suggests, aims at the development of SpeedEDIT the main focus especially on the speed of the software have been lying: will be skipped by a new editing workflow, where so many "unnecessary steps, and the multi-threading support to the processing be faster than comparable editing software. A variety can be edited format of HD, HDV, MPEG-2 over the same to flash, partly in the Project. Both the color wheel and color correction on vectorscope as synonymous HD preview will take place in real time.
A first impression of the interface offer the
Screenshots -- uns fällt hier z.B. auf, daß anscheinend synonymous im 3D-Raum gearbeitet werden kann, ähnlich wie bei After Effects. Das wäre bei dem Manufacturer natürlich naheliegend...
SpeedEDIT soll s.Sommer 2006 für $495 USD erhältlich sein, dann wird sich herausstellen, was s.diesen Versprechungen dran ist. Könnte jedenfalls eine interessante Sache werden.
message to the News
Antwort von Skinnyrules:

reads very well, and finally once again bring a new Manufacturer to something in the old sweat ..