Newsmeldung von slashCAM: NAB: Silicon Imaging provides 3D Camera System SI-3D front of rob - 17 Apr 2009 07:14:00
At SI-3D system, two SI-2K Mini camera with a P + S together and via Gigabit Ethernet with a processing system and connected via SiliconDVR Tocuscreen interface controls. Locally, each camera individually or in a stereo mix-mode. A wealth of software tools used to adjust s.optimale 3-D results, usGrid overlays, digital zoom, dual histogram, Paralaxen shifts much more ... The system gives stereo CineFormRAW QuickTime files, directly into the bsp. Final Cut Pro can be edited. price is still not known
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Antwort von Valentino:
Nice article, once again synonymous if the topic is Slumdog erwänht.
The Silicon imaging cameras were used for the ground breaking digitally shooting for the 8-time Oscar winning Slumdog Millionaire, which included Best Picture and Best Cinematography. How now, have thought the only Best Camera for an Oscar and not even get the Best Picture (there is even an Oscar)?
Antwort von PowerMac:
Valentino, I thought you were more in America?
"Best (Motion) Picture" does not mean "best picture" or "Best Picture", but "best film."
Antwort von Valentino:
True, but so is synonymous long ago ...
Or. for something we have you as a "native speaker"