Frage von NTSC:
Hello I am the s.alle Ayhan. Was ever in here under the name ntsc Kills Me. I wanted again to Mark and all the others giving me trouble at ntsc would have helped.
Now I have another problem,
I have been recently a webcast. So do videos for music video director from the States to youtube high or anything to do with rap, I do have for advertising.
Now I have my 3 / 4 inch video reel purchased. Can someone tell me how I get on a dvd?
A dvd burner I have, I need a special player ntsc?
After looking, I own the herausgefundrn UMATIC a vhs player to be the can.
My question is what do I need to know, I guess there must be an NTSC player UMATIC be.
And the other one who knows this UMATIC 3 / 4 inch cassette is able to convert to dvd? Perhaps so ne art service ...?
Würd glad if someone can help. I would be happy to send the image via link here.
Because of copyrights: I have a licens for 2 years and may publish these videos or upload to youtube as platforem etc.
Lieben gruss Ayhan
Antwort von tommyb:

If you quite by chance in Hamburg are, then it is "cock video" an address for you.
Antwort von MK:

We have Widergabegeräte for almost all tape formats in all standards (PAL, NTSC, SECAM), of course, synonymous UMATIC (Lowband, High Volume, SP).
Antwort von NTSC:
We have Widergabegeräte for almost all tape formats in all standards (PAL, NTSC, SECAM), of course, synonymous UMATIC (Lowband, High Volume, SP). Thank you for the quick reply. Can I give you the UMATIC charge and you convert me? How much would it cost me the UMATIC or 3 / 4 nch ne tape has a maximum duration of 60 min. I need no menu or cut einz scenes. just on dvd so I cut it with my programs bearbeitne can. Ntsc to ntsc would be super.
Must therefore not be pal or something else. ne dvd just in the most qualified possible with my dvd recorder it would be 1 hour xp.
gruss Ayhan
Antwort von NTSC:
If you quite by chance in Hamburg are, then it is "cock video" an address for you. gibs this a website? Would be glad if so. and what is this please? Very nice of you gruss Ayhan
Antwort von tommyb: + video & ie = utf-8 & oe = utf-8 & aq = t & rls = org.mozilla: de: official & client = firefox-a
first result
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... website ... what is this please? ... The Web address of cock video is
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von NTSC:
... website ... what is this please? ...
The Web address of cock video is
Gruß Bernd E. hi thank bend have been synonymous since found even called. Unfortunately, it cost 300 euro minimum because it superaufwendig to be a player that costs 100 euro at hahn .... I have on ebay and auction finds.
what keeps it like this, it is the right one. Ntsc agrees schonmal
hied the video
and here the player
I hope that is correct. gruss Ayhan
I must note, or the size of the players?
Antwort von Quadruplex:
I must note, or the size of the players? Jau. In the only match the Porti small 20-minute tape, you have a great 60-minute tape. That will probably nix.
Before further purchases you should also try to determine whether it is a U-matic, U-matic high band-or U-matic High Band SP recording acts. You need a player, which supports this format
Antwort von MK:

@ NTSC: I would send you an offer, but need an email address.
UMATIC is no longer so familiar, but what else is expensive ... Because we understand the "normal" formats synonymous backup archives out of video, we have maintained UMATIC machines, including the original periphery (right TBCs) here.
Antwort von Markus:
.... I have on ebay and auction finds.
what keeps it like this, it is the right one. Ntsc agrees ever ... If you let the player auction, you will anyway any advice on late.
I would for a single transfer is not used to buy equipment, and especially if there is not even theoretical knowledge of the relevant tape format are available. Since the risk is just great, something faulty or defective ones.
Related topic:
Fast Council for [...] eBay Purchase
Antwort von NTSC:

So this time I will talk with the dealer, I think he will make it back here. That was me a teaching. I thought I will have a schnäppschen before someone else finds it, I had already offered my error.
Hope to take him back. Yes leidedr is small for s-ne UMATIC provide.
What do I do? I like such situations do not why there is not sone art library for videos where you go and every player has:)
So würd mk offer me a look. Hope it is not only to door. The problem is the job I have here is free.
So I'm doing advertising to draw attention to myself.
So I do not want to spend too much because if I would make in all, I would be broke:)
So MK is my email address
würd offer me a look.
if someone else can help, or somebody finds a good service would be really great.
Thanks again for all the help.
Lieben gruss Ayhan
Antwort von NTSC:

Hey markus still in the forum. Freu me you're still here.
So since you know a good address where I can do little for it?
Gruss Ayhan
Antwort von NTSC:
@ NTSC: I would send you an offer, but need an email address.
UMATIC is no longer so familiar, but what else is expensive ... Because we understand the "normal" formats synonymous backup archives out of video, we have maintained UMATIC machines, including the original periphery (right TBCs) here. Hi MK,
So think it's cool that you still have such a device. I found it really violently me 300 euro berechnent has. And speaking of minimum.
his approach is so ca 60 min UMATIC tape is probably of the data size, so big it to 5 dvds drau needs. has a unique arbeiststunde costs 80 euro. The dvds are well designed.
And he probably does so without loss on the quali pc and then move on dvd ......
ohhh man I really need the right equipment in ntsc + it behind a chinchausgang or has SCART. the dvd recorder I have already.
So I wait times on your offer.
Greetings & Thanks Ayhan
Antwort von NTSC:
I must note, or the size of the players?
Jau. In the only match the Porti small 20-minute tape, you have a great 60-minute tape. That will probably nix.
Before further purchases you should also try to determine whether it is a U-matic, U-matic high band-or U-matic High Band SP recording acts. You need a player, which supports this format Thank you Quadruplex,
puhh here live right professionals. Feel really well here.
So you can on the disk UMATIC of reel look what it is of the 3en? I guess because the quali sp Diserens reels always good musste.aber only guess.
it is true that these reels UMATIC better qualified than a normal vhs?
I still have other factors that make it high quali want to record.?
Thank you very kind and helpful your help.
Ps soon can I get 20 more of these reels since it would be worth a buy gerätzu.
Only important is I have just one contract to perform with him s.weitere geschäte responsible.
Gruss Ayhan
Antwort von MK:

The 5 DVDs with the sounds somehow strange ... if you are uncompressed makes nearly 80 gigabytes -> synonymous not fit on 5 DVDs.
I can tell you of course, deliver any format you want.
If there is one, the SP is normally on the tape, however, was high and SP band at UMATIC far less common than Lowband what was actually as good as any company that something in the media had to do was encountered.
I meld me via e-mail.
Antwort von Markus:
why there is not sone art library for videos where you go and every player has:) Because it is not financially viable would be so many different players available and, above all synonymous to keep functioning. You look so synonymous primarily on price. ;-)
The problem is the job I have here is free. So I'm doing advertising to draw attention to myself. So I do not want to spend too much ... Advertising always cost money, which is actually nothing new. But maybe you should approach your advertising rethink, if you like it is too expensive? How much you invest in marketing, should
first be quantified and not suddenly uncontrollably excessive (can).
So since you know a good address where I can do little for it? This comes on the format. Do you have U-matic Lowband, High Volume or SP? For Lowband running synonymous nor a recorder in my friend circle.
... because it would be worth a buy gerätzu. Constructed to purchase from such an old device, synonymous to a complete overhaul and in the event of a shortage of spare parts if necessary, the purchase of additional synonymous recorder of the same model number (as a spare parts store).
Old Recorder into operation, their condition is not known, is a major risk and could cost more than initially thought. As should already be a realistic estimate to be made so that it is unwise not to.
I meld me via e-mail. Are you perhaps already agreed and the request has completed?
Antwort von NTSC:

Hi Markus,
thanks for the helpful tips. Times since I've called a
ber None went off I versuchs tomorrow again.
I have times around the net and am on many sites angestoßen.Was service do you think of the site?
60 minutes of digital video format
U-matic, Video 2000, Betamax
Each additional fraction of 2.50 euros quarter
We calculate for each recording at least 60 minutes.
Should be on your tape several films, there is the possibility of using these in a recording to each film digitizer or separately and thus excluded from the DVD menu of individually selectable.
Do the 60 min 10 euro gross cost + Disks 3.50 and postage?
So if Brutt think is yes. But I guess I was wrong. Because that would be very very cheap.
Ich hab da noch eineseitegefunden per minute about 80/90 cents
I am a layman in real Disem area. Hope I get dises TAPE finally on DVD HEEEEEEEEEEUL:)
Ampex apropro hab by randomly found this picture GUGANTISCH!
grüeeeese Ayhan
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... that would be very very cheap ... From NTSC but there is still no question: The required standard is expected to change much extra cost.
Gruß Bernd E.
EDIT: Have just seen that you are synonymous zurechtkommst with NTSC and PAL do not need. So forget my notice again ;-)
Antwort von Markus:
I have times around the net and am on many sites angestoßen.Was service do you think of the site? I would be with the relevant times to contact sellers. On this occasion, you can ask synonymous, in what formats and media on which you can get the shots and what the cost. After such information from the providers to ask is more reliable than if we try to have any price lists to interpret.
Have you ever talked with Pat, of which I have had the phone number?
Ampex apropro hab by randomly found this picture GUGANTISCH! FYI s.die others: Ayhan had called me and during the conversation was related to a contribution of Quadruplex taken. How does someone in such a complicated nickname? Quite simply:
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Ampex apropro hab by randomly found this picture GUGANTISCH! On the picture is missing half. For this machine are still two man-sized cabinets with tube electronics ...