Frage von horsevideo:
I have a DVD in NTSC format sent to America
Unfortunately it was not on the DVD player still readable on the PC.
Is there a standard as possible in order to burn to DVD compatible?
Have NERO 7, Windows Media Player to disposal.
Horses for sale is about movies, partly selbererstellt, sent me some files to various formats.
Thanks in advance!
Greeting Birte
Antwort von WeiZen:

what audio format?
Many NTSC DVD players can only LPCM audio (Linear PCM 48KHz 16Bit)
read. MPEG audio at all.
Antwort von Stefan:

1 / copied DVDs still have less compatibility with DVD players as pressed DVDs. If you have longer runs (> few hundred), it is worth considering to have pressed DVDs.
2 / It is not enough, here in the DVD authoring program (Nero) to NTSC DVD to click and hope that comes out a NTSC DVD.
At "was us," usually with the PAL video format was added, ie, image size 720x576 and frame rate 25 frames / s.
The NTSC video format however, has a picture size of 720x480 and a frame rate of either 29,997 or 23,997 frames / s.
If we are to convert PAL material to NTSC material, you have work to do and exactly what the DVD authoring programs do not. They make only one thing - they appear on the DVD: "Here NTSC material on it." THAT it is on it, is for the user. The user can NTSC uploading of recorded material or converted PAL to NTSC material.
The conversion of PAL to NTSC is often in demand.
A hint of this is to use professional converter programs for it. The Canopus Procoder (possibly synonymous Procoder Express) has a good reputation in the field. Other Gates of Fire Programs There are, of DVfilm (Atlantis and Atlantis 2). Sometimes there is Demoversions to Antesten.
If you then where is it called again when watching the DVD Audio format (NTSC-land tend not to MPEG Audio) and s.geht 's.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von MiXMaster:

Thank you very much,
s.Lilly've just found the article!
The audio format with which I was so very nichrt clear.
Large volumes sinds not (yet)
so I have to and organize myself.
What format can be converted s.besten?
that is, if I now my camera of the film about Nero brought into the PC, what should I do? set?
Antwort von Stefan:

Oh God, now it's going on with Adam and Eve ...
Which Camera? When dubbing DV camera, then as a DV AVI. Then normwandeln back if it is PAL material. Then with an MPEG2 encoder (if the of Nero) to MPEG2 with DVD parameters change. Then with a DVD authoring program (with the possibly of Nero) to bring in DVD format. Then burn with a DVD burning program (if any of the Nero) on DVD.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von WeiZen:

... And sure LPCM. Only can do that, do that, Nero?