Frage von Lou:
I'm just that as an NTSC video editing, which is incorporated into 60i. I have the material so synonymous in Final Cut before. My question is, since it is a contract of third party and I'll return again to what it was like, if I was in After Effects the material in the composition settings at 29.97 frames can edit or something special I must adjust, synonymous when rausrechen later.
What I need to make a color correction with masks in AE I want to do, should I just the video synonymous back in 60i and 30p rausrechnen can not. Is this possible and if so, how?
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Mylenium:
I'm just that as an NTSC video editing, which is incorporated into 60i. I have the material so synonymous in Final Cut before. My question is, since it is a contract of third party and I'll return again to what it was like, if I was in After Effects the material in the composition settings at 29.97 frames can edit or something special I must adjust, synonymous when rausrechen later.
What I need to make a color correction with masks in AE I want to do, should I just the video synonymous back in 60i and 30p rausrechnen can not. Is this possible and if so, how?
Thanks in advance
Lou Not always think everything is broken, just do. Unless the footage with the correct interpretation was imported and the same frame rates (composition, Render settings) are used, because even nix go wrong. The only stumbling block: AE shows with appropriate interpretation, only the dominant field, what delicate masks can be problematic, because you obviously never a field to face. In this case, Fields in the interpretation completely off composition with double frame rate and then create the final output to a Comp with the proper frame rate nest, rendering then switched fields again.