Frage von kohlenstoff:
Hello again,
after your help (some thread next below), I was actually on the GS320 NTSC eingschossem. I think for 200 ¬ you can not do much wrong. However I get the same price as a GS85 PAL version. Therefore wanted to ask you for what you would decide. I'm only at the image quality, technical problem due to the sizes I'm not interested in (ie Mischerei, and guarantee everything here is so happy to be quoted against NTSC).
Thank you and many greetings
Antwort von Markus:
I'm only at the picture ... NTSC has 720 × 480 pixels per picture, PAL 720 × 576, ie almost 20% more resolution. - Does that count in your image as synonymous meaning?
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

I can always just repeat what synonymous others here have already posted 1000:
Finger weg of in standard NTSC resolution, which is incredibly shitty and color in all the sow - an intense greenish tint is perfectly normal (Ami looks contributions on television, which recognizes you immediately, vague, blurred, green). In HDV, it should be otherwise.
Due to the differences between 25 fpi (PAL) and 30 fpi (NTSC), there are severe problems, perhaps on the television, but in any case when mixing and under warranty, if artificial light comes into play.
The only exception for which you might (!) S.NTSC could think, would be the case that for the U.S. market. And even then, could be better than NTSC PAL output.
Antwort von kohlenstoff:

Hello and thank you for the notice,
So as I say mix and problems with the television does not interest me. Since mainly for home use. Can someone explain where the green comes? I think the components are the same but to no preference whether European or American model? I thought s.Ende is just the format varies. I am now more gings drum, whether the 320 NTSC, NTSC notwithstanding (but still 3chipper etc.) probably makes better pictures than the 85 as a PAL?
many greetings
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Farbaufzeichnung which is totally different. NTSC stands synonymous umgangssprachlich for "never the same color." What is now specifically a Green stitch comes (synonymous might be pink or whatever), no idea. Wikipedia question?
Even NTSC cameras of professional stock supply a much worse picture than a good consumer-PAL-3-Chipper.
NTSC is the definition of 20% less resolution. This resolution is recorded, and from. As with PAL. Since the camera can still have so many Terapixel: at 720x576 is from the mouse. Therefore, the recording may not be better, she is already using standard bad.
Antwort von Meggs:

Farbaufzeichnung which is totally different. NTSC stands synonymous umgangssprachlich for "never the same color." So it was with analog NTSC. When digitally stored video works just as NTSC PAL according to the YCbCr color model, 4.1.1 instead of just 4.2.0, which corresponds to the same color.
The total resolution of the image is low, but the refresh rate be higher, s.Ende comes in about the same bandwidth (or information density) out.
I would be here in Europe do not synonymous NTSC camcorder recommend, because it is not compatible, and the conversion time and quality costs. But your argument that the Digital Camcorder NTSC PAL devices generally have been unsuccessful, I do not share.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

an imperfect Resolutionkannst you but not by a higher frame rate seriously want to replace ...??
I understand that now is not ..
For the rest of the greenish tint is synonymous with current transfers exist. You can see the example code ghoulish fight spots that are occasionally run. Or reports from Japan, with the same shitty standards have to fight.
I can not imagine that all this is still analog has been created.
There must be people with digital / analog NTSC type: may it not for someone to post what?
Antwort von kohlenstoff:

yes would be great if you have what happens. Unfortunately, I am still not exactly what to do. The NTSC is apart from the GS-320 of 85 is already far überlgen or? If the stitch with the green / sauschlechtem Picture obviously agrees, I will take the 85, but until now can do so unfortunately None yet confirm. If only the Resolutionunterschiedlich be, then what would you recommend? As I said I have compatibility problems and no preference, I do not need to convert (and since my parents live in the U.S., not synonymous inches, etc.).
Antwort von Markus:

So in simpler camcorders (sorry, but since I throw two model times in a pot) you can see the resolution difference is not necessarily because the edges of the electronics and thus aufsteilt sharpness pretending. The difference is negligible especially when there is no direct comparison between NTSC and PAL Picture available. Since their own entry-level camcorder is not much.
What remains is the artificial problem. I have again and again with NTSC video to be done (the same as synonymous digital) and one thing you better not do: In a country with 50 Hz mains frequency video recordings with 60 Hz, if artificial light sources come into play. Since the two frequencies do not match, then the picture flickers incessantly.
While PAL camcorders in 60 Hz countries relatively unproblematic to 1 / 60 s exposure time can change (unless the respective camcorder that offers exposure time), is the vice versa is not possible, because you can with 1 / 50 s exposure time is not 60 frames per Fill seconds (which would Jerkiness).
If you just want to film in daylight, this restriction is obviously negligible.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
and since my parents live in the U.S., not synonymous, etc. inches.
that is synonymous a disappointment: it's sort of schnurz where your parents live when your camera exceeds the limit and you here in D are reported.
Try the Inch times prefer not to explain that this is actually so do not you .. The "trick" is worse than NTSC. Could (pretty sure even) USIM criminal tax lead to the parents (which allegedly belong to yes), as defendants (aid) are loaded. The total anger, the German inch to get rid of, it costs a multiple of a reasonable camcorder purchased in D ..
Antwort von kohlenstoff:

do not worry, I know myself with the matter well. My parents come home in March and I do during the holidays for 3 months ne journey (of Alabama to Alaska and back. What the Cam mainly used). My parents then bring the camera along with furniture / car and another in the container with Umzugsghut. (The rule is that it at least 6 months must be in possession). In between, I can just synonymous to renounce them. And the camera can keep calm my Dad, as long as they are times I may use (net owners Technically, that we see in our familiy not so closely). From tricks or something similar, I have never mentioned what those allegations and I think frankly not very appropriate. But for me the issue is already in other threads very strange comments come. Nevertheless, I thank you all for the numerous notice and concern.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
Such accusations, I honestly do not particularly appropriate s.of an accusation can hardly be any question, but I provide my professional expertise from a number of information here;
b) only the facts nachgeschobenen made the facts clear, the original statement was quite certain conclusions;
c) excuse that you at one or another pitfall for lack of appropriate information ever precaution attention.
Also a way for the future the number of Answers relating to collapse.
Antwort von kohlenstoff:
do not you .. The "trick" is worse than NTSC. Hello Andreas,
I must apologize! In fast, I have "Your trick" read. : | Sorry.
Well actually I have, inter alia, to avoid this issue is written above that I am here
just about the picture and the camera does everything else is no preference.
But as I said, but many thanks for your hints.
And I still do not know exactly what to do. The argument with the artificial light, for me is not so important.
Well, the GS-320 is not even stop for 50% of the local miser price to get in and a limited budget but I'm just hard on überlgen. The warranty is with the synonymous no problem, because my Dad is over there regularly synonymous and an address is available.
Many greetings