Frage von ekawa:
here are my first attempts Naturfilmerei, recorded in Austria s.Wilden Kaiser, Camera SonyHDR SR7.
Antwort von deti:

- For a better assessment please upload HD videos synonymous in HD on YouTube!
The first video:
- Creepy green color-color
- Of left-to right-turn with a soft Aperture
In the second video:
+ Beautiful, "Moving Skies"
- Too many soft panels
- Holiday Film Kitsch
Antwort von ekawa:

The video was not recorded in HD, my PC is too weak to HD videos to process. What do you mean with - of left-to right-turn soft with Aperture, I am grateful for any advice.
Antwort von deti:

When you make a swing in one direction and in the next scene in the reverse direction, so that the viewer confused. Moreover, the image content is difficult to detect a soft Aperture. A viewer needs about 6 seconds to fully recognize a Picture. A film should be based always s.den human viewing habits.
Antwort von makiHD:

Also ich finds something cool, especially the small time lapse in between are in a good contrast to the soft and slow Überblendungne.
I personally would herumprobiert something with the film look.
Some in the forum I will now probably rocky, but I would you the Easy Movie Color Plugin for Adobe Premiere Pro CS ® recommend that works really well. Significantly better than vReveal and Turn up the contrast itself, etv.
Can you even get the demo times:
I'll pull me your video and Schaus schonmal even to me, because I like so much your video ;-)
Greetz marius