Frage von Lutz Dieckmann:
Hi All,
I put a new cut tutorial online. This time it's the little things you can do to make a cut to greater effect. This is suitable for example for flashbacks.
Questions will be answered here, as always, like in the thread.
Lutz Dieckmann
PS. Synonymous look past the download area, there's new free footage.
Antwort von domain:

Really interesting tutorial.
Remarkably, mentioned as early as 1957 Vance Packard in his book The Hidden Persuaders, the "subliminal", ie unconscious influencing a spectator by deliberately inserted frames in a film.
"Packard was the first brought the issue of subliminal advertising into the public consciousness, as he reported on the of James M. Vicary, owner of the New York advertising agency" Subliminal Projection Co. "allegedly developed technique of subliminal influence. This should be reported to the Movies have driven imperceptible commercials for the sale of popcorn popcorn in the Height "
Antwort von Marco:

You should always equal dazufügen that Vicary beginning of the 60-he admitted that this "study" was a pure invention to increase its profit agency. Where subliminal advertising could possibly contribute, is entirely different procedure, not with the insertion of individual images.
The arrangement shown in the tutorial section technique is not synonymous for a cut that will produce uniformity in the Resolutioneiner sequence, but it is more of an effect, the increased homogeneity in favor of a Dynamics breaks.
Antwort von domain:
You should always equal dazufügen that Vicary beginning of the 60-he admitted that this "study" was a pure invention to increase its profit agency. Yes that is so synonymous in the wiki entry. I seem to remember that this kind of influence in the advertising was banned in the U.S. at all. But I'm pretty sure that the "procedure has been tested" at least in movies times.
I hold appear synonymous important that must be the individual introduced to the unconscious influence or explanation, of course, even in a context of action, eg a man or woman on the phone and then a shelf of a supermarket. Explains the reason why he had gone with all the car from the garage, namely, in order to buy something else at the request of his wife.
Well I will try to test this procedure times and if it works at the viewer.
Antwort von Axel:

Subliminally tell me gaudy false color that I want to quickly zap. Subliminal is not the same as sublime.
A novel message was that the main characters had to awake each other about the day when an evil hypnotist had conditioned them, in her first dream to become insane. Exciting. You just do not get to sleep.
Engraved frames and can act as an irritation in each context have all sorts of functions. There is evidence that motives such images can later be recalled, however, hope for, manipulating the audience aware that that is presumptuous. The same motif evokes different emotional responses in several people, filtered through psychic instances where the seduction of the cutter is not in any case can hold a candle.
Antwort von domain:

Gell Axel,
you're more of a representative of the average synonymous homogeneity of Resolutioneiner sequence:)
The described cutting technique has reminded quite strongly s.div. Music videos, in which the individual Szenenschnippsel indeed are often already well under a second. But the capabilities of our brain can be trained unbelievable, our kids can enter probably already aware of three individual in a video and interpreted.
Apparently the way, is synonymous proven that skip certain capabilities of the human brain very rapidly in the genotype.
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

they are great contributions. I had the idea for this tutorial because it can be used in the U.S. series such procedures for flashbacks. That's why I used synonymous extra pictures that fit NOT to the scene.
In advertising these things are the way, as far as I know, at least in the United States banned in movies. Just because they work subliminally. This time there was even an old "Columbo" episode, where the murderers began this trick to lure his victim out of the movie-making.
And yes, it is synonymous age. The younger the audience, the more likely he can stand it Schnittart. This has its background in the video clips and games. I myself see a frame, due to the fact that I cut every day. This is exercise.
Was exaggerated in my opinion, the last Bond. As in diePre-title sequence was cut so fast, it gave me with a data-Overfow. I noticed it did not. If one can believe the articles in the press, it was probably more so. The film itself was not good.
Lutz Dieckmann
Antwort von Axel:

@ domain
Can you be for or against it? I only say with Marco that subliminal influence is slightly different. By jogging, for example, housewives who are no older than 25, the consumption of chocolate bars or shows from the perspective of building objector, a sweet girl who does this view on its head. Whether the ability to grasp the content quickly is inherited or learned, or both, who can say? We are calibrated to a wide range of cues, by viewing habits, say the people from 1950 would probably not (or something else entirely), and we do not need 5 seconds to resume them. We
want to understand what is meant by a film, and so we let ourselves in for Flash links, the language of film developed interactively.
If in
The Exorcist individual pictures with devil faces are cut (they are), which increases the feeling of discomfort containing one, despite the Colombo-like chatter of the Commissioner ( "My wife will not like creeps into the Movies"). Meanwhile, the short point of the crocodile behind Kasper works
too well. Why? If you have just seen it all before. Yawn.
Fight Club, quoted from Wikipedia:
"The scenes in which Tyler Durden cut a projectionist in a few short porn clips family movies, are an indication of the David Fincher film technology used in the first third of the film. Here, he cuts some pictures of Tyler in scenes, a, of the audience can be detected only with difficulty. These patterns occur in key scenes of the film, and Tyler eventually manifests in the real for the narrator "form.") Cut is meant to present information with a certain timing. This information is content that the author of the film itself will be once fully understood, both the underlying implications of their importance as synonymous. A bad cut's mess, a good optimizing's. Reto funding cuts are picturesque, not the speech itself
The oe LBS spot represents for me a cinematic excellence through his understanding / understanding of the expectations of the audience through the narrative that basis, adjusted attitude. Short cuts, handheld camera, the eye wanders over a trailer park, friendly, colorful images. Nice people. But is that what for us? Do we want to live like this? The child expresses it: I'd rather be middle class. A small conflict of interest in us, an evaluative generalization, a little self-deception, of the advertising recognized Fritzen and elegantly formulated as a thought, so the idea is firmly embedded in the worldview of the audience.
That is manipulation.
Antwort von domain:
@ domain
Can you be for or against it?
Neither. It is only a small aspect of video and editing technology, which should be registered, if they have not already done so.
But synonymous seen exactly the opposite in an exhibition of Robert Wilson. In those on large LCD panel displays shown "Freeze Frame Videos" is moving so Sogut to nothing, and that forces one to look very long at all the small changes to report.
Is another form of expression, just the art of slowness.
Antwort von Axel:
Is another form of expression, just the art of slowness. Both are very fast and very slow, requires precisely that the audience voluntarily enters an appearance on it. It can not be seduced, as it the arbitrariness of the acceleration / deceleration is deliberately too strong.
I think what we all like is the frequent change of perspective, to Lutz indeed often synonymous recommends. It corresponds to a fragmentation of the space / time representation. The audience is willing to join them because he wants to know more, and that as soon as possible. It corresponds to the way in which we ourselves enter uncharted territory, not by a pivot, but by an average cascade. The view moves quickly and jerkily across the stage and scans for reference lines, the brain puts everything together into a "crime scene". Short "Nichtpasser" quite easy to increase the tempo (trailer can be cut) and the audience
(that would incite to greater attention), its actual effect.
Yesterday I saw
The Thin Red Line, in which little information is spread over a long time settings. Even strenuous, but the movie is very poetic, and if you are on it (enters an appearance by temperament
can embark on it), it is very beautiful. For the opposite occurs to me when no handy example.
Antwort von Marco:

Lutz, the tutorial I like that. I think the posts here can provide additional suggestions as to where and how this can then be used Shown.
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

Yes Marco,
just thought that's synonymous, I think it's great what is now expiring. S.alle Thanks for the many ideas.