Frage von Blackeagle123:![](
Hello dear slashcam actresses,
've got a new trailer available online. It's a Holiday movie with the extended family in Italy s.Gardasee. Mpeg4 format, if not all deceive me. (Sorry s.alle Mac users, I hope it could open still-next time, then Mpeg1)
Have a few 3d effects in it, you'll see it all;)
Have fun looking and I ask for criticism!
Love Greetings
Antwort von Ayhan79:
Hello dear slashcam actresses,
've got a new trailer available online. It's a Holiday movie with the extended family in Italy s.Gardasee. Mpeg4 format, if not all deceive me. (Sorry s.alle Mac users, I hope it could open still-next time, then Mpeg1)
Have a few 3d effects in it, you'll see it all;)
Have fun looking and I ask for criticism!
Love Greetings
Link: Hi Constantin,
So I think the trailer has been achieved. Fast and rapid cuts. Effects ebanfalls appealing. Congratulations.
S.See The pictures are very nice, close to the "film look". Only in the Interior lacks halt s.ein little light. Still ... nice!
Antwort von Pergamon:
very entertaining trailer. Good cut to the music. For my taste a little too much 3D titling.
Power still look fun.
For Mac users:
So that it works.
The Pergamon
Antwort von Axel:
Hello Constantin.
With an unmistakable talent for Camera and Editing (rarely) in this combination, the trailer is too gimmicky. My tip would be to refrain Effects. The same goes for the cut to the music. A family vacation video has MUs nit looks like the opening credits of Miami Vice.
MPEG-4 seems to me a fantastic Resolutionbei bring small file size, and Apple can (the synonymous with the latest quicktime player and naturally with the latest VLC), why should therefore represent a poor presentational format to the network?
In lateral pans were picket fence effects. Anyone know what might that be? Maybe you need to de-interlace the trailer in front of the compression in MPEG-4 or on the contrary, maybe you have it wrong de-interlaced. Or is it not occurred to you?
Antwort von Alex.A:
Yeah, nicely cut to match the music, but I would still cares what you have created the 3D titling would like to be able synonymous sowas;)
Antwort von jens:
Hi Constantin,
nice to see again what the Lake Garda.
Synonymous, I thought you gave much too thick. For my taste, but is found in many Kurz-/Eigenfilmen: this Nachahmerei. Everything in English, yet s.besten blah-Productions and zigzag-studios. This is everything to me hollywoodlike. Since 's simply no s.eigenem style, charm, or perhaps synonymous confidence. That is - as I said - but only my personal opinion. Interesting to see what you so s.Effekten offerest - but clearly too much. Also since you are not long the only one. And I think many people forget in filmmaking einach to reflect on the essential: the content, Picture and Sound. For amateurs, the whole visual bells and whistles but generates a "wow!" or watch a "Ha ha," but after mehrmahligem is synonymous yawn the layman ...
On Camera and content otherwise yes, you can not say much. This one would have to watch the film. At least, seems to me that you probably have not worked a lot with Tripod.
Ultimately, holiday videos are vsetwas individual and subject-related. Then you can laugh at, for example, characteristics, anecdotes, etc. - if one was there and the people / scenes familiar - sometimes unsuspecting people in particular lack of access or the background (for running-gags, etc.). That is just a general comment on my part, but the really s.dieser point is irrelevant anyway.
And next year, in the Alps, would you take with the camera crane. Ok? ;-)
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
Hello s.alle,
a huge thank you for the tips! Yes, that's true even with Nachamerei, Hollywood-like, "schnickschnack" and so ...
Especially for a holiday (!) Trailer!
The 3d effects I've made in Cinema4D, was very complicated with all the reflections, the sparkle, glow, etc.
This Gost Effect in Premiere later, I've only reingemacht. Was simply too expensive to do in C4d too.
Have actually been filmed by the tripod, stop what you do not notice in the (usually even faster running) recordings. In the film, then already:)
Bescheid for next time I know what I can do differently ... (Camera * g *... höhö into the car, was already full enough;))
Love Greetings
Antwort von camworks:
hi constantin,!
s.gardasee where it was for exactly?
the trailer seems a very good, it certainly served its purpose, people on the actual film will make you want to. ok, had to close with a lot of bad Biske 3d in it, but it is for the family and because you can let off steam, yes.
one must always stop just to take care that keeps the film, what the trailer promises. And that is when (usually rather long) is more difficult to film holidays. ;-)
Antwort von jens:
... and that is when (usually rather long) is more difficult to film holidays. ;-) I think there is at most of the big mistakes.
Many bad memories (Uncle xy) yawn ... ...
Antwort von camworks:
true. ;-)
but the whole is often topped nor of 4-hour wedding shoot. :-D
Antwort von jens:
true. ;-)
but the whole is often topped nor of 4-hour wedding shoot. :-D Exactly! würrgh ....( and out of courtesy to do so must be synonymous as if you actually look at ...)
Antwort von Markus:
Exactly! würrgh ....( and out of courtesy to do so must be synonymous as if you actually look at ...)
;-) So my father, I have this tooth pulled? The time had held a three-week vacation in 9.5 hours of video (all freehand!) Cut and then say, write, and 8 hours. There were two VHS E240 brim with boring sequences! Polite, but clearly I have expressed my opinion on this!
For several years now I can not get a single movie shown more!
Antwort von jens:
... The time had held a three-week vacation in 9.5 hours of video (all freehand!) And then cut to say and write 8 hours .... You do not, however, had to watch s.einem day or ????!!!
I ask myself above all, always, what do you think is the "performer"? For me, the (idea of) reaction of the audience is very helpful. If one thing you have not at least during the cutting s.dieses (thinks apart from turning loose) - how does it feel when you already own half after a few minutes einpennt? And then remember that there are a couple of hours ...
Antwort von Blackeagle 123:
:)) Markus, cool! * g *
Nene, the film then consists of each day, cut short at about 5-6 minutes. After that always comes even SPecial that says something about the family, or s.einem evening was a "great" Rome game (sorry, I have no idea whether one writes ^ ^), then what is white in black and the matching piano is shown. So everything appears slightly funny, but will say that the family has good cohesion, and it was an incredibly beautiful vacation.
(WO exactly that was, unfortunately I do not know anything more * g *)
So every day there is also a special about this, again to 5 minutes.
Per day, the 10 minutes makes 3 days we were there, plus arrival and departure cut short sequence, intro, I've got one, what is shown s.Anfang small, but brought up in the movies, I think quite a nice effect, I s.end think so, at the 40-50 minutes. So no problem;)
-That all interested parties, how it will look FIlm!
In the film itself does not (and will if few) seem 3d effects. I think the film will still be able to keep the promise in its trailer!
The film is planned, so come out in mid-2006 and the end of the summer holidays in the movies premiere. -If everything goes smoothly (running times net ... what I go out:-p)
Otherwise, I thank you Once again thanks for the reviews:)
Love Greetings
Antwort von camworks:
(WO exactly that was, unfortunately I do not know anything more * g *)
ja ne is klar. I was finally somewhere in the holidays synonymous, synonymous do not remember where. ,-D
Antwort von jens:
(WO exactly that was, unfortunately I do not know anything more * g *)
ja ne is klar. I was finally somewhere in the holidays synonymous, synonymous do not remember where. ,-D What a holiday video synonymous really totally unabwegig is ;-)
BTW: 40-50min for 3 days I find still pretty laaaang ...
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
Yes, but it's not a pure holiday video. Are always more specials, an intro, so long as the amounts to a net before. Above all, one must bear in mind that it must be worthwhile, if you already a rented movies;)
I expand even before, the original clips from TV shows.
For example, all the men driving motorcycles and "Werner" is partially shown! * g *
Ahja, I hope I get it out somehow:)
(... and some times I want to make the movie script for-perhaps very soon :-))
Love and greetings schonmal a good night!
Antwort von Axel:
. Above all, one must bear in mind that it must be worthwhile, if you already a rented movies;) Hi Constantin, in movies, the film will probably be shown via a video projector. You surely do not really want to rent a room in prime time, right? At noon you can do that safely für'n Ten in the coffee fund have. If it is a small projector, as it is rented for corporate meetings for Powerpoint presentations, rather take a very small room. For a larger project, I recommend you a Movies with digital projection is (already s.The 30 in Germany). Here is a "scaler" (an interface for a 2k - DLP head) everything from VHS video up to 1,920 p HD are shown. Then, however, would surely become due solely because of the Lampenverschleisses a hall rental.
Antwort von jens:
I thought that Constantine has s.Fazen thought ...
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
yes, exactly ... Fazen ^ ^
So Hall is of course not hired to "Prime Time". Even if we charge admission must be, it is on (after) his lunch!
Beamer used a not very expensive, some less.
The Beamer is of the firm of my father, there he is always used for large events, to a distance of 30-50 meters, with a huge picture. So you can just as HD show and has all the possibilities to setup!
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Who will pay admission at a holiday video to see others ?????
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
Antwort von Blackeagle123:
Just occurs to me that I have never mentioned that there are two trailers that I've edited together on one. Did you notice wahrscheinlicha about already, but says that is the title synonymous "Trailer1_2.mpeg"
Love Greetings