Frage von meisterkoch:
instead avid mac will now make us happy, but there are now ne brandfrische Final Cut Pro version, plus schneeleo? prefer the finger or give it up would be to have it good version of operating system and software all within the very latest?
later to update does not seem to be advisable, and wants the best possible workflow would be delighted to have tips. schnittplatz the urgent need her, threatened with customer order ;-), thanx says the masterful cooking
Antwort von pardalis:

for Mac, I have my habit to install new operating systems until some months after publication date. My advice is, therefore, new Programs and black leopard.
Antwort von meisterkoch:

Thanks for your advice, Uwe,
I will do it;
I have to uninstall then works one day before the black or do you think the mac update for snow then so against christmas?
VG, masterful cooking
Antwort von pardalis:

you then need to reinstall, but I do think that the worst mistakes are corrected before Christmas.
Antwort von meisterkoch:

Antwort von PowerMac:

I think this is bullshit. Snow Leopard is fast and stable. Much more modern and efficient, especially with multimedia programs. This is how it works beautifully with Final Cut Studio 3 Faster than with Leopard without a "Snow." There was already a synonymous 10.6.1-update. Problems have not occurred to me, generally have problems with Snow Leopard extremely rare. Outweigh the benefits.
Antwort von meisterkoch:

Now stehts 1: 1
Have you cut your neuzeitTVShowreel synonymous with Final Cut Pro? Looks like Motion 3, can that be? Sources do differ, sometimes time DV digi beta, is not it?
Final Cut Pro editing I have not previously on DV, but can directly synonymous of digi-beta-MAZ-assuming there purely to Mac Book Pro 17-Inch?
Thanks and greetings
master cook
Antwort von TheDrummer:
There was already a synonymous 10.6.1-update. Problems have not occurred to me, generally have problems with Snow Leopard extremely rare. Outweigh the benefits. A colleague of me has been SnowLeo the problem is that its USB ports no longer work correctly - a rare problem, but seriously! (despite the update)
Antwort von pardalis:

... There was already a synonymous 10.6.1-update. Problems have not occurred to me, generally have problems with Snow Leopard extremely rare. Outweigh the benefits. Hello,
And these are precisely the problems with new updates ... there is already 10.6.1. And this after only 4-6 weeks. It should be common knowledge that Apple's operating systems on the market throws and are resolved after a few months, all the bugs. On the one hand, I write to you mortise and the other bullshit you write that the problems with Snow Leopard are rare ... what then? Are there any problems or I mortise and there is no bullshit?
Antwort von Mink:

And as Microsoft throws perfect, complete and ready-made operating systems on the market and never missed an update is needed?? Are there any?
I understand that what is wrong? What is bad when it come out fast updates and bug fixes .... An operating system is not a static thing, but fully developed with the technology and software third-party suppliers .....
Some problems are so synonymous apparent only after a publication ...
Hmmm ...
Antwort von meisterkoch:

What remains is my question.
Stay here in some way back with a draw, respectively: s.besten waiting and drinking tea with the new acquisition.
But that's what I do not want.
I will now switch to MAC with the right components for software and operating system for professional and fit for TV and Web - DV Editing and ask you for your opinion, what then would be at a new purchase the right components.
Master Chef
And as Microsoft throws perfect, complete and ready-made operating systems on the market and never missed an update is needed?? Are there any?
I understand that what is wrong? What is bad when it come out fast updates and bug fixes .... An operating system is not a static thing, but fully developed with the technology and software third-party suppliers .....
Some problems are so synonymous apparent only after a publication ...
Hmmm ...
Antwort von Axel:

New Calculator: an opportunity for a new OS. New OS (Up
grade, no update): to put on Calculator from scratch, etc., in fear of problems with third-party plug-ins, with Time Machine backups. I have never resorted on it. Unfortunately, Time Machine can not travel into the future: everything constantly upgrade, step by step, peu à peu. Calculator love logic and order. The award s
ever change a running system, I believe, rather refers to Amigo felt in politics, with modern technology is not like you to stop.
Antwort von pardalis:

Some problems are so synonymous apparent only after a publication ...
Hmmm ... Hello,
that's why I'm writing that one should wait. It is perfectly clear, the problems only occur with the application. I've been working 12 years with Mac and I went with this approach is always very good, because I'm sure because my time with trying not to waste and test. With a new purchase you will get anyway delivered to your new Mac, Snow Leopard, so the problem solves itself of what operating system you uploading.
Antwort von kalle70:

Sorry guys but yet so can not be.
When OS is recommended to wait until we are in 10.6.5 or so.
When FCS but immediately purchase the new version??
This contradicts himself so yourself
If even conservative, they both matured in previous version.
I myself would buy without any hesitation to use a new Mac with OS and current version of the current FCS and.
The known bugs are only a fraction of all users.
The vast majority have no problems. Does not stop so as not to sign on because of all to speak.
In addition, Snow Leopard is not fundamentally new but simply an improved OS Leopard.
Antwort von meisterkoch:

I did not know, thought-I had the choice!
also: Purchase, but not too quickly, before snow is on it;
sorry for the stupid and questioning, m