Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: New rumors on the Panasonic sensor GH2
Antwort von Ian:

This is interesting. Finally, a SLR without mirror with Full HD.
Antwort von pailes:
This is interesting. Finally, a SLR without mirror with Full HD. But there's been one year: GH1
Antwort von Christian Schmitt:

an "SLR without mirror" aha ...
Antwort von Ian:
an "SLR without mirror" aha ... It's about the design and handling. Until now Bridge cameras were a good alternative. But they were not always interchangeable. On the mirror and prism, I renounce you - are a relic from the film era. Even my Betagen Sony828 has an excellent LCD viewfinder which I believe is superior to many of the cheap dSLR. In terms of autofocus - speed, they can not keep up anymore.
PS yes, full HD is already there since GH1. sorry
Antwort von tommyb:

Were there only a few open questions such as ...
... do you get sharp manual only provided through the LCD?
... is the image on the LCD at all visible in a bright environment?
The mirror in an SLR makes nothing but the picture through the viewfinder in the greatest possible sharpness across. Anyone who may have once durchgeschaut by an analog SLR, is by some LCDs do not want to know a lot ...