Frage von silentzero:
Why are today still shows, for example, those teen shows like Hannah Montana or synonymous South Park, is still produced in 4:3?
Antwort von deti:

It depends of the respective distribution or from the respective customers. Who sends mostly still in 4:3, is synonymous to buy mostly 4:3-material. Maybe there's "Hannah Montana" particularly popular in South America.
Antwort von silentzero:

16:9 in South America have not? ;-)
Antwort von deti:
16:9 in South America have not? ;-) South America was only an example of a region where there are many devices in use 4:3. Not every country can afford the majority of the population a new television in the 16:9 format! The TV providers always depend on the mass.
After all, was up 4 years ago when we almost synonymous produces everything in 4:3. For the private provider in Germany is currently the Introduction of 16:9 in progress, for a long time have not yet converted all productions. For example Planetopia ( on Sat.1 is still produced in 4:3. Only accept our public transportation system since 2006, only 16:9 (SDTV output TPRF-December 2006, TPRF HDTV edition October 2008 - Preliminary requirements
Antwort von silentzero:

Ahaaaa, why are all so obsessed to 16:9? Apparently, the MASS can still live well with 4:3.
Antwort von deti:

The so-called widescreen longer corresponds to the human visual habits. We were just looking for more of a left-right top to bottom. Sounds stupid. Is not so.
Antwort von silentzero:

Yes, I know. Only because I find this always synonymous somehow an idea that we have two eyes, the camera only one (lens). Mach mal one eye, then looks you in synonymous 4:3. ;-)
Antwort von SammyGray:

South Park will be produced some time in 16:9.
Even the Simpsons are late, even in HD.