Frage von
Hi, I wanted to be separate but possibly of my tube, and I will monitor one of these novel surfaces zulegen.Die yes you can even hang s.die wall ...
Well, that is what it is about-
I do not have so the overview on the market, and knows only that draufstehen FullHD1080p should, reaction time low.
I was up to now always extremely horrified when I looked at how many people I spend 500 ¬ for a flat like the picture quality of my phone.
Since my study is relatively small, the thing needs to be no larger than 32 ". I have the example found here, of which I now think that it would be ok: Grundig 32" lcd, contrast 30,000:1 dynamic 470cd/m2
8 ms response time. is just of 699 reduced to 399
Perhaps I should mention that I will use him is synonymous happy as a further preview monitor for my editing system würde.Mir clear that the picture is then ass, but sometimes it helps trips watching triple the material on yet another screen.
Are there any general things I have to look for in the purchase of a new TV device? (Plasma vs. LCD would be so ne thing. I have learned while in the University of everything, but this is already years ago)
Thanks Schonmal for answers!
Antwort von Jan:

very dangerous thing at the moment and i think you are here synonymous in the wrong forum.
It happens so much at the moment, because you can only call 3 D and LED technology. Many of today's LED TVs are no pure LED television, but LED - LCD mixing devices that are just improvement, but already better than many LCD devices in the pure power and in color.
Plasma is, in my opinion somewhat underestimated, the power consumption of current devices is more like the LCD level, with your size probably not much more than 100-150 watts. Plasma need only bright spots show need and ensure that when a shipment with predominantly dark picture even less power.
Who, in principle, almost but not HD material (old TV watching) to be enjoying his plasma Picture more, because the backgrounds in the Picture synonymous pixelated on my very good Samsung LCD spite of 100 Hz and all the bells and whistles for example ARD normal or DSF etc simply and restless playing, no preference which modes I set the menu. ARD and ZDF at the HD picture is very good, depending on the mission.
If then by all means buy LCD 100 Hz, 200 Hz or 400, you can argue. 100 Hz has nothing to do with the tubes 100 Hz, there are several intermediate interspersed. 50 Hz TVs have the silly habit of smearing on moving images, because the LCD crystals are just too slow - synonymous with values such as eg Phillips.
Plasmas have no such problem, they are of the house faster.
Caution with utopian contrast and dynamic information (yet dangerous) Contrast that says very little about the image quality that you can compare with the pixel digital cameras. Amateurs buy the pixels, the expert looks at the sensor surface and especially in the boarding area after buying rather less Resolutionbei largest chip area - eg as the favorite of professionals (Fuji F30). The amateur wurdert then later on a spree to indoor noise and Schwachlichtaufnahmen.
I had a few months ago made synonymous times in a TV forum and picked out my question before three top devices in this class. Then came in response synonymous only two sets - in fact the three candidates are correct.
So you have to have luck, depending on the forum and users.
Samsung, Phillips and Sony (mostly NEN tick more expensive) can at LCD recommend almost without hesitation, each has his specials (Samsung sometimes problems with Stillimage or video presentation, if reingelangen via the USB data (aspect ratios and display), Philips has its backlight (Ambilight) - but synonymous eats more power, my Samsung takes about 100 watts at 80 brightness and 80 contrast - comparable with Philips Ambilight switched need almost twice as much. Some users may, however, this background lighting.
Sonyberechnet the intermediate eg better at 100 or 200 Hz, but requires synonymous for the same size devices more money.
Antwort von

thank you, well that's a good interim Schonmal!
I remember that I was two years ago on this plasma / tube principle have read, where both were virtually united. do not use the next but seems to have it? (by the way) but I will not watch television hd, but as I said a few control hd videos dauf
Antwort von Wechiii:

100Hz, I would recommend you in any case. 200 Hz and 100 Hz differ almost not at all - you pay, but clearly more!
Best wishes,