Newsmeldung von slashCAM:CatDV 4.0 - video logging and media database
Of thomas - 24 Jun 2005 14:01:00 CatDV 4.0 is a media database for various types of media formats (including ... but above all video formats) for Windows and Mac. It supports time code, automatic scene detection, automatic logging of DV material, Exif data for photos, free set of a meta-logged fields for films and movies for preview videos are not stored on the system. New features of version 4.0 include: Support of Windows Media (WMV / ASF), metadata management, and improved HTML support, detailed information about the media format and support of MPEG-4 and H.264 Preview shooting. There are 3 versions of CatDV for various job profiles (and wallet) - the price range of 79Dollar for the standard version to $ 695 for the CatDV Workgroup Server. A free demo is online.
to news reporting
Antwort von Frederick:

Can the Scenalyzer not synonymous? Scene Detection and Media Management?
Antwort von Aykut:

Software is so well known. Advantage: Runs on Mac OS X.
Antwort von Marco:

When asked whether Scenalyzer can not synonymous:
No, in this way and manner, with this convenience, it may not Scenalyzer. I am no software in this price area known for logging and Material Organization heranreicht within a video production s.The performance of CatDV.
Especially interssant I find CatDV in Quicktime-based production environments as they can be used by the possibility of Quicktime Reference Files, a very fast handling is possible within the Materials organization. It is in this form with AVIs in CatDV not unfortunately.