Newsmeldung von slashCAM: EU Parliament has recently renewed directive on software patents
Of thomas - July 7, 2005 19:26:00 After almost two years ago had rejected the EU parliament already prepared by the EU Council Directive on the Introduction of software patents, it became synonymous 2nd yesterday in a so-called Reading declined. The uniform legislation, it, like in the U.S. should be synonymous in the EU in principle possible, software (applications) not only protected by copyright, but patent-synonymous. Yesterday's decision was preceded by a veritable lobbying war in which, significantly, both opponents of patents cited as synonymous, proponents of the popular arguments "job destruction" and "an obstacle to innovation."
Everything else on this important and very sensitive topic, we have summarized in an editorial.
Antwort von GhostDog:

Got it thanks! That would otherwise almost all small firms plattgemacht ..
Moreover, one would otherwise need to breathe, and shit's for license fees payable s.eine American company.
However, this will probably always try and over again, I curse the day s.dem the patent lobby has lubricated enough oday that it gets through in a different form but :-((((
Does anybody know inweiweit this affects the influence of Mpeg LA?
Antwort von Henning:

I have the at heise prosecuted as absolutely outrageous things have left. one of the most recent was the discovery that one of the politicians who has worked s.der policy (if I understood correctly) as a consultant in a patent law firm operates. Sowas conflict of interest is called officially, I call it plain and simple criminal.