Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Google Earth
Of thomas - 30 Jun 2005 18:34:00 Google offers for private users a free new Prgrammer for Windows with the name "Google Earth" to. Interest to filmmakers: "Google Earth" shows a globe and enables continuous Camera zooms to arbitrary locations. In addition to the freely rotating swivel-and 3-D views, which are generated from satellite and aerial photographs are displayed various local information such as attractions, restaurants, street names. Yet, for Germany a lot of information and not a very high-resolution photographs available, but that should change soon. The system requirements are fairly high.
Antwort von hannes:

Unfortunately s.01.07.05 offline
Antwort von gregorb:

NASA World Wind, I find even better. Is synonymous freeware.
Antwort von Peter S.:

Da gibts synonymous still Celestia ... Freeware and synonymous (after installation) always online.
MFG Peter
Antwort von Freddy:

Well, "Celestia" is a great program to look at the starry sky or travel through the solar system, but do not compare to with Google Earth (NASA World Wind, or what) the Resolutionder images of the earth and above all, interactivity is concerned (the overlay of partial information (for example, in New York City buildings in 3-D, City Info, roads) is very class and almost like a science fiction movie.
Antwort von GhostDog:

@ hannes,
With Google you will find many other places to download the program!
Antwort von Daniel aus Mainz:

yes you can download Google Earth, but it will probably set up an account after the installation, which probably is not synonymous to time work because the necessary servers are unreachable.
An account has been created, however no problems, how can I know for a friend.
Greetings from Mainz
Antwort von Daniel Decker:

Google Earth could not yet been tested (the download is not currently available), but I would be interested to know whether the benefits of amateur filmmakers have the program. Good example would be if we could export such "zooms" as AVIs, or could turn routes as small movies? A friend of me said, with the program, it is possible to export to JPGs. Who has more info?
Gruss - Daniel
Antwort von tom:

Even Google Earth can not the AVI export, but perhaps in the final version - apart from that could try to save by screen capturing program zooming.
Unfortunately, one can draw only in the pros version paths - that would otherwise be very nice for visualizing routes ....
Antwort von Kundesbanzler:

The trouble is, above all synonymous but regardless of the color difference between poor and better dissolved material. Because of the GE can be a journey from little use for anything, because it certainly looks bad ugly. Can we not somehow disable?
Greeting Banzler
Antwort von tom:

I hope that the synonymous with the release version is better and more high-definition material is involved - after all, it can even be upgraded without having to download anything new because the map data will be streamed ...
Antwort von speedy:

can someone tell me whether it googleearth synonymous as offline version available?
or another program!
Antwort von grav:

Look at you'll find a link to NASA World Wind, this prog is freeware.
Antwort von tom:

or here:
Antwort von lala:
NASA World Wind, I find even better. Is synonymous freeware. I ma ne wonder where I get that prog I wanted to install aba he says it is missing. net 1.1 when I get the forth
Antwort von Nico:

For me, I can create an account with google earth! Here comes this error: We were unable to connect to the Google Earth servers to activate your account. Please verify that your internet connection is working properly and retry your account activation
For more information visit (http //:........) ErrorCode: ffffffffffffffffc00000000000c
Full of shit!
Antwort von Nico:

Just enter in google "download. Net 1.1, then download and install. Synonymous has worked with me! But I have the problem that when I ranzoome s.The earth she is totally blurred! You can not really see places! Or is it with the program ganich?? One can see nothing at all really!
Antwort von GhostDog:

hi, you can start Google Earth offline ouch
Antwort von hmm ?:

hmm so I think that google does not earht we hardly get mad beautiful pictures, I now test times, the pure nose worldwind However, there is even better Maybe
Antwort von ineriesierte 13 jährige:

can be synonymous, the tornados and see Harik! only recently has it been one of mexico and so! if you can, can then mia ma iwe someone say it, the aguckt ??!!* very very dear to ask *
Antwort von Mike:

No, you can not, unfortunately, which the data is up to 5 years old, CURRENT data not available.
One reason may be that we photographed for each region needs a fair-weather period, or indeed only see clouds.
Antwort von nindie:

For anyone interested:
Antwort von Alkaemy:

echt super program that makes truly addictive! : D
Here's a German forum on where you can exchange pictures and coordinates: Regards
Alkaemy [/ url]
Antwort von Samy7:

I became synonymous interested to know whether "Google Earth" is available
offline? a) It is not broadcast 24 hours online! (One way is synonymous times.
b) how it should proceed as with the notebook in the car / train / plane?
c) How do I get accomplished in the middle of the desert an Internet if I was not exactly a satellite it?
You could down load the data in advance, then with the laptop + GPS on the road to be.
I do not understand why it should not go?
However, for the program must be synonymous to work offline!
Otherwise, the whole just play!
Antwort von JammyMcCom:

I eahrt google [/ i]
Antwort von hannes:

> You can first download the data down, then with the laptop + GPS on the road to be. I do not understand why it should not go?
Thou canst not intermediate because the amount of data
Antwort von Alpinist:
> You can first download the data down, then with the laptop + GPS on the road to be. I do not understand why it should not go?
Thou canst not intermediate because the amount of data Sure das Engineers at NASA's World Wind is not a problem. I have most of the Alps in the 10 Gb data cache.
Antwort von AndreasBloechl:

Mittlerweilen and which program is better, the thread is already a bit older. I still have a 1.2er Athlon for the Internet, this would be enough with 512 normal memory?
Antwort von tommyB:

Good day
in connection with your reports about Google Earth, I beg to present you the GERMAN GOOGLE EARTH COMMUNITY ©:
Google Earth placemark - Forums and collection, there are now many sites on the Internet.
We, the GERMAN GOOGLE EARTH COMMUNITY © offer a lot more!
Online since July 2005, we were the first German-language website to Google Earth in general.
Our free offer:
Date information, comprehensive accessories and, above all, comprehensive, fast, straightforward and free assistance for handling and use of the software Google Earth and Google SketchUp, and, of course, a large database with thousands of satellites - Photos, called + kmz kml placemarks.
We would be pleased if you visit us again and make himself a Picture about our comprehensive range.
The website of GERMAN GOOGLE EARTH COMMUNITY © please visit:
Thank you and sunny greetings
T. Barz, and the team
Antwort von PowerMac:

(...) The illegal use of the name German Google Earth Community © is prohibited. Illegal use of this name, we pursue all legal recourse in international funds. (...)
Google sued and do not be a "copyright", which contains a registered trade mark?
Antwort von Alpinist:

but this is better here:
"... worldwide are registered with Copyright protected by copyright."
Because someone does not know the difference between trademark and copyright, and threatened with facts that are simply untrue ;-)
Antwort von tommyB:
Illegal use of the name German Google Earth Community © is prohibited ... @ Mountaineer:
Because someone does not know the difference between trademark and copyright, and threatened with facts that are simply untrue .. pretty mental flask, which you let go since.
You can protect worth a tape with copyright. And to say this tape: GERMAN GOOGLE EARTH COMMUNITY ©.
So that one does not infringe any trademark rights;)
So, just think and then write ...
@ + Mountaineer PowerMac: Moreover, whether that is important in connection with the presentation here, I doubt that.
Have once again politically smart, "I-know-what-poster 'synonymous nothing else to do here than on themselves, and if necessary their websites in each signature with allegations that the absolute right to manifest ignorance of drawing attention to ...
So, do not let yourself make fun of such a senseless and postings that have nothing to with the great software and the s.der fun thing to do, visit us time and explore the world with us. It's really fun!
Antwort von Shiwa:

Huhu .. . and I now nen my community synonymous
And then?
Nothing ... because:
GERMAN GOOGLE EARTH COMMUNITY is not subject to copyright and everybody can be called.
So leave out the © is ... quite ridiculous.
Just as your mental effusion
Antwort von Shiwa:
is pretty ridiculous.
Just as your mental effusion here's your nonsense, but whom you described here writing a good job:)
do not let you make a fool of the Hirni dear reader, this is forum where spitzenklasse and the name registered. it can be seen easily if one is clever.
Antwort von almatic:

We say yes, the Forum is not synonymous kacke ...
Here is about something completely different, but you do not you get.
Only then again compared to if I would protect this tape, I got worse:
"German Coca-Cola & Pepsi drinkers community"
And why? Not because Pepsi and Coca-Cola in a sentence but because both are registered names and which one NOT!! without their consents to a protected name / signature / etc. may use again.
If you let the unprotected name, nonetheless, what does das
Also, I want to add me back up the pretty schiwerig before the signature "German xxxx Germany is the world community" to.
Especially proceed legally against someone who is not respected, and eg in the indene Page hosts.
Can not imagine that there is sitting behind a multimillion-dollar company that can financially afford to sue all and every use of the name.
FYI: Google could do it ... but where it is likely no preference, and laugh about something.
Just as we over you.
Antwort von Hamburger:

Hamburg in 3D - madness that goes with everything Google Earth. Here is the report:
Antwort von google earth user:

GE is super. would like to know whether there is an offline version synonymous. Thanks for your reply
Antwort von cstuder:

Yes, there's: Google Earth Enterprise (
For several.
Antwort von roller247:

I think Google Eahrt super
Antwort von roller247:

google has the right s.den recordings which I export? I can picture probably of no interest or use?
Antwort von AndyZZ:
google has the right s.den recordings which I export? I can picture probably of no interest or use? Check a list of the Google Earth website, the licensing terms. There are some premium offerings, which you may then use the material commercially synonymous. That can pay for the course.
Antwort von coolio:

you fat what is happening today or tomorrow in ol