Newsmeldung von slashCAM:High speed slow motion shots
Of thomas - 27 Jun 2005 11:40:00 For a change a few shots as we would like to make it themselves, but can not, unfortunately, without any major investments. For example, recordings exteremer slow motion, as the super-high-speed camera Shimadzu Hyper Vision HPV-1 offers, with up to 1,000,000 frames per second. Online as a demo video are), unfortunately only 3 small clips . Eine Flash-Gallerie schöner Zeitlupen-Videos findet man hier (
( The cameras of Photron reach up to 250,000 frames per second and still one Resolutionvon Beitzen at 10,000 fps 512x512. Several impressive example of clips in bildschirmfüllender PAL-Resolutionfinden sich auf der Page der deutschen Firma slomotec, u.s.of fallenden, kollidierenden Würfeln oder einem Crashtest.
(to the news report
Antwort von Ralf:

A very good link for this is
Antwort von John B.:

Good erla does the corresponding article Wikkipedia the problems of high-speed cameras:
Antwort von ZinA:

gibts synonymous actually a way to slow motion shots synonymous with DV cams to make (that is apart of Software Frameinterpolation a la DynaPel)? may run in parallel several camcorder, and then correct the angle error in the mail?