Newsmeldung von slashCAM:SonyHVR-A1U HDV Preview of thomas - 22 Aug 2005 18:24:00 A small preview of SonyHC poured brother-1 with 1 / 3 inch 3-megapixel CMOS Image Sensor and some professional features (especially the good audio equipment with XLR inputs and balanced audio). The expected price will be in the U.S., probably $ 2700.
to news reporting
Antwort von Tino:

So how big differences between the FX1 and the Z1 camcorder s.dem are now nowhere to be found. I have itself an HC1 and had me anyway ever wonder why people feel the XLR simply can not purchase an essay. I now have s.der HC1 the Sony ECM-S959C and connected the sound is simply great. What is surprising synonymous, by the essay of the A1U is hidden so the photo flash, so the camcorder lacks the flash function. What now, however, is completely incomprehensible why they still synonymous for $ 700 or more euros to pay, is again typical of Sony. I would buy nurnoch the HC1 and then upgraded with the matching accessories, but the ¬ 700 are determined enough.
Gruß Tino
Antwort von Jan:

there are still a parr little things like eg a pro timecode, and who
Uses XLR connectors and has views of the action with a little rough deal,
know this to appreciate. TRS compounds already happened once with a broken cable,
Moreover, there's XLR connectors in many professional audio devices.
About the price you can argue, of course, but HDV is so expensive because of expensive eh Cam, at least 3 gigahertz computer, eg over 500 ¬ program like Vegas.
Zuvergessen and not as a playback device at least 1280x720, such as plasma, LCD or projector So at least HP ready standard.