Newsmeldung von slashCAM: slashCAM back online after 2 days
Of thomas - 10 Aug 2005 11:17:00 We're back. On the night of Sunday, our server suffered a hard-disk crash, and rejected any kind of rescue attempt of the decision. So a new hard drive (after some problems with the provider), new luck. First, however, the whole system of scratch would have to be installed on new, what we have been working day and night. As far as we can overlook, but we have now managed to save all sorts of complications, despite all the data and take over and get running again with all the important functions. (Apart from the mail server, but our webmaster has now an urgent time to sleep, so we again tomorrow during the day via e-mail will be available.) Also the forum is running again.
If we have missed something, so there somewhere, or similar error messages. comes, it would be nice if you would us a message in the forum let them know.
Thank you for your patience synonymous,
Your slashCAM Team
Antwort von Contra Medienwerkstatt:

Congratulations to slashcam-rescue!
We missed you!
crew contra medienwerkstatt ev
robin main floor, executive