Frage von parafoto:
Hello, \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e I once had a Question on you can maybe help me next. I've gained 5 INCH Monitor of the Marshall and have connected it a.meiner Nikon D3s now I have the following problem when I look at the image of the recording and I take a swing I have a jerky image. On camera monitor's image is flawless. what can that be? \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Thanks Adi
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Can not be the A.The D3s the frame rate takes a full 25 fps a.OutPut. I would have to ask. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Best regards \u003cbr /\u003e B. DeKid