Frage von crazy-spy:
s.meinem photo tripod Nivelliereinrichtung missing me or I would like a lighter, smaller photo tripod use for my VX2100. At Manfrotto, I found the following:
Does it work perfectly? How does it work if you do not, as usual, a knob below the head, which can rotate through triggers and then orients the head? Is 10 degrees enough to go out of, right?
Is there something synonymous of other manufacturers, cheaper?
About experiences würd ich mich freuen!
Thank you very much!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So can I recommend
This disc is first screwed to the tripod, head welchn You then use is actually no preference
I take advantage of you actually synonymous panorama and all the other shots and am very happy with it.
Novoflex might even offer alternative but Manfrotto is Meihnung by my standards.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
or ... I would like a lighter, smaller photo tripod for my VX2100 using ... Photo tripods are suitable for the little video! A photo tripod is typically a 3D head, to the mutual adjustment of camera position for a photograph. Pan and tilt are just extremely difficult!
What you need is a video tripod with a video head (fluid head), ideally with bowl for quick and easy leveling of the entire head.
Look here:|86&idx=89
Antwort von crazy-spy:

I am aware, so the Nivellierschale so synonymous in the photo tripod for leveling - a fluid head I have, if synonymous only 501er, but the extent ... so good what bothers me a bit is the size of the video tripods, since I mostly sports and movies much in the terrain bin. Since FOR A 80cm packing Tripod, the 4-5 kilo weighs enormously ... my camera does not even weigh 2 kilos, so I need soein big, heavy tripod are not - hence the option of a new, smaller, lighter tripod Photo (unfortunately there are all somehow just with center column: () with a Nivellierschale and the 501, although the synonymous halt nich very small and compact ...
Have schonmal about NEN Monopod thought, but since I personally do not know whether it really is fit ... It would be ideal, because small, light and stable ... who has really good experience with video and Monopods done?
Thank you,
Antwort von jason:

I have a Linhof Tripod with Quick-closures in Vollalubauweise, which at a height of 165 cm weighs only 1.6 n.netto and the VX2000 including fluid Eiger loose endure. The special is the center column, which in all directions by about 12 degrees and then tilt it arrettieren, also with spirit is lightning fast. I do not know whether it is something still there, if not, would be a search for such a light tripod with swiveling center column is certainly not uninteresting.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... a new, small, easy photo with a tripod ... Nivellierschale ... Look at the times MDEVE series of Manfrotto to This Tripods come your description probably s.nächsten.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von jason:

Thank you Bernd, this is exactly my thing! Thanks for the tip - which are in the jungle, unfortunately, stand down:)
Will probably buy!
Antwort von stef08:

Nochwas: What is of the lighter fluid of Manfrotto heads to keep as a 700RC2? Taugt sowas? As I said: If my 2Kilo VX wear and good to swing, so weitgehenst smoothly to another and be something in the friction adjustable ... the 501er is too big and hard to find ...
Thank you very much!
Antwort von crazy-spy:
... a new, small, easy photo with a tripod ... Nivellierschale ...
Look at the times MDEVE series of Manfrotto to This Tripods come your description probably s.nächsten.
Gruß Bernd E. Has anyone experience with the tripod, especially with the 755er series of MVeDe? How is the stability and durability? If the column design means a weak spot or does it work well?
Thank you very much!