Frage von Bijan:
I have for some time Adobe Premiere Pro CS 4, which I use mainly for the production of sports events. Since you work at the transmitter only with Mac computers and Final Cut a file in Quicktime. Desired mov or (better still) a so-called DV stream with the file extension. Dv
Until recently I worked with Windows Vista 64-bit version that I have to advise on several geupgradet Windows 7 64 bit. Premiere Pro CS 4 is newly installed and much to my surprise I can not create quick time mov files, ((
How can it be that the Media Encoder suddenly no longer offers Quicktime MOV?
I have to upgrade before synonymous in the near future to the Premium Collection CS 5th Does anyone know if the media encoder premiere of CS 5 per synonymous Quicktime format and / or so-called DV stream (. Dv) offers?
Greeting Bijan
Antwort von benito:

I may be wrong, but I think it might be darann that you need to install Quicktime on your new system easy.
The codecs for Quick Time programs are often not (or never?) At. Adjusts the small, mostly by himself and pulls Quicktime installed.
I hope I have now told no bullshit, but it is indeed worth a try right? ;)