Frage von stiv:
I have a serious problem with my camcorder Sharp VL-Z3S!
I just can not dub over the video to firewire.
A USB drivers had been here, that of card I can download pictures ... but who wants pictures?
Do I need any extra drivers, if I want to use the DV output?
My firewire s.Computer is apparently active, but it did not synonymous with one another to test the device.
I'm up now with Windows Movie Maker and AVI video capture tasted. Both have found no cam :-(
What do I do wrong? Windows XP should recognize the device is not auto?
Please help me .... I'm s.verzweifeln!
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

Windows should recognize the Firewire auto. Mal Go to Pinnacle Studio9 or Vegas Video, where you can free download a demo version of the firewire support to make it synonymous with a try to other software.
We the firewire angeseigt under Control Panel / Network Connections?
Antwort von stiv:

erstmal thanks for the reply. Wow look here Pinnacle Studio 9 for free to ...
In the Network Connections Firewire is not listed by the way!
Is it that? If so, how shall I set up then? I even got a connection.
Schonmal Thanks for any help :-)
Antwort von Markus:

You have not accidentally install the Service Pack 2 (SP2)? For that is notorious for errors like this.
See synonymous:
Ist das Service Pack 2 daran schuld?
If FireWire does not (properly)
Antwort von WeiZen:

from the Canopus forum
The link can only follow if one is filed there.
Antwort von alannah12:

If the Firewire in the Sytemsteuerung does not appear, look in Device Manager if it is available there. (Control Panel / Performance and Wartung/System/Hardware/Gerätemanager/IEEE1394 If so, please, and delete them, restart your PC. Windows XP should now recognize this when restarting and re-install.