Frage von CoconutArt:
I have a Canon HV40 and the videotape had already been imported into Premiere. However, I've got great sound problems, the first 3 minutes the sound is original and the rest of the tape has no sound.
I've synonymous tried to transfer the tape in some sequences, but without success.
Does anybody know where the problem might lie?
Thanks before,
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi CoconutArt,
the tape in the camcorder when you play, you've got there sound? What program you've recorded the material? What sort of material is, DV, HDV? Can you ever try to play the files with another program / player and when to test the sound (Windows Media Player can both synonymous HDV DV) to play files.
Gruss Jörg-Emil
Antwort von CoconutArt:

Thanks for your quick response.
Yes the camcorder is running the sound. I played it with Premiere CS3.
Did I forget to write. There are around HDV footage and synonymous with the Media Player and VLC Player sound works.
Have now run out of ideas why this is, this is not a sound in Schnittporgramm there.
Antwort von joerg-emil:

mmhhh .... .... then I know next but not synonymous, with do not know me from premiere and since seems to be the hare in pepper ... the files are indeed seems ok .... because I would exceed try again the following:
When capturing of many video editing programs are often the same program-files created in the same folder. These are eg the waveform of the audio track and save other parameters. Are these files for some reason when capturing errors created, the movie file of the program in question are not handled correctly.
A strange program does not know the program-specific files and can play the movies without problems. Guck dir mal the folder of your gecapturten Movies s.and delete all files that are not MPEG2 or audio. Then import the movies back in Premiere ...