Frage von Roter:
I have a small problem. When I am in Adobe Premiere Pro is an Mpeg2 video (with sound) and import in the preview window, click "Play" press, the movie plays perfectly with sound - perfect. But once I movie in the timeline and drag in the standard timeline to play while I go see the movie but there is no sound available. Even when you export as Adobe writes a *. m2v file and a *. wav file. Wav-file when I open it, the film (eg 50 min) length, but there is no sound available.
In Adobe is in the timeline below Audio1 the audio track (if I) moved the movie into the timeline was, but if you look closely at the track is located in the "wave of ad" just a dash no audio waves - thus no sound.
Do I have to do with the movie before or anything or any settings are incorrect. Would be super if someone could help me - I really do not know next.
Antwort von jasmin61:

times 2 Einstellugnen look for:
1.File> Export> Export Movie enabled> checkmark next to Audio?
2.Ist the Timeline of the small speaker in the audio track turned on?
Antwort von Roter:

Thanks for your answer.
Unfortunately, I have reviewed both of these settings already.
The hook is set and audio is enabled synonymous with the icon.
When I drag the movie into a video timeline - and created a soundtrack, but unfortunately is on the soundtrack to hear nothing. Adobe Premiere has problems, perhaps in order to separate the video - and soundtrack?
Antwort von Stefan:

Pragmatic solution if time is short:
The soundtrack will walk into another program to WAV (for example, VirtualDub-MPEG2 Of Fcchandler) and together with the import / MPEG2 videos in AP. The silent soundtrack away you schmeisst and link the new WAV soundtrack with the video portion, so that everything stays nice synchronously. If you have a few source files, not the cost very high.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von MiXMaster:

Super ... Thank you, I'm going to try.
Is it possible to separate synonymous with AP, the audio tracks?
What's there still for Programs to separate video and sound?
Antwort von jasmin61:

Yes this is possible, with separate right in the timeline to the clip, and audio and video here.
Antwort von Stefan:
Super ... Thank you, I'm going to try.
Is it possible to separate synonymous with AP, the audio tracks?
What's there still for Programs to separate video and sound? Radio Yerevan: In principle yes, see Jasmin and my answer. But that brings you nothing, because the separation is done on the timeline and right there with you, the soundtrack is not in order. You would only export a silent WAV file ...
Synonymous You can use the Micro $ soft tool Graphedit of the DirectX package for it. You then need to place the Direct Sound Playback a File Writer filter mount filter for WAV. Graphedit there except for Micro $ soft as synonymous with Before you rush off to download ... the handling / Help / Instructions is as hardcore as I've described it here. You need to know what to do or to bring patience, in order to reinzufuxen ;-)
Good luck
The fat Stefan