Frage von Ferdi:
I have my old Premiere 6.0 on my laptop with Windows Vista installed. It was reported the following error: Microsoft DirectShow Media Runtime: Internal error in the installation program.
Now I see imported AVI movies not in the monitor window. Is there a connection? Does Premiere 6.0 on Windows Vista?
Antwort von tommyb:

Absolutely possible. The DirectShow interface is very common in Windows used to display video - synonymous in your case. During installation, there was apparently a mistake, so just show the direct function of the monitor in Premiere was not installed.
A newer version or a possible patch (; customer service!) Could bring redress.
Antwort von Ferdi:

I have on my PC now a trial version of Premiere Pro CS 4 installed. This works without problem. How do I probably s.günstigsten to this version?
Antwort von tommyb:

Educational Edition should be cheap enough ...